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Example sentences for "socius"

Lexicographically close words:
sociologie; sociologist; sociologists; sociology; socios; sock; socked; socket; socketed; sockets
  1. As socius to the provincial, he made the tour of all the Jesuit houses in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland three times, and afterwards was appointed rector of the new college in Turin.

  2. Father Stephens spent his first five years as minister of the professed house at Goa, and was then sent to Salsette as rector, and, for a time, was socius to the visitor.

  3. The co-regent is socius imperii, so far as he shares in the business of government; consors, so far as the office is merely honorary.

  4. Charles insists that James must not be accompanied, as novices were, when travelling, by a Jesuit socius or guardian.

  5. He did not quite succeed, for Oliva sent a socius with him into France.

  6. The game is over when the retreating side no longer advances to the combat.

  7. The Spaniards and Ilokano in and about Bontoc Province say that it was about fifty years ago that the Spaniards first came to Bontoc.

  8. Bontoc pueblo lies inland only about 35 miles farther, but the greater part of two days is usually required to reach it.

  9. It is quite impossible for a man or woman alone to perform the entire round of Igorot labors.

  10. Nueva Ecija is reported to have half a hundred "Tinguianes.

  11. Some of the old men of Bontoc say that in the past the Igorot people once extended to the seacoast in the Provinces of Ilokos Norte and Ilokos Sur.

  12. Each piece of timber for any permanent building is completed at the time it is cut from the tree, and is left to season in the mountains; sometimes it remains several years.

  13. The game is a contest -- usually between Bontoc and Samoki -- with the broad, gravelly river bed as the battle ground.

  14. Small boys from 6 to 10 years old capture by hand a hundred or more ka-cho' during half a day, simply by following them in the shallow water.

  15. Most of the widowed live in the katyufong, the smaller dwelling of the poor.

  16. In Mindanao is the slender, delicate, smooth-faced brown man of which the Subano, in the western part, is typical.

  17. The young women brushing away the flies touched and turned the fast-blackening hands of the corpse to note the rapid changes.

  18. Three times in the afternoon a fowl was thus distributed.

  19. They lined up anew every five or ten minutes.

  20. The foot lands flat and at the side of or behind the kicker, and the blow is aimed at the trunk or head -- it usually lands higher than the hips.

  21. And it was from the depths of this obscure den that the socius corresponded directly with the most eminent and influential personages of the sacred college.

  22. At the very moment when Father d'Aigrigny and his socius thought themselves at last in safe possession of the treasure, the door of the apartment in which the clock had been heard striking was suddenly opened.

  23. The socius placed his hat on the ground, answered with a respectful bow the command, and with stooping head and slanting walk, went to seat himself on a chair, that stood before a desk.

  24. The socius resolved, therefore, to provide against this inconvenience.

  25. Socius magistri" of Tarragona Cathedral, and one of the Junta of Architects at Gerona in A.

  26. The socius bent down his head, remained silent for some seconds, took mechanically a pen from his desk, and began to gnaw the feather, as if in deep reflection upon what Faringhea had just said.

  27. The socius was the first again to break the silence, and he said to Father d'Aigrigny, with his usual cool impudence.

  28. Pressing the hand of the socius with an expression of deep gratitude, he said to him in a low voice: "You are right.

  29. Then the socius threw himself upon the casket, with the haste of ferocious rage and avidity, as if he were resolved to cover it with his body, and defend it at the peril of his life.

  30. Rodin, more and more alarmed by this narrative, for Faringhea had dealt a terrible blow at the machinations of the socius and his friends.

  31. To these words, which Father d'Aigrigny addressed to Rodin, as if asking for his assent, the socius returned no answer.

  32. The socius began to bite his nails, fixing his reptile eye angrily upon Gabriel; Father d'Aigrigny grew livid, and his brow was bathed in cold sweat.

  33. The socius approached, and said to him in a low voice, so, that Gabriel could not hear: "Nothing serious.

  34. And this he might do, not merely in respect of the particular crime as to which a socius criminis was to be used as a witness, but might, if he chose, extend it to all other crimes of which he might have been guilty.

  35. I always thought, my Lords, that it contained in itself a complete answer, since the allegeance that the witness is a socius criminis implies that the pannel is guilty of the crime.

  36. My Lords, as to the objection of the socius criminis, I will not say a single word upon it.

  37. I do not reckon myself obliged to answer to the general objection of socius criminis: that is fully answered by the practice and the uniform course of your Lordships’ decisions.

  38. This witness is alleged to have been guilty of the same crime of which the pannels at the bar now stand accused, and therefore the objection of his being a socius criminis might apply to him.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "socius" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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