There are as many as a dozen flowers opened together on stout, aged plants; it is, however, more because of the densely spinous stems than the flowers that this species has found its way into cultivation.
It is one of the most ornamental of the very spinous species, the radial spines being almost white, whilst the central ones are black, and look like tiny fish-hooks.
One of the best known examples is the Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis), in which branches withspinous leaves, longer and more spreading than the ordinary adult leaf, are often found associated with the normal type of branch.
In Ceratozamia the broad petiole-base is characterized by the presence of two lateralspinous processes, suggesting stipular appendages, comparable, on a reduced scale, with the large stipules of the Marattiaceae among Ferns.
Similar in habit to Macrozamia, but distinguished by the presence of two horn-like spinous processes on the apex of the carpels.
Similar to Encephalartos except in the presence of a spinous projection from the swollen distal end of the carpels.
In rare cases the pinnae of cycads are lobed or branched: in Dioon spinulosum (Central America) the margin of the segments bears numerous spinous processes; in some species of Encephalartos, e.
But this is merely a vigorous reaction against external injury, such as makes a clipped holly hedge bear spinous foliage from base to summit.
They carry spinous leaves up to a height of three or four feet; above that level all the foliage is absolutely smooth and spineless.
Follicles echinate with soft spinous processes, densely tomentose (smooth, and only minutely echinate at the apex in n.
Tender spots can usually be detected by pressure on the umbilical or hypogastric regions or on the spinous processes of the vertebrae.
Defn: The European greater weever fish (Trachinus draco), which is capable of inflicting severe wounds with thespinous rays of its dorsal fin.
The dorsal process of the neural arch; neural spine; spinous process.
Situated beneath a spinous process, as that of the scapula; as, subspinous dislocation of the humerus.
Defn: Having fine supported byspinous fin rays; -- said of certain fishes.
Its superior surface presents a crest, formed by the fusion of the spinousprocesses of the vertebrae which form it.
In this region it extends from the posterior border of the shoulder to the thigh, and, in the vertical direction, from the apices of the spinous process of the dorso-lumbar vertebrae to the median line of the abdomen.
These latter are almost always joined to one another by a fusion of their spinous processes; the two or three last vertebrae are similarly united to the iliac bones, between which they are fixed.
The spinous process, flattened from without inwards, is more or less pointed; it is elongated from before backwards, so as partly to overlap the atlas and the third cervical vertebra.
It is the superior cervical ligament, which arises from the spinous process of the first cervical vertebrae, and is inserted into the external occipital protuberance on the upper part of the posterior surface of the skull.
In the carnivora, the panniculus of the trunk is not attached to the supraspinous ligament; it is blended with the same muscle of the opposite side, passing over the spinous region of the vertebral column.
The summits of the spinousprocesses of the vertebrae alone give form to the superior median border of the trunk.
In the cetaceans, on the contrary, the length of the spinous processes increases from the first to the last.
As a rule, the spinous processes of the foremost dorsal vertebrae are the most developed and are directed obliquely upwards and backwards.
In this connection we here repeat that it is not the general curvature of the vertebral column which produces the withers, but the great length of the spinous process of the first vertebrae of the dorsal region.
It is important for surgical purposes to bear in mind that most of the spinous processes do not lie on the same level as their corresponding bodies.
When the spinous processes and laminæ are driven in upon the cord, they must be elevated at once by operation.
The cleft may implicate only the spinous processes, but as a rule the laminæ also are deficient.
This affection is almost always met with in adults, and the earliest symptoms are pain and weakness in the legs, and sometimes a slight kyphotic projection of the spinous processes.
The lower part of the eleventh thoracic spinous process and the space below it are opposite the lower three lumbar segments.
On passing the fingers under the back as the patient lies recumbent, it is usually found that there is some backward projection of the spinous processes, the most prominent being that of the broken vertebra.
Transverse Fracture of Scapula, with fissures radiating into spinous process and dorsum.
The twelfth thoracic spinous process and the space below it are opposite the sacral segments (Chipault).
The spinous process which forms the apex of the projection belongs to the vertebra above the one that is crushed.
In rare cases the disease affects only the articular or the spinous processes, producing superficial caries and a localised abscess.
The spinous processes of the affected vertebræ project and form a prominence in the middle line of the back.
