Rice, ignorant himself of the simplest elements of musical science, waited upon Mr. Peters, and solicited his co-operation in the preparation of his song for the press.
AFTER I had thoroughly recovered from the fatigues of my late journey, I solicited his Royal Highness for permission to go and explore the diamond mines of Cerro do Frio.
On hearing of the surrender of the place, I solicited Mr. Martinez to liberate me, as I thought myself no longer a prisoner.
This report being officially laid before His Excellency the Conde de Linhares, I was solicited to go to Canta Gallo, and investigate the business on the spot, the two men being ordered to meet me there.
But it is singular that the bishops were sometimes solicited by sovereigns themselves to pronounce an interdict upon lands of their vassals.
They, however, instantly solicited a pardon for him; and, not being able to obtain it, they refused to hold intercourse with his accusers and their faction.
The first relations of the British with Manipur date from 1762, when the raja solicited British aid to repel a Burmese invasion, and a treaty was entered into.
The Greeks, who had solicited his assistance, were at last reduced to implore the aid of the Latins against the implacable fury of their allies.
The head of the Church compared these alms to those which St. Paul solicited for the poor of Jerusalem, and did not fear to assert, beforehand, that they would suffice for the maintenance of the army of Crusaders for ten years.
Theodore Ducas and Theodore Lascaris solicited the suffrages of the assembly, and contended for a throne that no longer existed.
The fugitive prince had in vain solicited most of the Christian monarchs, when he was advised to address himself to the Crusaders, the noblest warriors of the West.
The emirs of Egypt equally solicitedthe alliance of the Christians, and proposed very advantageous conditions.
All the officers of the garrison in Paris, and all the distinguished military men in the metropolis, had solicited the honor of a presentation to Napoleon.
I shall be solicited by mothers, sisters, and disconsolate wives, and my heart will be broken through my inability to obtain all the mercy for which I would plead.
All the regiments in the city had also solicited the honor of a review by the distinguished conqueror.
I shall be solicitedby mothers,sisters, and disconsolate wives, and my heart will be broken through my inability to obtain all the mercy for which I would plead.
She went among the people, and solicited funds and supplies of every kind.
The farmers were visited, and solicited to give vegetables and grain, while the cities were not forgotten.
Parliament was soon after prorogued; and Marlborough, seeing his public career terminated, solicited and obtained passports to go abroad, which he soon afterwards did.
She was solicited to dance, but neither the waltz nor the quadrille were at all enticing, and she contented herself with the part of spectator.
The friendly governments will then be solicited to expel these refugees, to banish these exiles.
The friendly league thou hast solicited I give thee, therefore, and to-morrow all My chosen youth shall wait on your return.
Miss Theodora Cowper was by no means insensible to the regards of her admirer, and the father was eventually solicited to ratify her choice.
But, having learnt that he was so blinded by passion as to intend to marry this girl, and that he had even bound himself by a written promise to that effect, I solicited the King to have her placed in confinement.
Accordingly, the Marquis solicited Don John to be despatched to me on some errand, and arrived, as I said before, at the very instant the corpse of this ill-fated young lady was being borne to the grave.
He solicited to obtain the same place in my esteem which he held during our infancy; and, on taking leave of me, made me confirm it by oaths and promises.
When we returned from Alençon, I solicited the King to permit me to take leave of himself, as I had everything prepared for my journey.
In their distress, the Portuguese court had solicited the aid of England; but our government could do nothing more than to send an expedition to take possession of the island of Madeira, in order to secure it for Portugal.
In the beginning of this reign, he had solicited a lucrative post under government, but had been disappointed.
The duke immediately laid this letter as a resignation before his majesty; but Mr. Huskisson seems to have written it solely with a view of being solicited to remain in office.
He solicited a full inquiry, asserting that he put his fortune, his honour, and his head on the issue.
Both the Bootans and Senassies were checked, and soon after Hastings set out on a visit to the Nabob of Oude, who hadsolicited a personal conference at Benares, in order to arrange new bargains and treaties with the English.
These sentiments were communicated to Chatham, and he was solicited by those who entertained them to honour a motion about to be made by the Duke of Richmond on this subject with his support.
Overtures were made to Washington by Carleton for a truce; and a passport was solicited of him for a person to carry a letter to congress with offers of peace.
His highness's ministers and chiefs there tendered his submission, and solicited the clemency of the British government.
He made haste to their relief; and, having been informed that they were pressed with famine, he passed speedily to the western coast, and earnestly solicited the Portuguese to supply them in this their extreme necessity.
Pieces of the clothing that he wore were solicited and given to his enthusiastic witnesses of the deed, to be preserved as trophies of his action in preventing the third shot.
When a prospective candidate for re-election in 1884 the press of New York, having solicited expressions of fitness from delegates to the last National Convention, I was pleased with the opportunity to make this small contribution.
You recollect the answer which your father gave to the King of France when he solicited your hand for the dauphin?
Not only did the sick come in crowds expecting to be cured, but the ladies solicitedamulets to restore their beauty, to preserve the affections of their lovers, and even to destroy a hated rival.
Mr. Park seated himself upon the ground before him, and relating the causes that induced him to pass through his country, solicited his protection.
One night, Mr. Park, having solicited in vain for water at the camp, resolved to try his fortune at the wells, to which he was guided by the lowing of cattle.
The kindness of this good old man was remarkable; he never seemed weary of obliging them, regretted his inability to do more, and solicited them very pressingly to remain with him another day.
At sunset they reached Sibity, but the dooty received Mr. Park very coolly, and when he solicited a guide to Sansanding, told him his people were otherwise engaged.
They solicited and obtained a conference with the lords, which the attorney-general, Sir Francis Bacon, managed on the part of the lower house; a remarkable proof of his adroitness and pliancy.
But men prone to remark all that seems an appropriate retribution of Providence, took notice that he, who had thus solicited the interpreters of the law to sanction such a violation of natural justice, was himself its earliest example.
Archbishop Morton is famous for the dilemma which he proposed to merchants and others, whom he solicited to contribute.
Sully, although previously solicited by the Queen to support the proposal, resolutely refused to do so, alleging that he would never consent to see the King subjected to an outlay of twelve hundred thousand livres in order to enable M.
Having ascertained this fact, Henry remained alone in his apartment, until it was announced to him that the Duc de Vendôme solicited the honour of a private audience.
Harley's good nature could not refuse the benevolent old man; and the younger stranger, though he at first pleaded prior engagements, yet being earnestly solicited by his friend, at last yielded to solicitation.
Harley undertook her cause: he related the treacheries to which she had fallen a sacrifice, and again solicited the forgiveness of her father.
The following year, March 1553, the Bernese solicited anew the pardon of the five prisoners, condemned by the official of Lyons and the parliament of Paris.
And although they have not yet written you, yet because it is certain that the reply of your most illustrious Council will be in accordance with your mind, I have thought that you should be apprised and solicited regarding it in time.
Esteemed by Calvin, Blaurer witnessed his influence at Zurich and at Berne solicited more than once by the Reformer of Geneva.
Bude strongly solicitedme to exert myself to bring Emmanuel[167] hither, if it could be accomplished on any ground.
He declared himself done with the war, and ready to emigrate to the west of the Mississippi, and solicited subsistence and transportation for himself and his people for that purpose.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solicited" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.