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Example sentences for "ov"

Lexicographically close words:
ouvriers; ouvrir; ouy; ouzel; ouzels; ova; ovah; oval; ovale; ovals
  1. At t’last two figures com to t’spot Where I hed hid mesel, Then walkers-heath and brimstone, Most horridly did smell.

  2. Duteronomy Billings waz named after old Duteronomy ov bible times, and az ansesstors run, he waz a very good kind ov a one tew hav.

  3. Hiz posterity probably aint aware that a term in state prizon iz a good kard tew run for offiss on.

  4. Yu didn't hav a bill ov fare tew tell what it waz, yu didn't.

  5. Az natral in the family, and quite az catching, az the meazles.

  6. Zeph' was an unprofitable man to know, for he couldn't tend an evening meeting, on sunday, without running into det to sumboddy.

  7. Passengers are warned ov the great danger ov standing on the platforms,--menny a promising man haz lost hiz life by having a platform drop from under him.

  8. Illustration] He sold the mule for 3 dollars' Worth ov honey in the comb, Then got himself between the shafts, And hauld the waggin home.

  9. To find how fur a frog kan jump, set a Frenchman to meazureing hiz jumps.

  10. Soloman Billings waz a leetle slippery, but he managed tew git thru life without slipping down mutch, and died reazonably well.

  11. Tew giv oysters an extra good relish, eat them at sumboddy else's expense.

  12. The hoss jockey iz sumtimes honest from policy, and the man who iz simply honest from policy, needs az mutch watching az a hive ov bees do, who are just gitting reddy to swarm.

  13. He died at the age of 63, if i hav sarched right, from an overdose ov klam chowder drank at a free lunch.

  14. The monkey iz only valuable tew look at, and wonder what in thunder he iz a going tew do next.

  15. But free love iz one ov them kinds ov fredum, that it don't do tew be limber with.

  16. Always sing, for thus you may get the envy ov the world, while yure tears would seek in vain for their pity.

  17. Thare seems to be 2 kinds ov worldly perfekshun; one kind is very mutch like a squash; if it is good, it is good bekause it kant help it.

  18. They are the meanest ov aul crawling, creeping, hopping, or biteing things.

  19. A man may be a very good judge ov a county court, and yet be a very poor judge ov himself.

  20. I won't play no such kind ov a game, out ov respekt to old Connekticut, mi natiff place.

  21. They are amphibicus, and sevral other kinds ov cuss too plenty to menshun.

  22. These kind ov excessiv neat folks are not alwus very literary, but they know soft water from hard bi looking at it, and they kan tell what kind ov soap will fetch oph the dirt best.

  23. It ackompanys charity, and iz the handmaid ov honesty.

  24. This kind ov wisdum is full as glorious as it is skase.

  25. After fighting the good fight for 6 or 7 years, you diskiver that yure sweetheart is tew be married to another feller; you will ov course secure an invitashun to the affair as pall bearer.

  26. That's my dooty here," & he ketched hold ov Abraham Lincoln's collar.

  27. If I wuz goin into the bizniss ov freein slaves I'd want 2 have a mule train haulin grub follering me at every step.

  28. He stopped in frunt ov Abraham Lincoln & says very sharp & cross: "Boy, where did you come from?

  29. I stepped forward 2 make Abe let him down, but before T could do anything Abe had got 2 the edge of the wharfboat & let go, & plunk went the man into about 10 foot ov water.

  30. Will you swear 2 support the Constitution ov the United States agin all enemies & opposers whatsumever, & vote for Abraham Lincoln every time?

  31. I begin 2 see that immersion had a great deal ov good in it, even if a man isn't prepared & willin.

  32. There wuz quite a passel ov soljers on the wharf boat waitin' for the ferry when we got there.

  33. I think I'd go forward and see him," said Billings, sort ov impatient-like.

  34. Sum crates ov aigs wuz smashed over Abraham Lincoln, & he wuz a sight to behold.

  35. You know what I thought ov him ov old, & there's never bin any love lost betwixt us sence I stopped him cheatin poor Eli Mitchell outen his plow-team.

  36. His ize got all white, he grinned sort ov scared like, showed his white teeth, & looked sickly over at me.

  37. My eyes gazed ever away from it to the clock over the kitchen door.

  38. I vowed I would not look away from it again.

  39. I remembered that clocks in restaurants are kept five minutes fast.

  40. Ay, and the thruth, too, every word ov it.

  41. And that would just make the right ind ov it, you murtherin' spoiler ov widdows and orphans.

  42. To kill them, you mane, and the heart ov many a dacent widdow besides," was the reply.

  43. Shure, couldn't I buy a pound ov it if I chose?

  44. And didn't I know he was ill when he could only spake like a choking dog, and couldn't for the life ov him take a cup of tay or ate a bit ov bread?

  45. Why didn't they take the shirt too, and make a naked shaim ov it?

  46. He accordingly mounted the bird, and the eagle flew with him until he brought him unto a country that was inhabited, where he left him.

  47. A' the luck of Leithin Ha' Gangs wi' me to Bodsbeck Ha'.

  48. The Agent took no sort ov stock Thet time in etiquettin; It would hev made a punkin laugh Tew see his style of gettin'!

