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Example sentences for "stratigraphical"

Lexicographically close words:
stratification; stratifications; stratified; stratifying; stratigraphic; stratigraphy; stratosphere; stratum; stratus; straucht
  1. If the word "chalk" is to be used as a stratigraphical term and restricted to Globigerina mud deposited during the Cretaceous epoch, of course it is improper to call the precisely similar mud of more recent date, chalk.

  2. Pompeckj describes fully the various fossils, illustrates them with wealth of detail, discusses their stratigraphical relations, and outlines the paleographical history of Franz Josef Land.

  3. Commenting on the stratigraphical studies of Prof.

  4. We have now completed our survey of the strictly stratigraphical phases of this question, and have found four very remarkable principles about the rocks, which I wish to summarize here before proceeding further.

  5. Here, however, is a table of deposits which summarises a great deal of our knowledge of the thickness of the stratigraphical accumulations.

  6. This simple principle, complicated in various ways by the fractures and disturbances to which the beds have been subjected, forms the basis of the succession of "formations" in geology as deduced from stratigraphical evidence.

  7. He served the full term of the survey, and had charge of the preparation of the report relating to the stratigraphical geology, the measurement and delineation of the sections, and the compilation of the geological map.

  8. James Hall asserted its derivation from the Hudson River group--relying upon the stratigraphical determinations of Sir W.

  9. With regard to stratigraphical geology, the main foundations are already laid, and a great part of the details filled in.

  10. The general stratigraphical conditions are considered to assign the deposit to the base of what is termed the 'inferior Mousterian' level.

  11. Marr has prepared his exposition of The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology (Cambridge University Press; The Macmillan Company, New York, $1.

  12. The stratigraphical geologist has to establish the order of succession of the strata for the chronology, and to ascertain as far as he can the conditions existing during the deposition of the several strata or groups of strata.

  13. White has established in the West the continuous stratigraphical succession of the Laramie and the Wahsatch Eocene, thus placing the Laramie conformably below the Lower Eocene of that region.

  14. The palæobotanical and stratigraphical equivalents of this series abroad would seem to be the following: 1.

  15. In this connection I may state that, from their marine fossils, as well as their stratigraphical arrangement, Sir W.

  16. When we place this in connection with stratigraphical facts, we further find that these extinct species have succeeded each other at different times, so as to constitute successive dynasties of life.

  17. The present work has been written in order that students may gain by its perusal some idea of the methods and scope of Stratigraphical Geology.

  18. Harrison's Geology of the Counties of England and Wales, where the stratigraphical geology of the country is given under the head of the different counties, which are taken in alphabetical order.

  19. The reader who refers to different text-books will be struck with the variations of nomenclature even amongst the larger stratigraphical divisions, for two authors seldom subdivide the geological column into the same number of rock-systems.

  20. Before discussing the value of fossils as aids to the stratigraphical geologist, it may be well to make a few observations as to what constitutes a fossil.

  21. It is now time to turn directly to the work of William Smith, who, of all men, exercised the most profound influence upon the study of stratigraphical geology and may indeed be regarded as the true founder of that branch of the science.

  22. The geological or stratigraphical direction of the science was given by the work of William Smith, "the father of historical geology," in the closing decade of the eighteenth century.

  23. As Zittel has said: "Two directions were from the first apparent in palaeontological research--a stratigraphical and a biological.

  24. Hence the general stratigraphical geology can be most conveniently summarized for each state separately, dealing here with the geological history of Australia as a whole.

  25. A general summary of the stratigraphical geology was given by R.

  26. It is called the stratigraphical method, because it is based on the description of strata, or layers.

  27. From what has been stated in the foregoing paragraphs, it is clear that in our endeavours to decipher the geological history of our planet, palaeontological must go hand in hand with stratigraphical evidence.

  28. It is often hard, and sometimes quite impossible, to tell from stratigraphical evidence which are the older rocks of a district.

  29. Defn: Pertaining to, or depended upon, the order or arrangement of strata; as, stratigraphical evidence.

  30. And, devoting every hour which he could snatch from his professional labors to the work, in about a quarter of a century, or rather more, he completed his great stratigraphical map of England.

  31. Everywhere they found themselves conducted abruptly from one system of deposits to others totally different in mineral character or in stratigraphical position.

  32. At the same time, there is the most ample evidence, both stratigraphical and palæontological, as to the complete independence of the American Devonian series as a distinct life-system between the older Silurian and the later Carboniferous.

  33. They constitute one of the most important groups of Silurian fossils, and are of the greatest value in determining the precise stratigraphical position of the beds in which they occur.

  34. First, we have the stratigraphical evidence.

  35. But in this, as in similar cases, the palaeontologist's contention has not been sustained by the stratigraphical evidence, and Dr.

  36. They belong entirely to the Ordovician and Silurian periods; they have yielded few fossils, and much work remains to be done upon them before the stratigraphical subdivisions can be clearly defined.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stratigraphical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.