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Example sentences for "sociologists"

Lexicographically close words:
sociologic; sociological; sociologically; sociologie; sociologist; sociology; socios; socius; sock; socked
  1. The anthropogeographer recognizes the various social forces, economic and psychologic, which sociologists regard as the cement of societies; but he has something to add.

  2. Sociologists following Aristotle have agreed with him that human nature develops within and decays outside of social relations.

  3. It is for this reason that sociologists have invariably sought the sociological element, not in the individual but in his appetites, desires, wishes--the human motives which move him to action.

  4. It is intelligible, therefore, that sociologists should conceive of social forces in other terms than self-interest.

  5. It was in the writings of the historians rather than of the sociologists that the term first gained currency.

  6. In psychoanalysis, a rapidly growing literature is accessible to sociologists upon the nature and the effects of the intimate contacts of sex and family life.

  7. Comte conceived humanity in terms of the family, and most sociologists have been disposed to take the family as representative of the type of relations they are willing to call social.

  8. A school of European sociologists represented by Gumplowicz, Ratzenhofer, and Novicow stressed conflict as the characteristic behavior of social groups.

  9. Classification of the Materials With the tacit acceptance by biologists, psychologists, and sociologists of human behavior as a natural phenomenon, materials upon human nature have rapidly accumulated.

  10. That the subject has until recently received little attention is readily seen by a mere glance at the works of our leading sociologists and historians.

  11. Sociologists have referred to this process as intermental stimulation and response.

  12. Sociologists are able to take into account forms of isolation not considered by the students of the physical environment and of racial inheritance.

  13. Sociologists have carried the analysis a step farther.

  14. We might find also, perhaps, some dim conception of the occasional simultaneity of genius with physical defects or deformities, a fact of which a certain modern school of criminal sociologists has made so much.

  15. Mother-right has been recognized by many sociologists as a system of family relationship, perhaps the most widespread, perhaps the most primitive of all.

  16. Such sociologists as Morgan and McLennan affirm that the primitive society had no family organization at all.

  17. In short, these occupational struggles underlie and largely interpret even the conflict of races, upon which Mr. Stuart-Glennie and other sociologists have so ably insisted.

  18. The various methods of analysis developed by each of the schools of sociologists are still the objects rather than the tools of study.

  19. It needs only a brief examination of the writings of professed sociologists to discover the want of agreement among them.

  20. Sociologists themselves, then, confess that differences of opinion exist among them.

  21. Sociologists have allowed their enthusiasm for ideals to blind the eye and bias the judgment.

  22. So little progress toward unanimity of opinion has been made by sociologists since the date of this census that its results may be taken as typical of present conditions.

  23. The narrower conceptions of sociology, however, have been discarded by the best-known sociologists of the present time.

  24. Boas' work was naturally pleasing to sociologists who believe in the reality of the "melting-pot," and has obtained widespread acceptance in popular literature.

  25. When we come to consider whether the effects of the environment are inherited, we attack a stronghold of sociologists and historians.

  26. Modern sociologists for the main part have no illusions as to the ease with which these differences in racial tradition and custom can be removed.

  27. By the term Law, the ancient and the modern sociologists mean two different things and this is the reason for so many misunderstandings.

  28. On the other hand it perhaps includes some principles which some sociologists would probably consider of minor importance.

  29. There is as yet, unfortunately, no considerable agreement on this matter among sociologists of different nationalities and schools.

  30. The professional sociologists were chiefly interested in the money cost of this process to the taxpayer, and they took notes on the proportion of first offenders.

  31. But the sociologists and the casual visitor have not disappeared.

  32. The so-called "race soul" of many sociologists is, therefore, a fiction and indicates mental confusion.

  33. That Oriental and Occidental peoples are each possessed of certain unique psychic characteristics, sharply and completely differentiating them from each other, is the opinion of scientific sociologists as well as of more popular writers.

  34. This assumption is not strange, for until recent times the most advanced professional sociologists have been dominated by the same misconception.

  35. It would be an error, on the other hand, to class him among either the great sociologists or the great philosophers.

  36. We must not rush to conclusions, as the earlier sociologists used to do.

  37. It has now been collaborated by rural sociologists to show that farm efficiency was based largely on the partners' shared duties.

  38. Sociologists and agriculturalists have found these repercussions puzzling and have not discovered clear-cut reasons for them.

  39. The early sociologists put the emphasis on the physical more than the psychic factors, and especially on biological analogies in society.

  40. There is always an army of the unemployed, and it has increased so greatly through immigration and otherwise that it has demanded the serious attention of sociologists and legislators.

  41. Comte and Spencer were followed by other biological sociologists whose names are well known to students of the science.

  42. This is a distinction that is carefully made by sociologists and is always convenient.

  43. A younger school of sociologists has come into existence, and the science is being developed on that basis.

  44. Sociologists reckon among the social forces a distinction between elemental desires and broader interests.

  45. Students were influenced by conclusions that were being reached in biology, in economics, and in other allied departments of thought, but the one science which became most prominent to the minds of sociologists was psychology.

  46. And if it wasn't that, the sociologists would find another excuse," Mike said angrily.

  47. I wonder if the so-called sociologists have any explanation for it?

  48. Further, the sociologists tell us that by mixed peoples the greatest advances have been made.

  49. Sociologists tell us that in the mid-eastern valleys of Europe successive waves of broad-headed, long-headed, dark and fair peoples gathered force and swept westward to become Kelt and Saxon and Swiss and Scandinavian and Teuton.

  50. Hence the demand for a socialized education, which is proceeding, not only from sociologists and social workers, but from the progressive leaders of education itself.

  51. It is not that the generalisations of the evolutionary sociologists with regard to man in the mass, or societies, are untrue philosophically.

  52. How would America be helped in the construction of the Panama Canal by learning from sociologists that man could remove mountains?

  53. Let us take, for example, the way in which Herbert Spencer illustrates the general theorem of the evolutionary sociologists by the case of Shakespeare, and Shakespeare's debt to his times.

  54. It is in the astonishing confusion between speculative and practical truth which characterised the evolutionary sociologists of the nineteenth century that the socialists of to-day are seeking for a new support to their system.

  55. From these two sources mainly the work of contemporary sociologists derives.

  56. Sociologists cannot help making Utopias; though they avoid the word, though they deny the idea with passion, their very silences shape a Utopia.

  57. But the new sociologists and legislators are, by the nature of their theory, bound to begin where the despots leave off, even if they leave off where the despots begin.

  58. It occurred to the wiser sociologists that, after all, it would be easy to proceed more promptly to the main business of bullying men, without having gone through the laborious preliminary business of supporting them.

  59. But when we are sociologists we are addressing the normal man, we are addressing humanity.

  60. When modern sociologists talk of the necessity of accommodating one's self to the trend of the time, they forget that the trend of the time at its best consists entirely of people who will not accommodate themselves to anything.

  61. He once held, I believe, the opinion which some singular sociologists still hold, that human creatures could successfully be paired and bred after the manner of dogs or horses.

  62. The professional sociologists were chiefly interested in the money cost of this process to the tax-payer, and they took notes on the proportion of first offenders.

  63. The practical outcome of that attitude must be left to moralists and sociologists and the community generally to work out.

  64. Some sociologists would even limit the naturalness of monogamy still further.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sociologists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.