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Example sentences for "spermaceti"

Lexicographically close words:
sperit; sperited; sperits; sperm; sperma; spermatheca; spermatia; spermatic; spermatocytes; spermatogenesis
  1. Listen, old Mohi; ambergris is a morbid secretion of the Spermaceti whale; for like you mortals, the whale is at times a sort of hypochondriac and dyspeptic.

  2. You must know, subjects, that in antediluvian times, the Spermaceti whale was much hunted by sportsmen, that being accounted better pastime, than pursuing the Behemoths on shore.

  3. The greatest part of the spermaceti oil is carried to Great Britain.

  4. Their acquaintance with the spermaceti whale, found in the Indian ocean, was somewhat more accurate.

  5. Of these, the most dangerous is said to be the Physeter microps, or Black-headed Spermaceti Whale.

  6. In those times, also, spermaceti was exceedingly scarce, not being used for light, but only as an ointment and medicament.

  7. In this book is an outline purporting to be a "Picture of a Physeter or Spermaceti whale, drawn by scale from one killed on the coast of Mexico, August, 1793, and hoisted on deck.

  8. And so the appellation must at last have come to be bestowed upon the whale from which this spermaceti was really derived.

  9. Yes, our three masts will yet be as three spermaceti candles-- that's the good promise we saw.

  10. It was the idea also, that this same spermaceti was that quickening humor of the Greenland Whale which the first syllable of the word literally expresses.

  11. But the spermaceti itself, how bland and creamy that is; like the transparent, half jellied, white meat of a cocoanut in the third month of its growth, yet far too rich to supply a substitute for butter.

  12. When, as I opine, in the course of time, the true nature of spermaceti became known, its original name was still retained by the dealers; no doubt to enhance its value by a notion so strangely significant of its scarcity.

  13. You must go to New Bedford to see a brilliant wedding; for, they say, they have reservoirs of oil in every house, and every night recklessly burn their lengths in spermaceti candles.

  14. About midnight that steak was cut and cooked; and lighted by two lanterns of sperm oil, Stubb stoutly stood up to his spermaceti supper at the capstan-head, as if that capstan were a sideboard.

  15. The adamantine candles are made of spermaceti mixed with wax, in proportion of one ounce of wax to a pound of spermaceti, and subjected to powerful steam pressure.

  16. The spermaceti is put into large boilers adapted for the purpose, and heated to the temperature of two hundred and ten degrees.

  17. The liquid which remains is as pure and clear as the crystal water, and ready to be made into the finest spermaceti candles.

  18. Winter strained sperm oil is heavier, and burns away faster than spring strained sperm oil, for the simple reason that the winter oil is freer from spermaceti than the spring strained oil.

  19. They are not only much harder than spermaceti candles, and variously colored, but they command a higher price in the market.

  20. The first spermaceti whale known to the inhabitants was found dead and ashore on the west end of the island.

  21. Have clean irons, and rub each one before using it with a bit of wax or spermaceti tied up in a piece of cotton, and wipe it on a clean rag.

  22. Five minutes before it is done, put in a piece of spermaceti the size of a large walnut, and stir until it is well mixed.

  23. I haue still by mee a little of the spermaceti of our whale, as also the oyle & balsome wch I made with the oyle & spermaceti.

  24. A spermaceti whale[51] of 62 foote long neere Welles.

  25. No attempt is made to separate the oil and spermaceti beyond boiling the "head matter," as it is called, by itself first, and putting it into casks which are not filled up with the body oil.

  26. If we add to these enormous duties those which are levied by the authority of the local government, it will be perceived that all the spermaceti oil procured by the colonial vessels has to pay a duty of £28 8s.

  27. Frames for small houses, shingles, nails, locks and hinges, spermaceti candles, and knickknacks.

  28. Captain Rhines had also brought with him in the coaster from Boston a large lot of spermaceti candles, which Arthur Brown, Mr. Welch, and the crew of the brigantine contributed.

  29. Melted tallow or spermaceti is poured into the trough, and when cold the superfluous quantity removed, and the candles drawn out of the moulds.

  30. This substance is obtained from the oily matter contained in the head of the spermaceti whale, Phyceter Macrocephales, which consists of sperm oil and spermaceti.

