He had done this at a time when it seemed doubtful whether even his adroitness could make the scheme a success; and it somewhat mars the lustre of his generosity to record that he afterward regretted his impulsive open- handedness.
He really was able to paint well when he chose, a fact which was, on the whole, of less importance in his artistic career than were the adroitness of his address, and his ready and persuasive sympathy.
He experienced all the acute anguish of finding himself in the toils, and of the added sting from wounded vanity, since he felt that he had been wanting in adroitness and presence of mind.
With great adroitness and secrecy Napoleon collected and fitted out his little flotilla, which consisted of the Inconstant, a stout brig assigned to him at Fontainebleau, and seven smaller craft.
Students watching the progress of the liquor traffic will not be surprised at the skillful adroitness of illicit traders, in evading detection.
A temporary peace was secured by the adroitness of Nicholas Perrot.
Its flight is as powerful as that of the Golden Eagle, and its strength and adroitness are even greater.
When left to themselves, they attack each other furiously, using their steel spurs with greatadroitness (Fig.
Like them, they live on animals, either dead or living; like them, too, they possess the strength and adroitness which are necessary to satisfy their sanguinary appetites.
By great adroitness he disarmed their suspicions sufficiently to prevent further violence, though they held him prisoner for an hour.
There was considerable adroitness in this speech as a prelude to greater directness, and he looked at her out of his little grey eyes with some intentness.
With real adroitness Susie had tested McArthur, searching his face for the glimmer of amusement which would have destroyed irredeemably any chance of real comradeship between them.
With all his adroitness and subtlety, he could get no inkling of their intentions.
Pride will doubtless hold out with strength and adroitness against the besiegers of its fortress; but it is an obvious truth that the condition of the world is rapidly improving, and that our laws and customs must change with it.
Slave-owners have indeed frequently shown great adroitness in defending this bad system; but, with few exceptions, they base their arguments upon the necessity of continuing slavery because it is already begun.
He had the adroitness to enlist in his favor a large number of the principal noblemen and gentlemen.
With this army to aid, he harried Sutherland and the North, lifting cattle, plundering homesteads, and stopping wayfarers with a humour and adroitness worthy of Robin Hood.
The event was managed by him with amazing adroitness from beginning to end.
The condition gave me an opportunity of experiencing my apprehensions in different degrees: since, according to the apparent adroitness or clumsiness of the marksman, my fears of being hit were greater or less.
Long practice had given me such adroitness in the use of my weapon, that I could handle it with the quickness and skill of a juggler.
In the legends of the natives, and in the literature of the Buddhists, the jackal in Ceylon is as essentially the type of cunning as the fox is the emblem of craft and adroitness in the traditions of Europe.
He read his speech very well and the substance of it gave satisfaction; it was not easy to compose it, but he did it exceedingly well, and steered clear of the ticklish points with great adroitness and tact.
He saw that I stood his gaze with but few symptoms of giving way, and he changed his tactics with an adroitness that did honour to his training.
She wondered grimly where and under what circumstances he had acquired the adroitness which had charmed and still did charm her.
Everywhere George's adroitnesshad been wonderful, extraordinarily comforting and reassuring, and nowhere more so than in the vestibule of No.
Let her family be surprised by friend or foe, a single note of alarm is all that is necessary to cause the brood to scatter, and with the most clever adroitness to hide themselves beneath a bunch of leaves or grass.
The young are not slow to profit from parental suggestions and instruction, for we find them, at the expiration of a fortnight, engaged in foraging with the judgment and adroitness of adults.
Mitchell specially notices their adroitness in procuring the wild honey of the bush.
Mitchell, like Apollo when Mercury filched his bow, hardly knew whether to smile at the adroitness of the thief or wax indignant at the loss of his property.
In Le Croquet, 1892, he begins to exhibit, in his use of new means, the same prodigious adroitness he displayed in his earlier and slighter works.
Adroitness on the part of Cortés and a show of gold had their effect upon messengers who, with one demand and another, were sent to him by Narvaez.
That he went through was evidence not only of his adroitness and ability, but it was proof also that he was a good fellow.
His engaging manner made him popular, and his good-natured adroitness made him successful.
Blind and deluded, it has wrapped itself up in false security, trusting to ancient prestige and adroitness in negotiation to keep the wolf from the door, and has let the military element slip through its fingers.