There are to-day in the city probably 3,000 sufferers in a sufficiently advanced stage to be a peril to all with whom they come into contact.
He also inaugurated and acted as treasurer of a national fund for the relief of sufferers by the war.
The sufferers are these who spin it and weave it and colour it, and the wretched beings who cover with it those bodies which, as in the time of old Fortescue, ought to be "clothed throughout in good woollens.
The Princess had long wished to see the Hospital, and attention was then recalled to it by the announcement of the reception there of the sufferers from the Fenian outrage at Clerkenwell.
I came here, and found that the sufferers were receiving every possible attention.
The Royal visitors had the opportunity of seeing all the Clerkenwell sufferers and of expressing their sympathy with them.
There are only too many sufferers to whom it is irksome to be questioned about their hours of sleeplessness, or who do not choose to have it known that they have not slept.
I assure you, you are not the only sufferers by this extraordinary circumstance of Mr Walcot's arrival.
During the long hours there was much to do--three sufferers at once requiring her cares; and amidst all that she did, she was sustained by the thought that she had seen Philip, and that he was near.
The safest and best of all occupations for such sufferers as are fit for it, is intercourse with young children.
Hester's vexation had passed away, and she was unconscious, as sufferers of her class usually are, of the disturbance she had caused.
There were dreadfully destructive fires at Blandford and Tiverton in 1731; the sufferers from which received unusual commiseration from the whole kingdom, and large subscriptions.
In order to join contumely to cruelty, they gave the sufferers the epithet of "scandalous," and endeavored to render them as odious as they were miserable.
The astonishing greatness of the calamity deprived the sufferers of any relief from the view of companions in affliction.
I have abundant evidence that melancholia sufferers can be restored to peace, efficiency and poise, by proper thought direction, and by proper physical employment.
Little Spencer Nelson had the right idea of charity: definite, immediate help to those he could reach right where he was, rather than sending money to sufferers far, far away.
I've been in shadowland in the hospital to see for myself the actual help that mental control will bring to sufferers and the evidence is far above my powers to describe.
So the sufferers received this as a remedy, learning not to despise the old man's words, but rather to keep up heart; and those who were cured learned not to bless Antony, but God alone.
Many sufferers in body who were present did the Lord heal by him; and others he purged from daemons.
The sufferers in this prolonged sickness wasted to a skeleton, with no great heat or evacuations to account for the wasting.
The poor were the chief sufferers by it; and it was much more fatal amongst the middling and upper classes in proportion to the number attacked.
But we must live much in fellowship with the Lord of all the meek and the pattern of all patient sufferers and faithful witnesses, if we are ever to be like Him, or even like His pale shadow as seen in this meek prophet.
There is a man in Paris that says he has found a cure for that horrible disease of hydrophobia, and who therefore regards the poor sufferers of whom others despair as not beyond the reach of hope.
His miracles were not easy, though He had all power, for He felt all that the sufferers felt, by the identifying power of the unparalleled sympathy of a pure nature.
In that region His pain on account of the sufferers stood in vital relation with His power to end their sufferings.
The savage, the Negro, the peasant, the slum dwellers, and the white woman are notable sufferers by exclusion.
But the women are not the only sufferers through these wretched domestic arrangements.
Many sufferers in body, who were present, did the Lord heal by him.
These people were greater sufferers than our villagers, but we could only help them by a subscription to replace their losses.
On the following Sunday, collections were made in cantonment churches, for the purposes of a fund being raised wherewith to aidsufferers by the present rebellion.
In obedience to orders, I visited a camp situated a few miles from the city of Madras for the reception and care of sufferers from the famine, the object being the somewhat technical one of making a report on the phenomena of starvation.
Indeed the greatest firmness and forbearance were necessary on our part to prevent the unfortunate sufferers from committing fatal excesses.
The night wore heavily on; sleepless sufferers were around me, and I myself began to feel very anxious as to what the next day might bring.
York party, as they were the principal sufferers by the resumption, thought it chiefly levelled against them.
Among the sufferers in this disturbance was a young farmer of Ohio, I think, who was proceeding to New-Orleans on business, and was merely resting on the eastern bank of the river on his way.
Such sufferers are apt to allure the observer, by means of his tenderest sympathies, into the imaginative regions of philosophy.
Copious accounts have been given of three sufferers of this class; and a fourth, Hannah Lamb, who was accidentally burned to death in London at the age of nine years, has been mentioned in print.
But the finger-alphabet is not yet practised, or likely to be practised beyond the sufferers themselves and their teachers and families; and before a deaf and dumb child can be taught reading and writing, the mischief to his mind is done.
The generosity of American society, already so active and extensive, will continue to be exerted in behalf of sufferers from the privation of the senses, till all who need it will be comprehended in its care.
It was a weary march for sufferers who carried such heavy hearts into so horrible a captivity.
Indeed it is a heavy debt of gratitude the sufferers from Sexual Disease and Weakness owe to +Professor Jean Civiale+--greatest of all French savants!
Then will you pity their ignorance and bemoan the fact that to such men must sufferers in your terrible extremity apply without any feeling of being understood, appreciated or sympathized with, and, far less, relieved or cured.
No man (or woman either) could be injured by it, and many weak and impotent sufferers will find in its use health, strength and bodily and mental vigor.
It was the custom of the daughters of Jerusalem, who lamented Him as He went, to provide a stupefying draught for the sufferers of this atrocious cruelty.
It seemed to them that His Eloi might indeed bring Elias, and the great and notable day, and they were willing to relieve the thirst which no stoical hardness forbade that gentlest of all sufferers to confess.
This satanic idea was executed with the design of tantalising the sufferers in their dying hours, with the sight of that element the want of which would soon cause them the most acute anguish.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sufferers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.