Of course there is not a horn among them, bar a little yearling, for good stags never come thus in troops, and with all due caution, so as to avoid alarming these, we hurry away to try another likely spot.
Such stags are never seen with hinds, excepting in the autumn (celo).
Later, two other big stags descended together into the unseen depths on my front, but whither they subsequently took their course--quien sabe?
Now when two big stags fraternise, as they frequently do, it usually happens that, when pressed, both animals will finally seek the same exit, even though a shot has already been fired there.
Upwards of twenty big stags passed the firing-line, and every gun enjoyed his chance--several more than one.
Four stags broke, two were missed, but one secured--seven points on one horn, the other broken.
He was false to a young housekeeper once attached to that family, and famous for her beauty, who drowned herself in a pond, and whose body was discovered, after a long time, because the stags refused to drink of the water.
The stags are mostly by themselves at this season, for the does are with their young calves.
When the first arrow whizzed through the air, the stags turned their heads simultaneously.
Maddened with terror, the stags fought and reared and climbed on top of one another; their antlers and bodies formed a moving mountain which tumbled to pieces whenever it displaced itself.
He beheld a valley shaped like a circus and filled with stags which, huddled together, were warming one another with the vapour of their breaths that mingled with the early mist.
As they talked, the torrent had fallen so much, that Hector of the Stags came wading from the other side.
Hector of theStags does not fight with his hands like a woman!
One night, Hector of theStags found he could not sleep.
If the little birds be regarded as earning the fruit and seed they devour by the grubs and slugs they destroy, then Hector of the Stags and Rob of the Angels also thoroughly earned their food.
Hector of the Stags had crossed the main valley above where the torrent entered it, and coming over the hill, saw with consternation the flood-encompassed pair.
Tall are the oaks whose acorns Drop in dark Auser's rill; Fat are the stags that champ the boughs Of the Ciminian hill; Beyond all streams Clitumnus Is to the herdsman dear; Best of all pools the fowler loves The great Volsinian mere.
Those who know Exmoor will recognise these signs in a moment; it is a fraying-post where the stags rubbed the velvet from their horns last summer.
There are no stories now of stags a century old (three would go back to Queen Elizabeth); they have gone, like other traditions of the forest, before steam and breechloader.
It is a famous ground, and we have news of the stags being in numbers bellowing there.
I could hear the stags in the deep vale below, and regretted having given them up.
Other stags were still audible, and suddenly Mooktoo started, and following his eye we saw a stag which had come over from behind us, out of the fir jungle which covered that side of our ridge.
Even Hector of the Stags he requested to leave his at home.
I will stay with my body, and let my soul step about, waiting for me, and craving a shot at the stags with the big branches!
They came to the hut I have already described as the one chiefly inhabited by Hector of the Stags and Bob of the Angels.
Among these are a man gathering fruit from a tree and two stags confronted.
Tom and his uncle both had the satisfaction of seeing the stagsthey had aimed at, plunge forward before they had gone many yards farther, and roll over dead.
The antlers of stags are the best case in favour of the Lamarckian view of the evolution of somatic sexual characters.
It is possible that the case differs from other secondary sexual characters as the antlers of stags in one respect, namely, that the Dab (P.
I have quoted the evidence concerning the effects of castration on stags in my Sexual Dimorphism and in my paper on the 'Heredity of Secondary Sexual Characters.
He would doubtless assume that the antlers ofstags arose as a mutation, without explaining how they came to be affected by the testicular hormone, and that when they arose the stags found them convenient as fighting weapons.
Stags have a limited breeding or 'rutting' season in autumn (in north temperate regions), and the antlers also are shed and developed annually.
Whenever the old stags, or the stags of ten, cast their horns before March, you may be sure there will be an early season.
The stags teach us, Beatrice, to cheat the hounds; and so we get lessons from even the beasts we hunt.
From all hunting-districts of the land a noble army of stags was driven towards these woods, encircled night and day by peasants to prevent the animals from breaking through.
The stagswere driven up a steep ascent, then forced to plunge into the Baerensee, where they could be shot with ease by the assembled hunters in the pavilion.
With a sort of ferocious arrogance they imitate stags in the manner of holding their lofty heads, and almost equal them in swiftness.
They also entertain an idea that the smallest piece of stag's skin, worn close to the body, is a powerful preservative against the bites of serpents, as it is well known that stags and deer have frequent conflicts with these animals.
Tigers and stags like those of our country, which are very numerous, come out upon the shores.
The Abipones pursue the stags on swift horses, and laying hold of their horns, kill them either with a knife or a spear; they also pierce them with thick arrows, when hunting in a wood impervious to horses.
The outskirts of its wide circle had been much broken and deranged by the jousts and expulsions during our absence; and we saw that it was impossible to get near the better stags without taking the channel of the stream.
I sprung on my knee, and skaled a dozen small stags and hinds which came upon us full speed; for those behind, not knowing from whence came the alarm, made straight for the hill.
Upon the side of the first knoll there were two young stags and some hinds; but the points of some good horns showed above the crest.
Stags are rare, although I obtained a fine pair of horns; and they do not use the skin.
The antlers of large and full-grown stagsare amongst the most common and conspicuous remains of animals in peat.
And if it is stag-hunting the tenant wants, the price he pays is regulated by the number of stags he has the privilege of shooting.
In the first place, stags are not hunted with horses and hounds.
So if he wants the pleasure of shooting thirty stags in the season, his rent will be nine hundred pounds.
It is breeding time for the deer and from the road we can hear the stags bellowing.
As I walk I recall how dramatic it had sounded last night as I was in bed to hear the stags bellowing, evidently their cry of battle.
It is the smallest of our Deer, and its antlers only have three tines in stags of the third year.
The Reindeer is, however, an exception, both thestags and the does having horns.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stags" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.