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Example sentences for "storekeeping"

Lexicographically close words:
stored; storehouse; storehouses; storekeeper; storekeepers; storeman; storeroom; storerooms; stores; storeship
  1. Returning to New Salem, Lincoln, having served his apprenticeship as a clerk, commenced storekeeping on his own account.

  2. In storekeeping, however, Mr. Lincoln did not prosper; neither storekeeping nor any other regular business or occupation was congenial to his character.

  3. You see storekeeping as I do--a fine art, an absorbing passion, a beautiful, thrilling sport.

  4. I can see that storekeeping is your genius in life.

  5. Offut finally arrived with a miscellaneous lot of goods, which Lincoln opened and put in order, and the storekeeping began.

  6. Storekeeping in those days and in that country was unusually profitable.

  7. Materials for storekeeping play fill the shelves next the fireplace, and the big crock on the hearth contains modelling clay, the raw material of such objets d'art as may be seen decorating the mantlepiece in the cut on page 20.

  8. The Americans were bound to San Francisco to buy goods: they had wintered in Dawson, and were returning later with their stock, and were going into storekeeping in Dawson in an extensive way.

  9. There were only a few hundred people in it, storekeeping and trading with the miners, of whom there were always a number hanging about, spending their hard-earned gold.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "storekeeping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.