The king taking her vp from kneeling on the ground, commaunded the Bishop to pronounce with highe voice the vsual words of Matrimonie.
But if you will saye, perchaunce with a poore man, I confesse it: and verely it is to your shame, that you haue not vouchsafed to place in highe estate a man so honest, being your owne seruaunt.
If the poore mayden of base birth be aduaunced (by fortune’s grace) to highe estate: let her fixe in mynde the lady of Thurin.
The channcelle (in the whiche is conteined the highe altare and the quiere) directe fulle in the easte, representeth the heade, and therefore ought to be somewhat rounde, and muche shorter than the body of the churche.
In Leland's time, St. Hugh lay "in the Body of the Est Parte of the Chirche above the Highe Altare.
Al the hole Close is environid withe an highe stronge wawle havynge dyvers Gats in it, whereof the principall is the Escheker gate.
And that contree lyzth a long fro the see ocean, toward the southe; and toward the northe, it marchethe to Nubye, and to the highe Lybye.
He is a cruell beaste, when he is wilde, and falleth on his owne feete from moste highe places: and vneth is hurte therewith.
But if it were any persone obstinat, What so he were of highe or low estate, Him wolde he snibben[638] sharply for the nones.
My lorde's offeringe accustomede upon All hallow-Day yerely, when his lordshippe is at home at the Highe Mass, if he kepe Chapell, xijd.
The Chauncelle (in the whiche is conteined the highe Altare and the Quiere) directe full into the East, representeth the heade.
Right highe and myghty Prynce, my noble and right good Lord, I beseche the Holy Goste be with yow, and evere more sende yow the accomplishment of youre right noble desires to his plesir and youres.
When I was thus advanc'd on highe 45 Commanding Edward with mine eye, For Mrs. Blague I in short space Obtainde a livinge from his grace.
They both relate to Hawksyard, situate in that part of The Moorlands of Staffordshire known in the middle ages as Highe Frith of Malbanc Forest; south of Buxton and east of the church at Newtown near Longnor.
Sir Edward Mundy made a journey with the duke of Lancaster and his attendants into Highe Frith in the parish of Alstonefield in the county of Stafford; when they arrived at that piece of public ground [?
The points as to which we require information are; whether John of Gaunt was in a position to give and grant lands in the Highe Frith to Sir Edward Mundy or had he only the rights of an overlord?
In the streight passage of the valie betwixt the extensed and highe mounting rockes, the ayre was dim by reason of the retained vapores, and yet I was as well pleased therewith as Apollo at his deuine birth.
Behould all thy gratious conceits and pleasant highe delyghtes builded in thy apprehensiue thoughtes, through the sweetenes of loue, are deadly shaken, and abruptlie precipitated and cast downe?
So that the mouth of the darke place, out of the which I had escaped, was in a manner within the highe Mountaine, all ouergrone with trees.
A long whyl stood I in that state, Til that me saugh so mad and mate 3190 The lady of thehighe ward, Which from hir tour lokid thiderward.
Myn highe paleys do I founde, And my delytes I fulfille With wyne at feestes at my wille, 6830 And tables fulle of entremees; I wol no lyf, but ese and pees, And winne gold to spende also.
And when Shamoys dressed in alum cometh to the rain or any water they will be hard like tanned leather, and Shamoys in oil make the cheapest and most lasting apparel, which the "low countrie man and the highe Almayn" doth use.
But it were any persone obstinat, What so he were of highe or low estate, Him wolde he snibben[289] sharply for the nones, A better preest I trow that nowhere none is.
There was thre gentylmen of highe enterprise and of great valure, and that they well shewed as ye shall here.
Now goode God, if that it be thy will, As saith my lord, so make us all good men; And bring us to his highe bliss.
Cale, as the claie whiche will gre on thie hedde, Is Charitie and Love aminge highe elves; Knightis and Barons live for pleasure and themselves.
So shal thy highe mede be reserved To him, whiche al shal quyten atte laste; For this lyf here may no whyle laste.
These thinges me greven to thinke, and 20 namely on passed gladnesse, that in this worlde was wont me disporte of highe and lowe; and now it is fayled; they that wolden maystries me have in thilke stoundes.
The highe god, of his justyce alone, The right which longeth to thy regalye Declared hath to stande in thy persone; 10 And more than god may no man justifye.
Among this poure folk ther dwelt a man, Which that was holden pourest of hem all: But highe God sometime senden can His grace unto a litel oxes stall: Janicola men of that thorpe him call.
And hauyng wante of pitche, for in that countrey the Indians knewe not what it meant, he commaunded certayne of his Mariners to make the same in the highe Mountaynes where was store of Pine trées, and not farre from the cittie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "highe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.