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Example sentences for "sunrises"

Lexicographically close words:
sunning; sunny; suno; sunrays; sunrise; sunrising; suns; sunset; sunsets; sunshade
  1. They dream of appearance in disappearance; of triumph in surrender; of sunrises in the sunset.

  2. And passing he continues to dream of "appearance in the disappearance; of truth in the surrender; of sunrises in the sunset.

  3. Willems watched the succeeding sunrises wondering dismally whether before the evening some change would occur in the deadly dullness of his life.

  4. And I know Anglo-Saxon and Chemistry and Hindoo History and Sunrises and Sunsets and Mountains and Moose, and such things.

  5. No artist's imaginative brush ever pictured such gorgeous sunsets and sunrises as Nature painted for us here on the Great Lake of the Indians.

  6. The same brilliant sunsets and sunrises occurred in different parts of the world after the eruption of Coseguina, due to the presence of large quantities of volcanic dust that followed the great eruption of Krakatoa.

  7. Moreover, as in the case of the eruption of Krakatoa, there were the same after glows or red sunsets and sunrises due to the presence of fine volcanic dust in the higher regions of the air.

  8. The unclouded sunsets and sunrises which often follow one another in September in the Alps, have something terrible.

  9. It is less strange that Chaucer's sunrises should bear a certain resemblance to other sunrises, than that his men and women should be so strikingly individual.

  10. Yet, even so, compare two or three of his sunrises together, and see how great is their variety in uniformity.

  11. The freshness and variety of the sunrises in the "Decameron" is equalled only by the bald brevity with which the author despatches eventide, which he connects mainly with supper, a little dancing or music, and bed.

  12. A small window looks on the lake, and the glories of the sunrises which I see from it are indescribable.

  13. From Pippa's sunrise to the sunrises of mornings when his life drew towards its close, Browning lavished his praise upon the scenery of the sky.

  14. Mild, starlit nights followed the soft evenings, and dazzling sunrises commenced the glorious days.

  15. Over the sky crept a faint, tender tinge of pink, and the brilliant dawn seemed strange and unnatural to her, as she wondered how such glorious sunrises could illumine a world in which there was no joy or happiness.

  16. One does not miss sunrises on the Nile, if one cares for sunrises anywhere.

  17. The sky was flushed with rosy clouds, the forerunners of one of the most beautiful sunrises imaginable.

  18. The heat is intense, and we all sleep on deck at night; the sunrises and sunsets are magnificent.

  19. Sunrises in the Alps are quite as glorious to behold as sunsets; but comparatively few people rise early enough to see them.

  20. Speaking generally, it may be said that in Alpine sunrises the prevailing colours are orange and gold, in sunsets crimson or violet-pink.

  21. I had myself called with the four o'clock watch, mornings, for one cannot see too many summer sunrises on the Mississippi.

  22. The sunrises are also said to be exceedingly fine.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sunrises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.