  31. With the spermaceti to be extracted from the "case" of the cachalot, they could lay in a stock that would last them for many a day.

  32. They had extinguished the flame in a somewhat original fashion,--by pouring upon it a portion of the liquid spermaceti taken out of the case.

  33. The spermaceti could not be readily kindled, nor its blaze kept up, without wicks.

  34. But they had proved that the spermaceti would not burn to any purpose without a wick; and as their spare ropes were too precious to be all picked into oakum, they saw the necessity of economising their stock of the latter article.

  35. The total stoppage of the importation of sperm oil and spermaceti was naturally severely felt in England, for time had not permitted the invention of substitutes.

  36. So full was the matter of spermaceti that one could take a piece as large as one's head in the hands, and squeeze it like a sponge, expressing the spermaceti in showers, until nothing remained but a tiny ball of fibre.

  37. The liquid spermaceti was leaking rapidly from the case, turning solid as it got into the cool water.

  38. One of the party who set out from Boston on that memorable day carried with him some spermaceti candles which on the delegates' arrival were burned with great ceremony at the evening dinner.

  39. It is very pure, and extensively used for machinery, lamps, and most of the purposes for which olive or spermaceti oils are used.

  40. Lard and all fatty matters consist of three principles, of which stearine contains the stearic and margaric acids, both of which, when separated, are solid, and used as inferior substitutes for wax or spermaceti candles.

  41. A concretion prepared from the oily matter of the head of the Physeter macrocephalus, or spermaceti whale.

  42. Olive oil, which is obtained from the vegetable kingdom, and spermaceti oil, which is obtained from the animal kingdom, may be taken as types of the rest.

  43. From the 'head matter' of Physeter macrocephalus, or spermaceti whale; a species once common in all the principal seas, but now chiefly confined to the Southern Ocean.

  44. One part of powdered spermaceti with two of sugar.

  45. This is spermaceti ointment melted and beaten up with about 2/3rds of its weight of rose water until they congeal.

  46. Butter of cacao and spermaceti in equal parts; melted together.

  47. Spermaceti is pulverised as camphor, by the aid of a few drops of spirit.

  48. From spermaceti and Spanish juice, of each 8 oz.

  49. It is very frequently adulterated with one or other of the cheaper oils, in which case spermaceti or camphor is added to it, to make it 'candy.

  50. Spermaceti and white wax, of each 1/4 oz.

  51. From the finest spermaceti ointment or cerate, 3 oz.

  52. The quantity of oil produced from the Spermaceti Whale is not so considerable as that obtained from the common or Greenland Whale, but in quality it is far preferable, as it yields a bright flame, without exhaling any nauseous smell.

  53. The substance called spermaceti is extracted from its immense head, which is nearly half the size of the entire animal; and the throat is so large that it could swallow a shark.

  54. The spermaceti is in a fluid state while the animal is living, and as soon as it is dead a hole is made in the head, and the liquid taken out with buckets.

  55. The spermaceti is found dissolved in the more ordinary oil (or fat), which occupies a huge region above the bones of the upper jaw and gives the sperm whale its barrel-shaped head.

  56. Spermaceti is a perfectly definite chemical body, which can be recognised without chance of error.

  57. Now since spermaceti was not used before the year 1700, the bust cannot (say Dr.

  58. It was at the end of the eighteenth century that spermaceti became so abundant in the market that candles of it were manufactured and sold cheaper than those of wax.

  59. Sidenote: The use of Argand lamps and Spermaceti Oil introduced.

  60. After this the breast should be dressed with a little spermaceti ointment, or a composition of white wax and olive oil, which is mild and gentle.

  61. This is the valuable spermaceti from which the finest candles are made.

  62. One whale will sometimes yield fifteen barrels of spermaceti oil from the "case" of its head.

  63. You must drop this vile tallow and hold up pure spermaceti to the world.

  64. However, he did not try his hand at the spermaceti again, but, admonished by experience, returned to tallow.

  65. Boylston's object was, first, to dispose of a cargo of spermaceti oil, which he brought to Havre.

  66. The spermaceti oil is best, of the cheap kinds.

  67. Their forehead, however, is considerably flatter than that of the Spermaceti Whales, and they have no true teeth.

  68. That which appears to be most frequently met with is the Great-headed Spermaceti Whale.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spermaceti" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.