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Example sentences for "contacts"

Lexicographically close words:
consyder; conta; contact; contacted; contacting; contadina; contadini; contadino; contado; contador
  1. Numerous examples of these contacts will be found in the report of the l'Agnelas experiments (Annales des Sciences Psychiques, 1896).

  2. Only the persons en rapport with her--in the sense given to this word by de Rochas--could make an impression upon her; contacts and pinching by other people were not perceived by her.

  3. Riveted to the piston head is a conical diaphragm which contacts with the piston pin when in place and serves to carry the heat off the center of the piston.

  4. The platinum contacts should be kept clean and properly adjusted.

  5. When in closed position, the platinum contacts should make contact with each other over their entire surfaces.

  6. The gauge riveted to the adjusting wrench should barely be able to pass between the contacts when fully open.

  7. Should the contacts become pitted, a fine file should be used to smooth them in order to permit them to come into perfect contact.

  8. The platinum contacts must be smoothed off with a very fine file.

  9. The one civilising force was that of the slight contacts kept up with the Continent, perhaps the most important being the organisation of the Church.

  10. The determinants are the special evocative conditions, which may be either culture contacts or economic fostering.

  11. The most rapid growths of civilisation appear always to have occurred by way of the multiplying of free contacts among trading communities, and among the free colonies of such.

  12. The most metalliferous of these contacts are those at the base of the slates, the lowest contact of the series being the richest.

  13. The upper contacts were exposed by erosion and could be entered by tunnels, but the lowest and most prolific contact line was only to be reached by shafts.

  14. In both cases the current was a continuously closed one, and was not alternately made and broken as by the separating contacts of Reis.

  15. It comprises a stylus b reciprocated in a tube a by the vibratory action of an armature k over the poles of an electro-magnet, supplied with a suitable current and vibrating contacts l h.

  16. Conditions change and there is a continual shifting of contacts as in a kaleidoscope, but the group is a fixed institution in the life of society.

  17. Her hands and feet were large and ungainly; the skin of the fingers was roughened by coarse contacts to the texture of emery-paper.

  18. But you have done what you can in this direction; have at last discovered your own deeper being, your eternal spark, the agent of all your contacts with Reality.

  19. They are content to make their contacts with things by a vague, unregulated power, ever apt to play truant, ever apt to fail them.

  20. To this I reply, that the terrier's contacts with the world are doubtless crude and imperfect; yet he has indeed preserved a directness of apprehension which you have lost.

  21. The more intense those contacts have been, the more terrible will be your hunger and desolation when they are thus withdrawn: for increase of susceptibility means more pain as well as more pleasure, as every artist knows.

  22. With less intensity, less splendour, but with a certitude which no arguments will ever shake, this sense of the Living Fact, and of its mysterious contacts with and invasions of the human spirit, may assuredly be realised by you.

  23. Its representatives were quite ready to tolerate unpleasing contacts and long stretches of tedium in return for some glimpse of the squalid and the privilege of being able to say that they had been present at the inquest.

  24. She was young--younger than Concepcion; less battered by the world's contacts than Concepcion.

  25. The contacts consisted of minute hammers resting on metal points fixed to the centre of diaphragms which closed the end of the experimental pipes.

  26. Better and apparently certain contacts can be obtained from platinum contact-pieces, brought together above the pendulum by means of a toothed wheel on the scape-wheel arbor.

  27. Besides, should not the disastrous consequences which had followed from his contacts with the woman have made him forever immune from the effect of her presence?

  28. Most of these piled-up virtues of her roles John dotingly had ascribed to her, and his professional contacts afforded few glimpses of the real Marien by which his drawing could be corrected.

  29. And, moreover, the vital contacts of our lives are with authority imposed from above.

  30. British entertainment of members of the House family had been marked and assiduous, and the flattery had had its effect, though not probably upon the Colonel, who remained unspoiled by social contacts to the last.

  31. He has magazine and newspaper contacts only exceeded by those of Roosevelt in his time, and a sense of the power of publicity only exceeded by Roosevelt's.

  32. That was the early sign in him of that sense of unfitness for the more arduous contacts of life which was so conspicuous a trait during his presidency.

  33. He was the human side of the President, who for those contacts which his office demanded had found a human side necessary and accordingly annexed the amiable Texan.

  34. The body is only his tool, whereby he contacts the things in a universe which is not himself; and the moment he leaves it, it is a mere heap of matter, doomed to decay, to destruction.

  35. What is important to you is simply this for the moment: that being surrounded by the astral and mental worlds, contacts from these are continually touching you, continually causing changes in your consciousness.

  36. Also, the statement is supposed to be confined to such forms of teeth as have good practical contacts at and near the line of centres.

  37. Such is the separation of stars in our galaxy that the next three years will see greater numbers of final contacts made.

  38. Then the instantaneous Z-wave replaced the slow radio transmissions that required teletype and code communications, and voice to voice contacts prevailed throughout the solar system, and throughout the system of Neosol.

  39. This arrangement is undesirable for magnets of large size, because of the tendency to flashing at the contacts of the regulating switch.

  40. Contacts are necessary for that, not total isolation; and contact was the one thing denied him.

  41. It was as if Opdyke were slowly tightening all his contacts with what of life there still was left to him, determining to make the best of a bad matter, and to extract all the enjoyment he was able out of his narrowing surroundings.

  42. Since farms in western North Dakota are large, homesteads are necessarily far apart and social contacts cannot be made easily.

  43. Since the farms are small and close together, and small towns are within a few miles of one another, social contacts are easily maintained.

  44. On the other hand, these momentary contacts are thin, capricious, and insufficient if we are not also planning some solid progress which will give us something to show for it at the end of a day or a year.

  45. In the meantime, Larry Wallace had been ringing around his contacts in the security business and had come up with another lead.

  46. He also had good contacts inside Telecom--the kind who might answer a few tactfully worded questions about telephone taps and line traces, or might know a bit about police investigations requiring Telecom's help.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contacts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.