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Example sentences for "statistics"

Lexicographically close words:
statistic; statistical; statistically; statistician; statisticians; statists; stato; staton; stator; statt
  1. The worst of statistics is that people only quote the statistics that will prove their argument.

  2. U] In his Journal, Mr. Parsons gives the following statistics of the Aborigines, at that time inhabiting the Territory, which may not be uninteresting to compare with their present condition.

  3. When you hunted for statistics you got them from an official whose business it is to collect them.

  4. The inside of the pamphlet told salient facts and gave statistics about Callao and Lima, informed you how to get about, where to go and what to see among the "points of interest.

  5. We hailed as a benefactor to the sea the inventor of single topsails; the statistics of our sea-fatalities give a definite date to their introduction.

  6. Unequalled, unbeaten by any record to date in the amazing statistics of the war.

  7. Disaster to our shipping is plainly shewn, grouped in a way that no figures or statistics could rival.

  8. Statistics of our losses proved the virtue of the tangent: of a group of six vessels sunk in a certain area only one--a very slow vessel--was torpedoed while maintaining a zigzag.

  9. I recur to this point in discussing the statistics of the "equation of exchange" in ch.

  10. In developing statistics for P and T, therefore, this fact must be kept in mind, and the elements entering into each must coincide, and vary together year by year.

  11. He has employed Kemmerer's statistics in considerable part, amplifying them for later years, using some data not available when Kemmerer wrote, and undertaking a fuller solution of certain problems than Kemmerer did.

  12. One purpose of the chapter is to criticise the statistics which purport to prove the quantity theory.

  13. The whole drift of the statistics presented in this book, and of the argument developed in this book, would serve to show that such deposits are likely to be more than ordinarily active.

  14. Director of the Mint, statistics of gold consumption, 413, n.

  15. The statistics purport to be concrete data filling out for different years the equation of exchange.

  16. Let me first briefly state the second point of my criticism of these studies: namely, that even if the statistics are correct, they do not constitute proof of the quantity theory.

  17. He prefers, rather, to rest the case for the quantity theory on a priori reasoning and statistics for the United States.

  18. The discussion of P, the price-level, in the statistics of Kemmerer and Fisher need not be extended.

  19. I do not believe that we have sufficient agreement among the best students of the statistics of the precious metals to justify any statistical conclusions regarding the laws governing the industrial consumption of gold and silver.

  20. Vide the chapters, supra, on the equation of exchange and on statistics of the quantity theory.

  21. Reliable statistics continue to be hard to come by, and the GDP estimate is extremely rough.

  22. Economic data are of limited use because, although both entities issue figures, national-level statistics are not available.

  23. Recent statistics in Savannah, for instance, showed this curious situation: Excess of births over deaths among the whites, 245.

  24. The official "Farm Statistics of Michigan," just issued, tell the same sad story.

  25. Strang, Dr, his statistics regarding the population of Glasgow, 130.

  26. The latest census bulletin on statistics of cities.

  27. At its head is a commissioner whose duty it is to collect and publish statistics and other information concerning the methods, conditions, and progress of education in the United States.

  28. The Bureau of the Census is charged with the duty of taking the decennial census of the United States, including the collection of such special statistics as Congress may authorize.

  29. The first census, that of 1790, was taken under the direction of the United States marshals in their respective districts; the statistics collected related only to population, and the schedule embraced only six questions.

  30. The following statistics exhibit the total number of vines in 1862, and the great increase in the last five or six years will show the opinion entertained as to the success of the business.

  31. You can hardly say that these are exceptions, for here are the figures, from the occupational statistics of the census of 1910.

  32. From statistics we know the value of the output.

  33. As to the numbers of women trade unionists, we have very imperfect statistics upon which to base any finding.

  34. This broad treatment of the subject was shown when at the convention of 1885 it was voted, on the motion of Miss Mary Hannafin, a saleswoman of Philadelphia, that a committee to collect statistics on women's work be appointed.

  35. Nelle Quick, bindery woman, has been transferred from her trade-union activities in St. Louis to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the state of Missouri.

