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Example sentences for "often difficult"

  • This makes it often difficult to follow the course of a bullet with accuracy.

  • It is often difficult in an examination to measure accurately the depth of a wound, for one may find it hard to determine the precise end of a wound.

  • We see, therefore, that in incised and punctured wounds the use of a weapon may not be hard to make out, but that in general the question whether a particular instrument caused the wound is often difficult or impossible to answer.

  • The distinction between pain due to a neurosis and to a definite lesion is often difficult to make.

  • It is often difficult to change the hour of taking the principal meal, but in special cases this can be done with decided advantage.

  • It is often difficult to judge whether animals have any feeling for each other's sufferings.

  • No doubt it is often difficult to distinguish between the power of reason and that of instinct.

  • It is often difficult to say which of the two sexes departs most from the ordinary coloration of the genus to which the species belong; but Mr. Blackwall thinks that, as a general rule, it is the male.

  • Although the fruits of scientific achievements surround us, it is often difficult to predict the benefits that will arise from a given scientific venture.

  • At a time when massive changes are occurring with lightning speed throughout the world, it is often difficult to perceive how this central objective is best served in one isolated complex situation or another.

  • Many laws of a permanent character have been introduced into appropriation bills, and it is often difficult to determine whether the particular clause expires with the temporary act of which it is a part or continues in force.

  • Energetic physical and mental action are often difficult or even impossible.

  • So common are such interruptions that the prevailing westerly wind direction is often difficult to discern without careful observation.

  • It is often difficult to conjecture whether the many strange cries and notes uttered by male birds during the breeding-season serve as a charm or merely as a call to the female.

  • The finer-grained conglomerates usually shew lines of deposition or bedding, but in some of the coarser sorts it is often difficult to detect any kind of arrangement.

  • When the bedding of gneiss becomes entirely obliterated, it is often difficult to distinguish that rock from granite, and in many cases it appears to pass into a true granite.

  • When the crystals are small, it is often difficult to distinguish hornblende from augite.

  • It is often difficult to see the precise significance of the paintings, but in certain cases they are totemic marks, and represent whatever is sacred in totemic belief.

  • One class appears sometimes to shade into another; in the theistic schemes of low tribes it is often difficult to define the conceptions of supernatural beings with precision.

  • It is often difficult to distinguish this form of mania from the moral depravity which we associate with the criminal classes.

  • Again, it is often difficult to decide whether the injury which caused death was the result of a blow or a fall.

  • It is often difficult to distinguish between a wound of the scalp inflicted with a knife and one made by a blow with a stick.

  • Swallowing is often difficult, and liquids tend to pass through the canula into the trachea; the patient chokes and may cough up the tube.

  • Clinically it is often difficult to determine before operation which variety is present.

  • At the present time the subtotal method enjoys the greatest favour in London, but it must be remembered that where the total operation is most indicated, it is often difficult of execution.

  • We see this most clearly in Philo, a contemporary of Christ, of whom it is often difficult to say whether he reasons more as a Greek or as a Jew.

  • These gentlemen it is often difficult to silence.

  • How this vocal token originates it is often difficult, often quite impossible, to say.

  • This condition of periostitis is often difficult to determine.

  • It is often difficult or impossible to discover that an injury to a nerve has been inflicted, but whenever this is possible it may enable us to remedy that which otherwise would result in permanent evil.

  • It is often difficult to locate a bullet, as it is very readily deflected by resistances met with after entering the body.

  • It may be farther observed, that the exact nature of the accident is often difficult to detect; in all cases accurate and careful manipulation is required.

  • In inflammatory fever, the breathing is often difficult, and the appetite declines; the patient is restless and watchful, and when he does sleep, he is not thereby refreshed.

  • It is often difficult to draw a line between the fauna of brackish ponds and marshes and that of pure fresh water or that of the sea, and this is particularly the case as regards the estuarine tracts of India and Burma.

  • This is often difficult owing to the presence of air in the air-cells, but strong nitric acid applied judiciously will render it possible (p.

  • It is probable, however, that the former species should be assigned to Victorella, for it is often difficult to distinguish Paludicella from young specimens of Victorella unless the latter bear adventitious terminal buds.

  • In children it is often difficult to distinguish between a sprain and the partial separation of an epiphysis.

  • The symptoms closely resemble those of a "loose body," and it is often difficult to differentiate between them.

  • Reduction is often difficult on account of the periosteum and other soft tissues getting between the fragments, and on account of the small size of the upper fragment.

  • On account of the swelling, which obscures the outline of the part, the differential diagnosis is often difficult, but as the swelling goes down under massage it becomes easier.

  • Styles overlap in every transition period, so it is often difficult to place the exact date on a piece of furniture; but the old dies out at last and gives way to the new.

  • The influence of Adam, Shearer, and Hepplewhite, was very great on his work, and it is often difficult to tell whether he or Hepplewhite or Shearer made some pieces.

  • French furniture is not appropriate to all kinds of houses, and it is often difficult to adapt it to circumstances over which one has no control.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "often difficult" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    before you haue heard; both ships; forget what; generally called; often accompanied; often before; often called; often cultivated; often described; often employed; often enough; often have; often heard; often impossible; often made; often necessary; often omitted; often present; often said; often seemed; often spoken; often used; often wonder; restrained himself; send thee; strong cord