In a few moments the lock had yielded to his deft manipulation, and he stepped inside.
The door was locked, but a simple operation with one of the tools in his case opened it readily, and he stepped inside.
His heart raced fast and hard as he stepped inside.
She looked hurriedly about her, then opened the door, stepped inside, and crossed noiselessly into the salon.
For an instant she hesitated, as his voice called to her to enter; then she opened the door and stepped inside.
He stepped inside, closed the door noiselessly behind him, and stood listening.
He stepped inside, and, feeling his way in the darkness, but still moving rapidly, passed down a narrow hall.
Billy Kane flung it open, stepped inside, and his flashlight played through the blackness.
He opened the door of the booth, stepped inside, and closed the door carefully and tightly behind him.
He stepped inside, and silently closed and locked the door behind If Hunchback Joe had not returned yet, it was necessary that Hunchback Joe should find the door as he had left it--locked!
He stepped inside, and crossing to the small viewport, looked out over the dead landscape of the tiny world for a sign of Quent Miles.
The door slid open easily, and he stepped inside, closing it behind him and waiting for some signs of life or movement.
He opened it, stepped inside, and closed it quietly behind him.
He stepped inside, picked up the key from the floor, inserted it in the lock, closed the door behind him, and locked it again.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stepped inside" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.