The Subscriber continues his establishment at Helensburgh Baths, the same as for years past, and a vessel will be in readiness to convey passengers in the Comet from Greenock to Helensburgh.
Sir William Hillary was not a talker or subscriber merely, but had been personally active in saving life.
Lord Chamberlain or by the local magistrates, was eligible to receive the benefits of the fund, but no member had a claim unless he had been a subscriber for seven years.
Grace having been sung after dinner the Prince gave "The Health of Her Majesty the Queen," the patroness of this institution, and an annual subscriber to its funds.
If the subscriber does not like one newspaper, he takes another, or none.
I wonder Mandeville does n't marry, and become a permanent subscriber to his embodied idea of a newspaper.
The notion that the subscriber has a right to interfere in the conduct of the paper, or the reader to direct its opinions, is based on a misconception of what the newspaper is.
Between this see-saw of the necessary subscriber and the necessary advertiser, a good many newspapers go down.
And I verily believe any office might undertake to demand at all adventures not above 6 pounds per annum, and secure the subscriber 500 pounds in case she come to claim as a widow.
OUR OFFER:= To any Present subscriberwho will send us THREE NEW Yearly subscribers, with the $3.
In the same paper we have a notice bearing his signature, announcing that "the subscriber has a considerable number of fat cattle running at large between the town and the Humber.
It appropriately illustrates the following one: "Run away from the subscriber on Tuesday, the 25th ult.
Whoever will give such information and evidence as may lead to the discovery of the Thieves shall receive from the subscriber the above reward upon conviction of any of the delinquents.
It says: "The Subscriber informs all those indebted to him by note or book, to make payment by the 20th September next, or he will be under the disagreeable necessity of putting them into the hands of an attorney.
The subscriber intends to deliver a course of Popular Lectures on Natural Philosophy, to commence on Tuesday, the 17th inst.
Persons willing to supply the Canada Steam-packet with dry pine for the ensuing season of 1829, will please make application immediately to the subscriber for the contract.
The Subscriber has reserved a Lot of Ground of One Hundred Feet front, by Two Hundred Feet in the rear, on George Street, for a Market Place, to be given for that purpose.
Whitchurch, on the east side of Yonge Street, containing 380 acres of land: a deed in fee simple will be given by the subscriber to any person inclined to purchase.
For further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the former premises, or the printer hereof.
The combined opportunity which both publisher and subscriber now enjoy in country sections reached by rural delivery and the use made of it is forcibly illustrated in a recent statement published in a South Dakota paper.
If a newspaper began to arrive at the office in the course of the post office quarter, deputy postmasters should demand postage in advance of the subscriber up to the end of that quarter.
The subscriber will send to any part of the United States and Canada, a paper of the seeds of the above superior Onion, on the receipt of ten cents (one dime.
If a publishing clerk omits to address a newspaper to a subscriber, it is the fault of the man I intend to toast that the subscriber does not get his paper.
Each subscriber will be allowed to carry, at his or her sole and exclusive risk, a basket, not exceeding 28 lbs.
He mentioned that he was formerly a subscriberto the Emancipator, but they had stopped it, and he had taken them in its place.
Witness was not a subscriber for the Emancipator, though he understood one of the numbers in court was addressed to him.
He recollected that Crandall said he had been a subscriber to some of the abolition publications.
The subscriber has established an agency at his warehouse, 12 Platt street, New York, for the protection and general advancement of the rights and interests of Inventors and Patentees.
The subscriber takes this method of informing the public that he is manufacturing Copper Work of every description.
The subscriber offers for sale, in lots to suit purchasers, a superior article of BLACK LEAD POTS, that can be used without annealing.
It is all very well to threaten; but my impression is that any member of Town Council or any individual of Philadelphia who attempts to do such a thing will be lynched by the first telephone subscriber he meets.
At this meeting a copy of the book, still sealed, was offered for sale, and bought by a non-subscriber for the unprecedented price of one hundred and fifty dollars.
When the Procrustes was ready for distribution, each subscriber received his copy by mail, in a neat pasteboard box.
The subscriber will also receive and sell on consignment any Negro that may be intrusted to his care.
The subscriber has always on hand a number of Slaves, consisting of House Servants, Field Hands, and Mechanics, which will be sold low for cash or negotiable paper.
When no time is specified, it will be understood that the subscriber desires to commence with the Number issued after the receipt of the order.
If anysubscriber to this journal expects us to give our aid or countenance to rebellion[154] against the government, he will be disappointed.
But the subscriber is advised to remit in advance, as he will thus have to pay the express company only for carriage, and not its charge for collecting the bill.
The books in each case will be sent by express, the subscriber to pay expressage.
It is good for its face in the hands of any person who performs the work indicated, whether said person is a subscriber or not.
And when John called on Fannie the next morning, Mr. Bulger had taken a train for Suez, expecting to return in three days subscriber for all the land company's stock left untaken through the prudence of the younger Fair.
Every book corresponds with above description or the subscriber is not bound to take it.
Ran away from the subscriber on Saturday night, Negro Man JIM BELLE.
Left the Tobacco Factory of the subscriberon the 14th inst.
Hour after hour I pondered over that list, "sizing up" each subscriber and questioning what his financial condition might be.
Already "Standard Oil" had laid its hands on the amount each subscriber had paid in, which represented twenty-five per cent.
The fraud thus perpetrated amounts to this: Every subscriber legally entitled to three shares of Amalgamated stock was deprived of two of them by the National City Bank, and the proof is to be found in the books of said National City Bank.
To effect this they decided to allot each subscriber just the number of shares of Amalgamated necessary to render the amount of money accompanying his subscription equal to about a twenty-five or thirty per cent.
Each subscriber will be allotted fifteen to twenty per cent.