  49. I kind ov mind them days I went With Betsy Ann a-sparking'.

  50. He entered the inner cave as though he knew it well, and spoke very quietly.

  51. After this a great many questions were asked and answered, and I saw that my case looked blacker than ever.

  52. And what troubled me most was that I could do nothing.

  53. Conger, baaked in milk and parsley, Jasper, my deear.

  54. The end of all this was that William Dawe was sold up, and even then he was not free from all his difficulties.

  55. I could not but admit that Cap'n Jack spoke the truth about his house.

  56. Then the Clerk read out the charge against me, which was a string of lies from beginning to end, for, as I have told in these pages, I threw the lantern over the cliff, and thus kept the light from being shown.

  57. They had on several occasions been punished, but were still a terror to honest fishermen who wanted to get a living in a lawful way.

  58. Then he added, quietly, "Yes, I know her handwriting.

  59. I felt strangely happy, for it seemed as though a weight were rolled from my shoulders.

  60. At this I was silent, and I was wishing I had not said so much, when I heard a voice that thrilled me asking to give evidence.

  61. I heard the waves thundering up the cave, while a terrible wind blew, which drove me further into the darkness.

  62. The only thing that was strange about him was the curious colour of his eyes.

  63. I felt ill at ease, too, and did not care to talk much.

  64. Mary, forgetting that she was running considerable risk, from the circumstance of delaying the Squire's breakfast.

  65. Faith, then, it wasn't for the want of chances enough.

  66. Then why don't you go, you ignorant animal," sharply suggested the other.

  67. I have brought and given back the lost money to its owner.

  68. Go home," Bulworthy continued, with a grin.

  69. While Corney was thus revelling in his new-found element, he was suddenly accosted by two very genteel fairies.

  70. Whatever mollifying effect the sight of the silver coin might have produced on the mulatto's mind was entirely swamped by Mick's unfortunate quotation from his paternal archives.

  71. Joblins, however, was reluctant to give up the chance of getting an additional supply without a struggle for it, so, he would not accept this rebuff.

  72. On that, the noble fellow, who thus unselfishly sacrificed his life for mine, fell with a whiz through the air that seemed to send the wind up into my face, down to the deck below.

  73. So we climbed up to the cap of the topgallant-mast in company; but, as far apart as the poles, though so close together.

  74. At this, Mick slipped off his ragged jacket at once, dragging an even more tattered shirt over his head.

  75. But ere long something occurred which made him, and the others in a like predicament, forget their seasickness in a hurry, all of us having to be as spry as we could.

  76. The chaplain, too, was there, having been hastily summoned from his duties of instructing the young middies in the wardroom; as also was the commodore, with a graver face on him than I had ever seen before.

  77. We're about a couple o' mile off her, sir.

  78. I would rather go on, sir, if you will allow me," said I.

  79. All day droo Fredericksdown so fast, Horses, und guns, und sozers bast.

  80. I didn't, but my frendt Shon Plazes tells me to lie down on der table on my pack, und shut my eyes.

  81. He'll vatch de parn, und he'll vatch de cot, Und keep dose cattles out of de lot.

  82. Dem fellers on dose shtylish nags Pulled up to see him pass; Und der Deutschers, all ockstonished, cried, "Potz tauzand!

  83. It's a cross-eyed moon, so he don't can see Dot leetle tog under de vagon.

  84. A leetel sop of portar, dis vile bed, Vare all de rats do run about my head?

  85. In der midnight, when eaferpody vhas ashleep, a tief comes und shteals our life away!

  86. But Shpot he parked, und Shpot he vhined, Und soon made out his toggish mind To shteal avay under dot vagon.

  87. A robber shumps from pehind a tree: "Your money or your life!

  88. He falled upon dot vheel, of course: Dot vheel like blitzen flew; Und Schnitzerl, he vas schnicht in vacht, Dot schliced him grode in two.

  89. That's a Fact A'a Mary aw'm glad 'at that's thee!

  90. When ther's no leaves upon th' thorn, they're green upon the holly.

  91. They settled th' matter amang thersens, but it towt that policeman niver to tak off his lantern until he'd done wi' it.

  92. Aw've heeard fowk wish for things to keep just as they are, they say they dooant want owt new.

  93. Aw defy owt to prick me when awm laborin' for a gooid cause.

  94. The States are awful changed, MARY; it is not now as then, When they lifted a free latch-string to all exiled Oirishmen.

  95. British Peerage, But--they don't want the poor devils that crowd over in the steerage!

  96. On Christmas morning I mounted to the crow's-nest at daybreak, and stood looking with never-failing awe at the daily marvel of the sunrise.

  97. Yessir," answered Louis; "but I kaint make him eout yet, sir.

  98. You might as well ax me if I b’leved in the compass, or thought the log could lie.

  99. So, you see, the hands was piped to dinner, but I was ordered tew keep in the boats and take care they didn’t stave each other.

  100. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ov" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    oval shape; ovary inferior; over against; over and; over and over again; over each; over forty; over half; over head and ears; over hill and dale; over his; over night; over thar; over the fire till; over the fire until; over their; over there; over twenty; over whom; over with; over yonder; overflight and navigation permitted; overtake them; overwhelming force; overwhelming majority; overwhelming numbers