Then he screwed his features up somewaysideways and glared out into the night with an unprepossessing cast of countenance.
Leagues and Clubs someway have a selfish sound--as though everyone outside didn't count for anything," Ivy said one day.
Someway I didn't see any use in it, but that lecturer made me see lots of things, so I up and followed old man Potter who hadn't drawn a sober breath ever since I could remember.
No one suspected her dissatisfaction except Hugh, who someway understood all the moods of the frail little sister whom he worshiped.
There was a rose room, all in pink and green, a pond-lily room in green and white, a violet room in green and lavender, and a gorgeous suite of rooms which someway seemed like a great bouquet of nasturtiums.
After a little Tode came quietly out of his corner, deliberately blew out his light and went to bed, not at all unmindful of the All-seeing Eye; but someway it had ceased to burn.
Tode was someway not in a mood to be laughed at, so he gave vent somewhat loftily to a solemn truth.
Someway it was an immense satisfaction to Theodore to know that Dora's intention had not been to make light of his supposed ignorance.
But now he is someway upset and nothing will rightly smooth him but to be thinking upon his next meal; and what it will be I don't know, unless the berries of the bush.
Nowhere in all her plannings crossed by that strange creature Death; someway she had never planned for that.
Someway Ester had fallen into a way of thinking that every one who spoke freely concerning these matters must be either a fanatic or a minister.
He sat back upon a box, which contained a duck sitting on twelve eggs, and looked at the ground with the air of one who has someway lost his perspective.
Tis so that she becomes human and someway near to me.
The natural things are the same in Massachusetts--but here they seem someway even older.
Their bread-and-butter someway put new life into them and made them more fully awake to the fact that their mother was away for the afternoon.
I look forward impatiently to the end of my time here, so that I may go to find you again;--but my impatience grows someway less when I think that if I am with you this vision may vanish from my dreams.
This hope of somehow, someway having her near to him had been the mainspring of his action and it could not be withdrawn without leaving him disabled.
Someway Bradley's life was lightened by that day's experience.
It helped him someway to bear the sting of his defeat.
Someway you couldn't shoot into that smile and that glint, which was sort of saying, 'Go ahead!
She only felt speechlessly grateful and someway comforted,--as a baby girl might feel in her father's arms.
The snow still sifted down steadily, with a relentlessness that was someway dreadful to the spirit.
She asked him how he had happened to get trace of the missing man; he answered in an even, almost expressionless tone that someway puzzled her.
It was wide and fretful, and in the half-light someway vague and ominous.
It seemed to her she felt a warmth, a throbbing, a pressure that wassomeway significant and portentous above any experience of her life.
And he knows someway by the sound of the blows if anyone will lose his life in that boat.
He wassomeway gifted, and people were afraid of him.
But after a while he had all his riches spent, and someway nothing went well with him; and at last he found himself the same way he was before, with but one cow left of all his stock, and the children crying with hunger.
But someway at his wake, with all that was going on there, the two bottles got broken, or if they did not they were lost.
Someway he must get back to the cave and warn his unsuspecting comrades.
And I never knew he was gone till when I went out of the house the girl from next door looked at me someway strange, and then she told me two boys were drowned, and then she told me one of them was my own.
There used to be a lot of things seen, but someway the young people go abroad less at night, and I'm thinking the souls of some of those may be delivered by this time.
She had big brown eyes, with long lashes, a thick, creamy skin that someway reminded you of white rose-petals, and the most glorious red hair you ever saw.
To Rosemary, trembling and cold, it someway brought a memory of her father's face, in the faded picture.
I thought you'd just raise Cain over what Polly has done; but you act so sane and sensible; someway it doesn't seem so bad as it did, and I feel more sorry for Polly than like going back on her.
I haven't thought enough to put it to you clearly," said Kate, "but someway the city repels me.
But someway the spoken words did not have the same effect as when he read them mentally in the first shock of anger.
Someway as she looked they seemed not so unkind, more sorrowful they were, on closer scrutiny, than cruel.
Someway he felt Carolyn June would resent it if she knew he was drawing wages for acting the lover to her.
Whenever we started out to do a thing she made us finish it someway or 'nother.
You spoke of her today as in someway deprived of her senses for a long time.
Someway he maintained his footing on the carriage pole long enough to secure the dragging line, and when he gained the driver's seat the Marquise was beside him.
He will never come, Maman," and the smile of the Marquise someway drifted into a sigh.
The dainty lace cap she wore had tiny bows of violet showing among the lace, and it someway had the effect of making her appear more youthful instead of adding matronliness.
Someway he appeared more as he had when she met him first under the beeches; then he had seemed so big, so strong, so masterful, that she had never thought of his years.
Though she was not so fully developed as now, those slumbrous, oriental eyes of hers suggested someway that beauty of Bethulia; the choice was left to me and so she was christened Judithe.
It was a subject that someway annoyed Ruth, so she dismissed it, and made ready for the afternoon meeting, whither they all went.
But someway it seemed to Ruth that the great Brooklyn pastor should receive this mark of respect at her hands; so she had spent the morning at her toilet and was now a fashionable lady, fashionably attired for church.
When we comes out of the depot onto the street I takes one look round and I allows to myself that these here New York folks certainly is got powerfully behind someway with their hauling.
Someway I'd trust him with my character or my money, but I got to be perfectly sure before I trust him with my children.
I had a feeling that someway it was an inconsistent thing to do, and that if I was converted I should have to give it up, and it was a real stumbling-block in my way for some days.
Now, I'm not caught yet; someway the right sort of bait hasn't reached me yet.
She someway could not help disliking people who, like Nellis Mitchell, always did what they were asked to do, just to oblige.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "someway" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.