As the spine, laminæ, and articular processes also undergo alterations in shape, a line uniting the tips of the spinous processes does not furnish an accurate index of the degree of lateral deviation but minimises it considerably.
In the first pair of words the initial of Splendid shows that the attachment is to the Spinous processes, and the word Image indicates that the vertebræ implicated are the third to the sixth.
In my despair I seized the largest piece, and brought up the extremity of an arm with its terminal eye, the spinous eyelid of which opened and closed with something exceedingly like a wink of derision.
One dorsal fin without spinous rays, and one ventral, both placed near the middle of the body, are its locomotive characteristics.
The spinous processes are either imperfect or altogether wanting, and over the space so formed the tumour is situated.
The patient has had tenderness in the part, weakness of the back and of the lower limbs, and increase of pain on pressing or striking some particular spinous processes—perhaps slight excurvation.
The limb is not much shortened, the toes are everted, the trochanter major is depressed, and nearer to the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium than usually, and the head of the bone is both seen and felt prominent in the groin.
Bending of the spine backward, with depression of the spinous processes, is extremely rare.
Do not be afraid of leaving a little flesh attached, as this can be easily cut away from the inter-spinous bones afterwards, it being better to have too much flesh attached to them than to find you have cut the skin through on the other side.
Those fin-bones (inter-spinous bones) which protrude inside may be cut fairly short with the scissors, and the flesh nicely scraped off from each side.
Walcott has since shown that in Neolenus this segment bears a pair of cerci, and Beecher's drawings show that in his later studies he recognized a spinous plate, the possible bearer of cerci, on the anal segment of Triarthrus.
There is a large foramen situated below the spinous processes of the first and third segment, and a smaller beneath the second.
These exquisitely tender points are often found where Trousseau places his neuralgic point apophysaire, namely, over, or very near, the spinous processes of the vertebrae.
Garey's knife was out in a trice; a portion of the spinous coat of the largest was stripped off, its top truncated, and a bowl scooped in the soft succulent mass.
Osteocephalus verrucigerus can be distinguished from other members of the genus by its uniformly dark dorsum, heavily mottled venter, and large, spinous tubercles on the dorsum in males.
Dorsum tan with irregular dark brown blotches; venter cream with fine brown reticulations; dorsum in males bearing few, small non-spinous tubercles O.
Skin on flanks areolate; dorsum in males bearing a mixture of large and small non-spinous tubercles; lips distinctly barred O.
The tubercles of leprieurii are numerous and spinous but much smaller than those of verrucigerus; those of taurinus are spinous but less numerous than in leprieurii.
The second and third vertebrae showed deformity and were painful to pressure and percussion of spinous processes.
He felt a sharp pain at the level of the spinousprocess of the first lumbar vertebra and all along the sacrum.
Pressure on the spinous processes produces no pain, nor does a blow upon the head; and an X-ray examination will definitely eliminate the hypothesis of Pott’s disease.
There were two healed wounds of the right shoulder, and near the twelfth spinous process a third similar scar.
The spinous processes of the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae were injured.
He complained of pain in the back, though no wound or ecchymosis could be found there, nor any painfulness of spinous processes or irregularity of bone.
The spinous processes were painful on pressure, as was also the hip joint.
When thespinous processes of the vertebral column were percussed, a general shaking spasm appeared.
The spinous processes of the vertebral column in the lumbar region were painful.
Palpation and X-ray show separation of the spinous processes of the third cervical vertebra.
There was a very painful point in the spinous process of the scapula, suggesting a fracture; but the bone was proved intact on X-ray.
There are few lianes or spinous briers stretching from tree to tree, obstructing free passage, but a thousand lesser vines drape the low tree tops with myriads of flowers, new and attractive to the visitor.
The back bone receives its name, spine, or spinal column, from these spinous processes.
Spinous process, a process or bony protuberance, resembling a spine or thorn, whence it derives its name.
As the spinous order of fishes is extremely numerous, various modes of classing them have been followed by different naturalists.
The cartilaginous Shark, or Ray, lives some hours after it is taken; while the spinous Herring, or Mackarel, expires a few minutes after it is brought on shore.
The number of bones in all spinous fishes of the same kind is always the same.
The spinous class of fishes is more prolific than any other animal.