Marina dissimulyng the matter, procured to knowe what they were that had conspired the thing, and hauing knowledge therof, she ranne to séeke Aguillar hir fellow interpreter, and both togither enformed Cortes of the whole matter.
The Indians sente vnto the Spanyardes cakes of breade, Gynnea cockes and Cherries.
It was reported that they were taxed what they shoulde eate, and all the residue was taken from them.
But this messenger taried but a small while vpon his voyage, and saw but little of Yucatan, and not fynding Grijalua, he returned backe againe to Cuba, which returne happed not wel for the gouernour nor yet for Grijalua.
Others doe affirme, that Mexico hathe his name of a more auntiente time, whose firste founders were called Mexiti, for vnto this day the Indian dwellers in one strete of this citie are called of Mexica.
Likewyse is to bée considered, the straungenesse of their battayle, for not withstandyng their controuersse all those fiftene dayes that they were there, whether they fought or no.
Yet with the fall he fell into a grieuous Ague, and continued sicke for a long season, so that he could not procéede vppon his voyage with the gouernour Ouando.
The nexte day in the morning the Spaniardes came to Chololla, and there came out néere .
The Indians naturall of that countrey do cal their Ilande Acusamil, & corruptlye Cosumel.
There are at the least two thousande Citizens, that haue each of them his horse in his stable, with riche furniture for them.
Therfore he was a pricasour aright; Grehoundes he hadde, as swifte as fowel in flight; 190 Of priking and of hunting for the hare Was al his lust, for no cost wolde he spare.
Tho fame with hire swifte wynges Aboute flyh and bar tidinges, And made it cowth in alle londes How that Horestes with hise hondes 2110 Climestre his oghne Moder slowh.
Characterie, an Arte of shorte, swifte and secrete Writing by Character.
This Lino swifte was, and light of fote, (150) And from his wyf he ran a ful good pas.
He refers to the passage which he himself thus translates: 'I have, forsothe, swifte fetheres that surmounten the heighte of the hevene.
Alle thys espy'd his young foote page, From the hille whereon he stode; And soone hath hee mounted a swifte swifte steede, And soone from the moore hath rode.
He was now, so Mr. Swifte added, changed almost beyond recognition, and died the following day.
Swifte saw the man in the guard-house after the incident, when he lay prostrated with terror, and two or three days later the poor sentry was dead.
Edmund Swifte tells a story of an animal ghost in the Tower, which appeared while he was keeper of the Crown Jewels.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swifte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.