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Example sentences for "sworne"

Lexicographically close words:
swordsmanship; swordsmen; swordsmith; swore; sworn; swote; swound; swum; swung; swurd
  1. Pray beare this to my father, at his leasure He may peruse it: but with your best language Intreat his instant presence: you haue sworne Not to reueale what I haue done.

  2. But Will would loose Wit, and Wit must worke without Wil and against Wit: and yet this is straunge, they were sworne brethren, one could not be without the other.

  3. Beleeve this as your best 85 friend had sworne it.

  4. Speak boldly, and be sure of all things I have sworne to thee.

  5. You haue read stories, (He bee sworne he neuer lookte in booke in his life) how many of the Romane worthies were there that haue gone as spies into theyr enemies campe?

  6. O quoth he long I haue liu'd sworne brothers in sensualitie with one Esdras of Granado, fiue hundred rapes and murders haue wee committed betwixt vs.

  7. The townesmen that would remaine still in their houses, were sworne to be true subiects to the king; and the other which refused, departed with the souldiers.

  8. All which articles we haue sworne to keepe vpon the holie euangelists.

  9. Henry now is king, and we are sworne to him.

  10. I came from Edward as Imbassadour [eak160] But I returne his sworne and mortall foe: Matter of marriage was the charge he gaue me, But dreadfull warre shall answere his demand.

  11. A dreadfull oth sworne with a solemne toong, [daj056] What instance giues Lord Warwicke for these words?

  12. An oath is of no moment [eab017] Being not sworne before a lawfull magistrate.

  13. But staie, heres one of them, [daw056] To whom my soule hath sworne immortall hate.

  14. Now Clifford, since we are singled here alone, Be this the day of doome to one of vs, For now my heart hath sworne immortall hate To thee, and all the house of Lancaster.

  15. I am sworne into my bill thither to bring my Lord Pearcy.

  16. To Bullingbrooke, are we sworne Subiects now, Whose State, and Honor, I for aye allow.

  17. The Noble Duke hath sworne his comming is But for his owne; and for the right of that, Wee all haue strongly sworne to giue him ayd, And let him neu'r see Ioy, that breakes that Oath York.

  18. I am sworne Brother (Sweet) To grim Necessitie; and hee and I Will keepe a League till Death.

  19. But when England Threw of the Yoake of Rome, Spayne flew from her; Spayne was no more a sister nor a neighbour, But a sworne Enemy.

  20. I know The Prince of Orange a sworne enemie To your affections: he has vowd to crosse you, But I will still stand for you.

  21. Had I not heard Theis last distemperd words, I would have sworne That in the making up of Barnavelt Reason had only wrought, passion no hand in't.

  22. I wilbe sworne she did bewitch me; I thinke I was almost asleepe.

  23. And you'le be sworne 'twas he that so cryde out?

  24. I will be sworne you forc'd me to the Church And thrice compeld me there to say I Dorothy.

  25. Is it fitt That mercenary Soldiers, that for pay Give up their liberties and are sworne t'expose Their lyves and fortunes to all dangers, should Capitulate with their Lords?

  26. By no meanes; the author has sworne to the contrary, least it should grow so wonderous old and turne a Ballad.

  27. I durst at midnight be sworne that the Ghost of your voice appeard before me.

  28. Lytefot, of your hows, is sworne on the oyer determiner.

  29. And presently he was sworne by all that were present and elected for Gouernour.

  30. Luce Pell, the wife of Thomas Pell, being sworne deposeth as followeth, that aboute a day after goodwife Knapp was condemned for a witch, Mris.

  31. That both what is on this side & the other is sworne in court.

  32. Whereupon we manned our boats and came to them, they all staying in their Canoas: we come to the water side where they were: and after we had sworne by the Sunne after their fashion, they did trust vs.

  33. Denie thy Father and refuse thy name: Or if thou wilt not, be but sworne to my Loue, And Ile no longer be a Capulet Rom.

  34. This castell he tooke by assault, slue the Scots, and hanged the Frenchmen, bicause they were once sworne English.

  35. Albons not sworne bicause he was not present.

  36. This agreement put in articles, was ingrossed, sealed, and sworne vnto by the two parties, and also enacted in the parlement.

  37. Here was the Wardens of the yeomanry and brought Anthony Hall in to the Courte to be admytted Beadle of the yeomanrye and he was sworne and admytted and fathe(r) Roger(s) put to his pencÍ on and to geve attendaunce but as he is able.

  38. In this Courte Thomas Symons and Willm fferrat are sworne and admytted brethren of this Company and are lycenced to sett open shoppe as parteners to gether w{th}oute Smythefelde bars.

  39. Johnson were sworne standinge for the due execucÍ on of their offices.

  40. And to this we bind our selues & our heires, and are sworne vpon the euangelists to performe the same.

  41. The secret I have sworne not to reveale to another, I may without perjurie impart it unto him, who is no other but my selfe.

  42. I haue sworne to do it: And with hot Irons must I burne them out Ar.

  43. Beene sworne my Souldier, bidding me depend Vpon thy starres, thy fortune, and thy strength, And dost thou now fall ouer to my foes?

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sworne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.