Nor was this labor without its reward, for numbers of fat grubs and the helpless larvæ of rhinoceros beetles were unearthed, providing dainty morsels for the big cat.
Digging for grubs in the wet mould, they were oblivious to their surroundings for with their heads hidden from view they felt a fanciful security from outward aggression.
They had been rummaging among the tangle of decaying wood, feasting on the superabundant grubsand larvæ.
Weevil-injured nuts of the second type contain grubs which destroy the kernels, or they contain holes about one-eighth inch in diameter which mature grubs have bored and through which they escaped after destroying the kernels.
When these grubs are at work you can hear their rasping by standing at the bottom of the tree, and the wood-dust thrown out of their burrows accumulates in heaps on the ground below.
Amongst these they lay their eggs, and the white grubs that issue therefrom feed on the poor prisoners.
This species feeds on fruits, as well as on grubs taken out of dead trees.
I recently observed a robin boring for grubs in a country dooryard.
It is a common enough sight to witness one seize an angle-worm and drag it from its burrow in the turf, but I am not sure that I ever before saw one drill for grubs and bring the big white morsel to the surface.
Time after time, during several days, I saw her mine for grubs in this way and drag them forth.
In the British Isles gulls frequently follow the plough and greedily seize the worms and grubs turned up in the furrow.
Grubs are procured at a depth of seven feet in this way without the delay or trouble of digging.
Grubs are got out of the gum-tree into which they eat their way, as also out of the roots of the mimosa, the leaves of the zamia, the trunk of the xanthorra, and a variety of other plants and shrubs.
There were many grass-trees in the vicinity, and as several of these had been broken down and were dead they were full of the white grubs of which the natives are so fond.
The karko is a small spade of wood, used by the natives north of Adelaide for digging up grubs from the ground.
As the grubs remain for three years in the ground the damage they can do is incalculable; and they attack other plants besides roses.
The =Cock Chafer= also eats the foliage, and its large whitegrubs devour the roots of the roses to such an extent that they often kill the plant.
But the worst of all are the Tortrix Moths or Rose Maggots, whose repulsive grubs eat the unopened blossoms and spin the delicate young leaves together, destroying the whole top of the new shoots.
The beetles must be collected off the bushes; and the grubs carefully picked out of the roots, if we have reason to think they are present from the rose appearing unhealthy.
Pressure on the swellings will perhaps cause the grubs to pop out.
Other foes are the various grubs which attack plants at the collar.
Where small birds are in sufficient numbers, they will observe the disturbance of the earth, and diligently search for the grubs at hours when the cultivator is no longer on the search himself.
These grubs make an end of many a good breadth of Winter Spinach every year, and are the more to be feared by the careless cultivator.
The eggs are hatched in a fortnight or so and the dark grubs lie in the ground through the winter, inflicting their maximum, amount of injury to young crops in spring and early summer.
No, the birds who rove about the United States throughout the year are either Weed Warriors, or Seed Sowers, or those Tree Trappers who creep about tree-trunks picking the eggs and grubs of insects from the bark.
A Ground Gleaner and Tree Trapper, clearing grubs and beetles from ploughed land.
There again the home is suited to the occupation of the bird," said the Doctor; "for Woodpeckers are Tree Trappers, who find their food by creeping about trees and picking insects and grubs from the bark.
Mr. Kellogg: You may get some white grubs after the raspberry bushes if your raspberries have been two or three years growing.
The eggs hatch within five or six days, and in about three or four weeks the footless grubs become full-grown, coming out as adults about five days later.
Cut worms and white grubs seldom follow two years of hoed crops.
Mr. Kellogg: That white grub don't follow tomatoes, if the ground was clear of white grubs before.
Pressure properly applied to the swellings will cause the grubs to "pop out" if they have reached a late stage of development.
Care should be taken to crush allgrubs removed, so as to prevent the possibility of their further development and transformation into flies.
Ox warbles are whitish or, when full grown, dark-colored grubs or maggots that develop from the eggs deposited on the hairs of cattle by certain flies known as warble flies.
Grubs weaken cattle, cause them to fall off in flesh and milk, and decrease the value of the hide.
Accordingly the dipping of cattle to destroy grubs should be carried out during the fly season and repeated treatments should be given every two or three weeks, as in dipping cattle to eradicate ticks.
In order that none may escape it is advisable to examine the cattle every two weeks during the late winter and spring, at each examination removing the grubs which have developed sufficiently to cause perceptible swellings.
By passing the hand over the backs of the animals the swellings marking the location of the grubs may be readily found.
This method is less certain than that of removing the grubs, and has the further objection that the dead grubs remain beneath the skin.
The bunch of grubs on the Winnowoc local--common country and village folk--had been far below her range of interest, to say nothing of sympathy.
Jerry looked at him gratefully, even if he was only one of the bunch of grubs she had been forced to ride with all this long afternoon, she who had once repudiated the Winnowoc train and all trains without Pullman accommodations.
Jerry looked at the bunch of grubs for the first time.
How hot and stuffy it seemed to her as it puffed out of the valley, and how tired and cross all the bunch of grubs who stared out of the window at her.
Many of them caressed the grubs more eagerly, in a violent and impetuous manner, as if to urge them to some exertion.
Some of the grubs submitted to be taken gently into the jaws of the ants; others, with their trunks in the wood, looked as if they were too lazy to consent to move.
Not far from the nest the parent birds scratch about in the leaves like diminutive barnyard fowls, for the grubs and insects hiding under them.
They complain, too, that the blackbirds eat their corn, forgetting that having devoured innumerable grubs from it during the summer, the birds feel justly entitled to a share of the profits.
They winnowed the creek with basket-work weirs for every finger-long troutling that came down in it, and tore the bark off the pine trees to get at the grubs underneath.
In the spring he saw the brown bears shambling up the trails, ripping the bark off of dead trees to get at the worms and grubs that harbored there; lastly he saw the woodchuck come out of his hole as if nothing had ever happened.
The character of the work of this class of wood- and bark-boring grubs is shown in Fig.
The grubs complete the destruction by boring through the solid wood in all directions and packing their burrows with the powdered wood.
Then he swooped it into his hungry mouth, and found it much better than grubs and ants.
But ants and grubs were not the only game under the logs.
The nest was also full of white eggs or grubs which were quite palatable.
When of adult size, thegrubs proceed to spin themselves in, forming a thick cocoon composed of threads of a material which, though as soft as paste when emitted from the body, hardens so as to form a strong and even thread.
When the grubs hatch they find plenty to eat, and are soon big burying-beetles, like their mothers and fathers.
These soon hatch out into larvæ; tiny, worm-like grubs without any legs.
The result of this was that no grubs or insects were produced; he proved that the grubs originated from the insects who came and deposited their eggs in the meat, and that they were hatched by the heat of the sun.
Thus, if you put a piece of meat in the sun, and allowed it to putrefy, they conceived that the grubs which soon began to appear were the result of the action of a power of spontaneous generation which the meat contained.
All young grubs are at first fed with a specially nutritious food, discharged from the worker's stomach, to which is added a digestive secretion derived from special salivary glands in the worker's head.
These Psithyri have no pollen-carrying structures on the legs and their grubs are dependent for their food-supply on the labours of the Bombi, though, according to E.
The fish is abundant, the weather propitious and delightful, for it is now October; and so greedy have the "Sunnies" become of grasshoppers and grubs that dozens at once dash at the same bait.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grubs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.