The Reverend Thomas Dixon is a rather stagy Simon Legree: in his avowed views a deal like the gentleman with the spiritual hydrophobia in the latter end of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
He has a general dramatic equipment which enables him to force through the stubborn screen such stagyplays as these, that are more worth while in the speaking theatre.
Partisans of realism tell us that this propensity is a weakness, a fault; and such it is, beyond question, whenever it leads to forced and stagy contrasts.
In a stagy paroxysm of jealousy she resigns her Ferdinand to Lady Milford, warning her, however, that her bridal chamber will be haunted by the ghost of a suicide.
No wonder that Schiller in revising for the stage decided to let Leonora live rather than provide for her death by such a stagy tour de force.
In his imaginative work he let himself go mit holdem Irren and preferred to avoid artificial surprises and stagy contrasts.
On Sunday night the glory that was a very stagy Rome burned down for the last time beneath the gridiron of the old Burbank Theater.
Perhaps this was because he had purged himself of the stagyelement in his abundant theatric exercise earlier.
His bourgeois interiors and outings have the same real and not merely stagy quality; though his melodramatic or pantomimic endings may smack of "the boards" a little.
Catching up her slumber-robe from the couch, Betty held it from her shoulders like a court train, and walked across the room with stiff, stagy strides, holding her head very high.
Pantomime is an interesting and valuable form of dramatic art, but it is essentially symbolic and stagy and has, I believe, no place in the moving picture play as we have developed it.
And they hire stage actors to interpret the stagiest of stage plots in as stagy a way as they know how.