Thus you haue heard the tragicall discourse of ambitious Becket, a man of meane parentage, and yet through the princes fauour verie fortunate, if he had not abused the beneuolence of so gratious a souereigne by his insolencie and presumption.
And of them that were hurt of great men the Beglarby of Natolia had a stroke with an arrow as he was in the trench of Prouence.
And they of the towne weening that the second fire was for to deliuer Iaques, the reuerend lord great master sent one of his galliasses, whose patron was called messire Boniface of Prouence, to know the cause thereof.
As touching the store and ordinance of warre, the sayd lordes affirmed that there was ynough for a yeere and more, whereof the contrary was found, for it failed a moneth or the citie was yeelded.
William Thomas in his Historie of the common wealthes of Italy, maketh honorable mention of him twise, to wit, in the commonwealth of Florentia and Ferrara.
Iohn, and part of his head, and diuers other reliques.
Georges knight, and defender of the faith, to assist the king his master in that godly warre and vertuous purpose.
William Gonson, pay-master of the kings Nauie, made her voyage in the yeere 1535.
And also the king of Armenia shewed that by occasion of this warre he had lost his Realme of Armenia, therefore he desired for Gods sake that there might be some treaty of peace had betweene the two Realmes England and France.
Item I and the said Griffin, and either of vs shall hold our portions of land, of our said souereigne the king in Capite, acknowledging him chiefe lord therof.
Item I shall giue and restore vnto our souereigne lord the king all his charges in this present voiage laid out.
This lewd counsell was soone receiued and executed by the outragious people, & Constantine himselfe being cheefe leader of them, cried with a lowd voice, Mount ioy mount ioy, God be our aid and our souereigne Lewes.
On the twentith daie of August, which was the day of the appointment, the king of Scots receiued the towne and castell to the behoofe of his souereigne lord the king of England, who (during all the time of the siege) laie at Moraumall.
And immediatlie after the deceasse of our souereigne lord king Charles, we shall be faithfull liegemen vnto the said king Henrie, and to his successors for euer.
Souereigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God, Queene of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c.
In the meane time his mother queene Elianor, togither with capteine Marchades entred into Aniou, and wasted the same, bicause they of that countrie had receiued Arthur for their souereigne lord and gouernour.
Immediatlie vpon his arriuall at Rochell, the barons of Poictow reuolted from the French king, and comming in to king John, did homage vnto him, as to their king and souereigne lord.
Now hath our souereigne lord made vs subiect to Rome, and to the Romish court, so that we must hencefoorth obteine our protection from thence.
For by generall consent of the nobles and peeres of the countries of Aniou, Maine, and Touraine, Arthur was receiued as the liege and souereigne lord of the same countries.
Amongst other, one Osrike, for his age and wisedome accounted of most authoritie, exhorted the residue that in no wise they should suffer the death of their souereigne lord to passe vnpunished vnto their perpetuall shame and reproofe.
Heerevpon followed a doubtfull fight, the one part striuing to saue their liues, and the other to atteine honour, and punish the slaughter of their souereigne lord.
Also Baldwin de Betun approching neere to the confines of Austrich, when he heard that the duke was dead, returned with the two ladies vnto his souereigne lord king Richard.
Dated the tenth before the kalends of August, in the reigne of our souereigne lord Mauricius most vertuous emperor, the fourtenth of his empire.
Which things so by learned men to vs for a veritie declared, caused me and other to take him for our lawfull and vndoubted prince and souereigne lord.
All the nobles of the realme were caused to sweare, that after the kings decease they shuld admit and mainteine Richard prince of Wales for their king and souereigne lord.
And therfore our souereigne lord the king willeth and commandeth you, in all that euer you may, to send to the said siege vittels conuenient.
Neither naming him king of France, nor his souereigne lord, according as (euer before that time) he was accustomed to doo.
Also the kings Bench, the which is too greefefull to the shire of Kent, without prouision of our souereigne lord and his true councell.
Most christian king, right high and mightie prince, and most dread souereigne lord we beseech our blessed Lord to preserue your honour and estate in ioy and felicitie.
Wherevpon it was againe demanded of the commons, if they would admit and take the said erle as their prince and souereigne lord, which all with one voice cried; yea, yea.
At it was thought, the earle of Oxenfords persuasion wanted not, to make him the more stiflie to hold out; and rather to trie the vttermost hazard of warre, than to agree to acknowledge king Edward for his lawfull souereigne lord and king.
The constable also, with whome the king your souereigne lord (I am sure) hath some intelligence, for fauour that your maister hath maried his neece, is not so sure a freend as he is taken for.
Also, Roger Houeden saith, that William king of Scotland came to his souereigne lord king Henrie into Normandie, and likewise to king Richard, and moreouer to king Iohn at Lincolne, dooing to them his homage.
For Edgar had not onelie all the whole Ile of Britaine in subiection, but also was ruler & souereigne lord ouer all the kings of the out Iles that lie within the seas about all the coasts of the same Britaine euen vnto the realme of Norwaie.
The vesselles of Smaragde, and the table of the Souereigne Queene.
Sidenote A: Moly an herb greatly commended of Homer, and thought to be souereigne against inchauntments of moderne authors altogether vnknowne.
I haue also beheld the souereigne of twentie shillings, and the peece of thirtie shillings, I haue heard likewise of peeces of fortie shillings, three pounds, fiue pounds, and ten pounds.
And euen no lesse vnquietnesse had another of our princes with Iohn of Arundell, who fled to Rome for feare of his head, and caused the pope to write an ambitious and contumelious letter vnto his souereigne about his restitution.
Howbeit if anie doubt doo arise aboue the interpretation of them, the king who is the perpetuall souereigne of that order hath to determine and resolue the same.
The other which had before doone homage to me, haue sworne fealtie to me as to their souereigne lord.
This Cnute was the mightiest prince that euer reigned ouer the English people: for he had the souereigne rule ouer all Denmark, England, Norwaie, Scotland, and part of Sweiden.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "souereigne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.