A turpentine stupe is now to be used, prepared as follows: Place a tin cup containing the turpentine in a vessel containing hot water.
For the pain, mustard poultices, turpentine stupe or hot fomentations prove beneficial.
A turpentine stupe may be confined in this way, or a compress of water may be utilized to serve the same purpose.
A digitalis stupe may be made to have the effect of a vapor bath: a large one is placed on the abdomen and the body is covered with blankets, which results in the production of abundant sweating.
After the stupe is ready, the wringer with the stupeupon it should be removed from the water by grasping the dry ends of the wringer.
Stupe wringers are heavy pieces of cloth, like roller towels or pieces of ticking, long enough to extend over opposite sides of the basin in which the stupe is to be boiled, and wide enough to hold the stupe easily.
By twisting the sticks in opposite directions the stupe may be wrung out easily.
Each stupeshould be three or four times as large as the area to be covered.
To prevent escape of heat and moisture the stupe should be covered after it has been applied, first with a piece of rubber cloth or oiled silk or muslin, and next with several thicknesses of flannel, or cotton batting made into a pad.
The wringer should be placed in the basin with the stupe arranged upon it.
They must be wrung as dry as possible; but it is difficult to wring them without scalding the hands unless stupe wringers are used.
Then the ends should be twisted in opposite directions until the stupe inside is as dry as possible.
Big Stupe had a fear of loud noises and pulled a variation of the ostrich-head-in-hole routine, at every unexpected loud sound, of turning his back to whatever had frightened him and peering cautiously back under a flipper.
Sweets remembered how Big Stupe had always been afraid of loud noises and he raised his voice in a shout.
Whenever Big Stupe pulls one of his outlandish stunts, we are all reminded of how much smarter we are.
The other stupes turned their backs, but Big Stupebrought one flipper around and hit Sweets squarely between the eyes.
Big Stupe pulled with both flippers at the head of one of his visitors, while another systematically raked his long claws down the sides of Big Stupe's neck.
And Big Stupe accepted everything they did very seriously and loved the attention.
Sweets left Big Stupe and stumbled back to the ship.
I was just on the pint ov thinking ov sumthing else when the landlord cum out to the frunt stupe ov the tavern stand holding by a string the bottom ov an old brass kittle.
I never kan eradicate holy from mi memry the sound ov the first gong I ever herd--i was setting on the frunt stupe ov a tavern in the sitty ov Bufferlo, pensively a smokin.
I kreated a sensashun yesterday after dinner, on the front stupe ov the tavern, by calling a cullard servant tu pick mi teeth.