  36. If now we turn to the statistics of crime, pauperism, and insanity, we shall find a result which may appear a startling one to many.

  37. So far we have seen what of necessity follows from our biological premises, but it is also possible, I think, to show by statistics that already very observable deterioration has taken place.

  38. We have not often seen a work based on statistics which is more continuously interesting.

  39. For these statistics I am indebted to the courtesy of Mr. Arnold, Secretary of the Chamber of Mines.

  40. For these statistics I am indebted to Mr. H.

  41. There are offered ten distinct courses in English, eleven in modern languages, eight in history and twenty in economics and statistics and in political science.

  42. In 1869 a Bureau of Statistics of Labor was established in Massachusetts which led the way for similar enterprises in other states.

  43. For party platforms and election statistics consult Edward Stanwood, A History of the Presidency (2 vols.

  44. An excellent instance of zeal of this sort Is the movement, endorsed by official support, To ban Latin type in the papers that flow From the press of the Prussian Statistics Bureau.

  45. This fact is plainly brought out by the statistics in Table II, from the several sanitary districts into which the state of New York is divided, as shown on the map, Fig.

  46. For example, it has been noticed that a house whose cellar was damp was an unhealthy house to live in, and early text-books on hygiene quote statistics at length to prove this fact.

  47. Statistics show that the laborers on the sewage fields of Paris and Berlin are actually healthier than the average person living within those cities.

  48. It is generally understood that males are on the average shorter-lived, by a few months, than females, and all statistics support this position.

  49. Such lives, to be sure, are seldom found, and no system of statistics yet devised has been able to take account of those ailments.

  50. The conclusion may be properly drawn, therefore, that statistics confirm the general impression that life in the country is healthier than life in the city.

  51. Statistics show that the highest percentage of insanity in any class of persons in the United States (due chiefly to overwork, overworry, and lack of proper amusements and recreation) is to be found among farmers' wives.

  52. According to statistics workingmen are stricken with pulmonary consumption as follows: of glass workers 80 per cent.

  53. Statistics show that fifty million passengers are annually transported by this popular means from one part of the city to another, and into the suburbs.

  54. The purpose of the author is mainly to record personal impressions, but a certain sprinkling of statistics and detail is inevitable, if we would inform, as well as amuse, the average reader.

  55. As shown by the statistics already given, a considerable share of the people are Italians, who form much the larger portion of the emigrants now coming hither from Europe, or who have arrived here during the last decade.

  56. We found that statistics show one half as many deaths from consumption as from yellow fever, taking the aggregate of five years.

  57. Authentic statistics show that they number less than six hundred.

  58. The repeal of the Corn Laws was a far more powerful factor in the revival of prosperity, and the efforts of Protection to raise its diminished head met with consistent derision from Punch, who gloried in the statistics of increasing trade.

  59. We have recently read the statistics of insanity, and have found governesses to be in a frightful disproportion to other educated classes.

  60. According to some statistics which I had compiled, and which I communicated to the Allies, Italy was shown, in relation to her demographic structure, to have more men in the front line than any other country.

  61. Perhaps these statistics are biased, but the statistics presented by the opposing party were even more fantastic.

  62. The statistics published by the Office of Public Health of the Empire (Reichsgesundheitsamt) and those given in England by Professor Starling and laid before the British Parliament, leave no doubt in the matter.

  63. I know how difficult it is to obtain by means of even approximate statistics results more or less near to the reality.

  64. Authoritative statistics concerning the occupations of Wellesley women are not available.

  65. And it finds its outlet in the passion for social service which, if statistics can be trusted, inspires so many of the alumnae.

  66. The mortality in such epidemics, as we have reason to know from statistics here in New York, was always over twenty-five per cent, and often reached far above fifty per cent.

  67. They collected statistics which proved that during a period of twenty-five years the mortality of the medical practitioners of Ireland was twenty-four per cent.

  68. The statistics of the Berlin Pasteur Institute are pointed to as demonstrating beyond doubt the possession of power to cope with one of the most fatal diseases man is liable to.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "statistics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    analysis; arithmetic; data; index; material; mathematics; profile; trigonometry