Elijah told me last week as he did n't believe he'd ever seen the sun rise an' I was just enough out of sorts to think as to-day would be a good time for him to begin to turn over a new leaf as far as the sunrise was concerned.
We had breakfast with a candle, an' then Elijah was so tired lookin' out for the sunrise that he looked in at his watch an' see as it was only quarter to four then.
The next morning at sunrise Moannah came on board with a message from Tinah to acquaint me that he was mattow (afraid to see me) till he had recovered some things that had been stolen from the ship and which he had sent after.
This morning being sunrise I embarked on board the Vlydte packet commanded by Captain Peter Couvret, bound for Middleburgh.
The weather being fine I invited Tinah, Oreepyah, and Poeeno, to accompany me to Tettaha in order to enquire after the cow; and soon after sunrise we set off in the launch.
Bahadur Shah, toothless, feeble-kneed, a puppet in the hands of the Feringhis, doing nought from sunrise to sunset but invent foolish verses.
I would as quickly deprive my own son of my support as I would you just at this time, my poor boy; but whether my conscience will permit me to let Daphne remain near you only grant me, I repeat it, until sunrise to-morrow for reflection.
At the third hour after sunrise a distinguished assemblage of people gathered at the landing place east of the Temple of Poseidon in the great harbour of Alexandria.
The young man awoke before sunrise the next morning, and started onward without attempting to negotiate for breakfast with his surly host.
Then he remembered a curious trick of refracted light he had once seen in the sunrise on Mount Washington, and suddenly he found himself asking Miss Denham if she were acquainted with the interior of New Hampshire.
In a rock-walled gulch, far above the head of Sunrise Cañon, a fire was burning, its thin smoke streamer riding on a vagrant breeze.
If we can make Sunrise Cañon Trail we can lose 'em in the mountains--that is if you want to lose 'em.
It was covered with clumps of trees at intervals, that reached to the dark, narrow opening in the mountains, marking the entrance to Sunrise Cañon and the trail to the fastnesses of the higher hills.
In some parts of Mecklenburg it is customary to beat the cattle before sunrise on the morning of Good Friday with rods of buckthorn, which are afterwards concealed in some secret place where neither sun nor moon can shine on them.
Or you need only place the knotted thread beforesunrise in the spout of a pump; the next person who works the pump will be sure to get your warts.
Thus in Mecklenburg a remedy for fever is to go before sunrise to a willow-tree and tie as many knots in one of its branches as the fever has lasted days; but going and coming you must be careful not to speak a word.
Towards sunrise a mist settled upon the outskirts, and suddenly through its folds we could hear the music of the Marseillaise making its way clearly and distinctly from the district of the Tharanderstrasse.
On recognising where I was, I at once realised and grew ever more convinced of the fact that this morning's sunrise marked the starting-point of an infinitely momentous period of my life.
The next morning at sunrise our riding camels were ready, and Dr.
Thank God, the darkness of the night helped us to pass through the enemy's country unobserved, and by sunrise we had reached the southwestern boundary of the Maalia country.
At sunrise the next morning we reached the Abu Haraz wells, which we found deserted.
At sunrise one morning, Khaled found his camp completely encircled by Abu Anga's troops, who were prepared to carry out his instructions, should the slightest opposition be made.
At sunrise the following morning I saw the first signs of the enemy at the edge of the forest to the south.
In spite of their undoubted innocence, Khaled ordered them, as well as Darho and his friends, to be shot dead at sunrise the following morning; but this sentence was not allowed to be publicly known.
We had to start off before sunrise the next morning, as the Sheikh told us that when the sun was up the bees would probably attack us.
In continuation of my imaginary scheme, I ordered my servant Ahmed to meet me the next day atsunrise at the north end of the city, near the Fur quarter, with my mule.
Although utterly exhausted, we did not dare to halt till sunset; and, surrounding ourselves with a light zariba, we passed a quiet night, and started off again at sunrise the next morning.
