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Example sentences for "yeeres"

Lexicographically close words:
yeelds; yeer; yeere; yeerelie; yeerely; yeerly; yeers; yees; yeez; yegg
  1. In the person of king Edward ceased by his death the noble progenie of the Westsaxon kings, which had continued from the first yeare of the reigne of Cerdike or Cerdicius, the space of 547 yeeres complet.

  2. In good yeeres we gather foure score or an hundred pounds of wet saffron of an acre, which being dried dooth yeeld twentie pounds of drie and more.

  3. A sonet vpon the Authors first seuen yeeres seruice.

  4. Why gabbestow, that seydest thus to me That "him is wors that is fro wele y-throwe, Than he hadde erst non of that wele y-knowe?

  5. Out vpon it old carrion, rebels it at these yeeres Shy.

  6. I see no reason, why a King of yeeres Should be to be protected like a Child, God and King Henry gouerne Englands Realme: Giue vp your Staffe, Sir, and the King his Realme Glost.

  7. It is fifteene yeeres since I saw my Countrey: though I haue (for the most part) bin ayred abroad, I desire to lay my bones there.

  8. I doe not thinke thou canst, for then thou was't not Out three yeeres old Mira.

  9. I would haue him nine yeeres a killing: A fine woman, a faire woman, a sweete woman?

  10. Loue, and be Friends, as two such men should bee, For I haue seene more yeeres I'me sure then yee Cas.

  11. But he to honor did atchieu the second golden yeere Of Henry's raigne, so called the 8, and made his fact appeere When he this Aldermary Church gan build with great expence, Twice 30 yeeres agon no doubt, counting the time from hence.

  12. O Vnckle, would some part of my young yeeres Might but redeeme the passage of your Age Mort.

  13. Beleeue me, Lords, my tender yeeres can tell, Ciuill dissention is a viperous Worme, That gnawes the Bowels of the Common-wealth.

  14. Some therefore were of opinion that wee were not borne of women, and therefore not mortall, but that wee were men of an old generation many yeeres past then risen againe to immortalitie.

  15. C 3] But how manie yeeres or ages haue passed since, they say they can make no relation, hauing no letters nor other such meanes as we to keepe recordes of the particularities of times past, but onelie tradition from father to sonne.

  16. Antonio remained in Frisland and dwelt there for the space of 14 yeres, 4 yeeres with M.

  17. Iohns) who was himselfe present, when the Portugals (aboue thirty yeeres past) did put into the same Island both Neat and Swine to breede, which were since exceedingly multiplied.

  18. In his latter time, about 55 yeeres agoe it was his good fortune to live for a little while at a grange house very neare to this fountaine, and afterwards in Bilton Parke all his life long.

  19. In his latter time, about 55 yeeres agoe it was his good fortune to live for a little while at a grange house very neare to this fountaine, and afterwards in Bilton Parke all his life long.

  20. Persia and Media, for the companie of English merchants for the discouerie of new trades, in the yeeres 1579.

  21. He obtained likewise the payment of fiue hundred marks, which was payd for ten yeeres before his going into Russia (into the Emperors receit) for a rent of a house that they had at Vologda.

  22. Better it is therefore in mine opinion to continue a beggar in England during life, then to remaine a rich Merchant seuen yeeres in this Countrey, as some shall well find at their comming hither.

  23. Most noble and inuincible Prince, it is now tenne yeeres since, [Footnote: 1568.

  24. But least all and the whole glory of discouering the Ocean sea should be ascribed to the Spaniards, the Englishmen about twentie yeeres past, by a new nauigation into Moscouie, discouered the Northeast partes.

  25. The child that is but fine yeeres old is set to some labour.

  26. After I had vsed it, I restored it againe: after many yeeres I required it againe of my friend, but hee had forgotten of whom hee had borrowed it.

  27. And when we shall sende any aduenture into England then our Chancellour to giue them a yeeres warning, that their ships may be prouided thereafter, that by taking in of our wares, they leaue not their owne behind them.

  28. Townes and more,) with Narue and Dorp in Liuonia, they are quite gone, being surprised of late yeeres by the Kings of Poland and Sweden.

  29. To the most renowned and emperious Cæsar, Sultan Murad Can, Emperour of all the dominions of Turkie, and of all the East Monarchie chiefe aboue all others whosoeuer, most fortunate yeeres with the successe of al true happinesse.

  30. And all those Mariners that were in my sayd shippe, which were, besides boyes, three score and tenne, for the most part were within fiue or sixe yeeres after able to take charge, and did.

  31. With S'r Lucius Cary he had a most intire frendshipp without reserve from his age of twenty yeeres to the howre of his death, neere 20.

  32. Oh, I am knowne Of many in the Army: Many yeeres (Though Cloten then but young) you see, not wore him From my remembrance.

  33. But bicause all other authors agree that the murther of Danes was executed about ten yeeres before this supposed time: we haue made rehearsall thereof in that place.

  34. Is it not strange, that Desire should so many yeeres out-liue performance?

  35. This yeere many men goe into the warres, and so hath there euery yeere since the beginning thereof, which is eight yeeres or thereabouts, but very fewe of them returne againe.

  36. It was besieged twelue yeeres by Zelabdim Echebar before he could winne it.

  37. They cut the skin and so put them in, one into one side and another into the other side; which they do when they be 25 or 30 yeeres olde, and at their pleasure they take one or more of them as they thinke good.

  38. Canterburie: who during the time of his life, partly by authoritie, and partly by aduise, supported the vnstable yeeres and disposition of the King: which after the death of Lanfranck returned by degrees to their proper sway.

  39. About two yeeres after it was brought before the King and the Clergie at Windsore.

  40. Vpon these euents, the Bishop of Durham, aduising onely with feare and despaire, fled out of the Realme; but after three yeeres he was againe restored to the dignitie of his Sea.

  41. When any Bishopricke or Abbey fell voyd, hee did apply the reuenues thereof for supply of his necessities and wants: and for that cause kept some of them many yeeres together vacant in his hands.

  42. Hee reigned in great varietie of opinion with his Subiects (some applauding his vertues, others aggrauating his vices) twelue yeeres, eleuen moneths wanting eight dayes: and was at his death fourtie and three yeeres old.

  43. Hereby the report is conuinced for vaine, that his body was found vncorrupt, more then foure hundred yeeres after it was buried.

  44. I that I doe, and haue done any time these three hundred yeeres Slen.

  45. West-Loo mustereth an endowment with the like meanes, but in a meaner degree, and hath of late yeeres somewhat releeued his former pouerty.

  46. For after two yeeres age, they vse them to carrie sackes of Sand, which boweth downe, and weakneth their backes, and the next Summer they are imployed in harrowing, which marreth their pace.

  47. This his reputation is of many yeeres standing, and maintayneth it selfe vnimpayred.

  48. As for Glasse and Plaister for priuate mens houses, they are of late yeeres introduction.

  49. Next I find, that about sixtie yeeres from the landing of Hengist, [Anno Do.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yeeres" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.