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Example sentences for "subiect"

Lexicographically close words:
subgenus; subglacial; subglobose; subgroup; subgroups; subiecte; subiected; subiectes; subiection; subiects
  1. We have the selfe-same passages for Nature With mortall men; our pulses beate like theirs: We are subiect unto passions as they are.

  2. It was a long time subiect vnto the Romans, after to the Persians, and to the Soldan of Ægypt.

  3. Thus by the aforesayd course we shall trade quietly, and not be subiect to these dangers.

  4. Sea much Corall, and we saw likewise Sardinia, which is an Iland subiect to Spaine.

  5. Podolia, subiect to the king of Poland: this is one of the strongest Townes by nature and situation that can be seene.

  6. Halberstat, which is a great towne subiect to the bishop of that towne.

  7. Assignes to the supplicant for the subiect of his publick examination.

  8. We might easily discover that basenese we are so subiect to in detracting from what al others do'es but ourselves in that groundless censur of many things in this harangue which our Alex'r had wt another of his partizans.

  9. Chrysostome compareth Customes to a King,[25] and Edicts to a Tyrant; because we are subiect voluntarily to the one, but by constraint and vpon necessitie to the other.

  10. But especially the King of France was most subiect to harme; for that his countrey was the more ample, open and rich.

  11. Sir, by your patience, I hold you but a subiect of this Warre, Not as a Brother Reg.

  12. Say, I her Soueraigne, am her Subiect low Qu.

  13. O, let me haue no subiect enemies, When aduerse Forreyners affright my Townes With dreadfull pompe of stout inuasion.

  14. I am th' vnhappy subiect of these quarrels Por.

  15. The greatest Monarch now aliue may glory In such an honour: how may I deserue it, That am a poore and humble Subiect to you?

  16. No, pardon: 'Tis a secret must bee lockt within the teeth and the lippes: but this I can let you vnderstand, the greater file of the subiect held the Duke to be wise Duke.

  17. Most subiect is the fattest Soyle to Weedes: And hee (the Noble Image of my Youth) Is ouer-spread with them: therefore my griefe Stretches it selfe beyond the howre of death.

  18. Sir Richard Ratcliffe, let me tell thee this, To day shalt thou behold a Subiect die, For Truth, for Dutie, and for Loyaltie Grey.

  19. What Subiect can giue Sentence on his King?

  20. The custom of Grauelkynde is generall, and spreadeth itselfe throughout the whole shyre, into all landes subiect by auncient tenure vnto the same, such places onely excepted, where it is altered by acte of parleament.

  21. And if we wil beholde somewhat neerely, and consider the seruitude of Princes, and the liberty of Subiectes, we shall finde that he which hath most to doe in the Realme, or beareth greatest swinge, is most subiect to Thraldome.

  22. No, no, so long as this imperiall crowne shal rest on royal head, no subiect by any curteous deede of his, shal straine vnwilling mynde, which mente it not before.

  23. If then such a Iudge and Guide doe order and dispose my life, why should I be afrayd of them that be subiect vnto his iudgement?

  24. Sweet Clifford heare me speake, before I dye: I am too meane a subiect for thy Wrath, Be thou reueng'd on men, and let me liue Clifford.

  25. To helpe King Edward in his time of storme, As euery loyall Subiect ought to doe Edw.

  26. Tis better said then done, my gracious Lord: I am a subiect fit to ieast withall, But farre vnfit to be a Soueraigne King.

  27. Thou art no Atlas for so great a weight: And Weakeling, Warwicke takes his gift againe, And Henry is my King, Warwicke his Subiect Edw.

  28. That's soone perform'd, because I am a Subiect King.

  29. Neuer did faithfull subiect more reioyce At the discouery of most dangerous Treason, Then I do at this houre ioy ore my selfe, Preuented from a damned enterprize; My fault, but not my body, pardon Soueraigne King.

  30. We are no Tyrant, but a Christian King, Vnto whose grace our passion is as subiect As is our wretches fettred in our prisons, Therefore with franke and with vncurbed plainnesse, Tell vs the Dolphins minde Amb.

  31. O hard Condition, Twin-borne with Greatnesse, Subiect to the breath of euery foole, whose sence No more can feele, but his owne wringing.

  32. He repaired the third part of Tine bridge next vnto the south, which he might well doo; for he was accompted the richest subiect through the realme.

  33. Yorke should be euer subiect to the archbishop of Canturburie, and come with all the bishops of his prouince to what place soeuer the archbishop of Canturburie should summon any councell within the realme of England.

  34. Nobilitie as the Commonaltie were without respect made subiect to the intollerable bondage of the Normans, taking an occasion by the perill and danger that their neighbours were in, to prouide for the safegard of themselues and their countrie.

  35. He procedeth further saying: women are commanded to be subiect to men by the lawe of nature, because that man is the author or beginner of the woman: for as Christ is the head of the churche, so is man of the woman.

  36. For the contrarie sentence hath he pronounced in these wordes[29]: Thy will shall be subiect to thy husband, and he shall beare dominion ouer the.

  37. For in the there is nether reason nor discretion, whiche be able to moderate thy affections, and therfore they shall, be subiect to the desire of thy man.

  38. But the same power is not permitted to man, whom he hath made subiect to his lawe, and not to the examples of fathers.

  39. And howe that woman oght to obey man, he speaketh yet more clearlie in these words: the woman shalbe subiect to man as vnto Christ.

  40. From Christ, the church toke beginning, and therfore it is subiect vnto him: euen so did woman take beginning from man, that she shuld be subiect.

  41. And yet he procedeth further in the same place saying[53]: It is shame for them to presume to speake of the lawe in the house of the Lord, who hath commanded them to be subiect to their men.

  42. He also tooke the towne of Baugencie, suffering euerie man which would become subiect to the king of England, to inioie their lands and goods.

  43. For falshood now doth flow, and subiect faith doth ebbe, Which would not be, if reason rul'd or widsome wev'd the webbe.

  44. And yet peraduenture not altogether so, but that euery mans stile is for the most part according to the matter and subiect of the writer, or so ought to be and conformable thereunto.

  45. The subiect or matter of Poesie, what it is.

  46. And makes eche subiect clearley see, What he is bounden for to be To God his Prince and common wealth, His neighbour, kinred and to himselfe.

  47. It is therefore of Poets thus to be conceiued, that if they be able to deuise and make all these things of them selues, without any subiect of veritie, that they be (by maner of speech) as creating gods.

  48. Guydo being of the Image of the Emperours of Constantinople, and is subiect vnto the Tartars.

  49. The mother of Mengu was named Seroctan, and of all others most honoured among the Tartars, except the Emperors mother, and mightier than any subiect except Bathy.

  50. For they be of so base a mould, as they can very wel subiect themselues to any gouernment, where they may liue free from blowes, and haue liberty to become rich, being loth to endure hazzard either of life or goods.

  51. Tell me moreouer, hast thou sounded him, If he appeale the Duke on ancient malice, Or worthily as a good subiect should On some knowne ground of treacherie in him Gaunt.

  52. He is our subiect (Mowbray) so art thou, Free speech, and fearelesse, I to thee allow Mow.

  53. Arme, arme my Name: a punie subiect strikes At thy great glory.

  54. Stand forth, & with bold spirit relate what you Most like a carefull Subiect haue collected Out of the Duke of Buckingham Kin.

  55. Those that can Pitty, heere May (if they thinke it well) let fall a Teare, The Subiect will deserue it.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subiect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.