At sunrise we reached Wadi Bishara, a valley extending here to a breadth of about three miles, which is sown in the rainy season with millet by the Jaalin tribes who live along the Nile.
To-morrow at sunrise he and the squaw were to go away, and long he lay awake, thinking, thinking.
The fury of the elements was unabated and they buffeted him; but he looked around and saw the grey daylight illuminating the snow-fog, and he knew that though sunrise was near it was not yet.
Them 'patch' winds at sunrise an' sunset ain't sent fer nothin'.
We had seen The sunset, with its bars of purple cloud, Like a new heaven, shine upward from the lake Of Winnepiseogee; and had felt The sunrise breezes, midst the leafy isles Which stoop their summer beauty to the lips Of the bright waters.
The long, bright days of summer swiftly passed, The dry leaves whirled in autumn's rising blast, And evening cloud and whitening sunrise rime Told of the coming of the winter-time.
But the brilliant sunrise was presently dimmed by gathering clouds.
They agreed that the one who, at any hour after sunrise the next day, should accept any thing from the other--the giver at the same time saying "Philopena!
It appears east of the meridian before sunrise and as the crescent grows thinner it draws nearer and nearer to the eastern horizon and the rising sun.
Sunrise and sunset colors are then particularly gorgeous, with reds predominating.
It will always be seen in the west after sunset or in the east before sunrise and it is never seen more than three hours before or after the sun.
Since The Hyades set just after the sun in the showery springtime and just before sunrise in the stormy days of late fall, they were always associated with rain.
A marking that stands out in bold relief at lunar sunrise or sunset will change entirely in appearance a few days later under a high sun or even disappear from view entirely.
Upper Egypt were oriented so as to show Canopus at sunrise at the autumnal equinox, and other temples erected many centuries later were oriented in a similar manner.
There was a converted Jew up there on the mountain that spoke in the sunrise meeting.
Cousin Frank was so interested in the Jew who spoke at the sunrise meeting yesterday, because he said a little Junior League girl had been the means of his conversion, that he arranged for an interview with him.
All that day, after the sunrise meeting, David Herschel had been with Major Herrick, going over the battle-fields, and listening to personal reminiscences of desperate engagements.
Come, thou who art my daydawn and my sight, Sweet eyes, come close, and make the sunrise mine!
Look up, my heart, from every hill In folds of rose and daffodil The sunrise banners flow.
At sunrise she had been still treading gayly the primrose path of childhood; at sunset she had entered upon her heritage of womanhood.
From sunrise to sunset often no face was seen other than those of their own outfit.
In a general way, the influence of "sunrise slumber" on mother and child may be summarized as follows: 1.
It is our custom to begin "sunrise slumber" as soon as the uterine contractions become painful.
In order to give the reader a complete understanding of "painless labor," it will be necessary to give attention to that newer and more safe method of obstetric anesthesia called "sunrise slumber.
Safa, Parted from the land about an hour after sunrise and proceeded on our voyage, which was, if possible, still more agreeable than that of yesterday.
We stayed near the well till about sunset, when we resumed our travel, and at about three hours after sunrise on the morning of the 10th, came to a rock in a sandy plain, where the conductor of the caravan ordered a halt.
Four hours after sunrise we came to a valley, where there was here and there some herbs of the desert, where we stopped to let the camels eat, they having fasted since we left El Medina.
About two hours after sunrise we left the shore with a fair and fresh breeze.
At sunriseleft the land with a fair and strong wind, and proceeded up the river with rapidity.
We threw ourselves on the ground to sleep a few hours, but by sunrise we were called to mount and away.
About three hours after sunrise came in view of the ruins of an ancient temple on the west bank.
At sunrise of the sixth day of the moon we again mounted, and set forward in a direction nearly East.
Next morning at sunrise they carefully collected the ashes, and threw them into the running water of the Roeten brook.
The ashes were carefully collected and thrown away at sunrise in running water.
On a Saturday morning before sunrise the village drummer gives the signal to put out every fire in the village; even smoking is forbidden.