Demosthenes sayde to Phocion: if the Atheniens falle ones in a madnes, they wollslee the.
Whan the poore man sawe, that they wolde slee him, he said: what haue I done?
Howe Alexander was monysshed toslee the fyrste that he mette.
And forthe with he went and complayned to the warden of that couent, and thretned to slee hym that had done the dede.
To whom he answeryd and sayd yes and sayd he had ben priuye to many of them, and dyd helpe to robe and to slee dyuers of them.
Alexander, to excuse his dede, sayde, he was warned by diuine monition to commaunde to slee the fyrste that he mette comynge out at that gate.
How Alexander was monisshed to sleethe firste that he mette.
Slee mentions a case in which, after the death of a man from septic peritonitis following a bullet-wound of the intestines, he found postmortem a knife-blade 5/16 inch in width projecting into the brain to the depth of one inch.
Slee does not state the man's age, but remarks that he was a married man and a father at the time of his death, and had enjoyed the best of health up to the time he was shot in the abdomen.
I durst adventure the losse of my right hande, If shee dyd not slee hir other husbande: And see if she prepare not againe to fight.
Slee else whom she will, by gog she shall not slee mee.
Slee me ye may wel, said Accolon, and it please yow, for ye ar the best knyghte that euer I fonde, and I see wel that god is with yow.
And yf thou slee me wepenles that shalle be thy shame.
So wisly thou me, woful wrecche, To reste bringe out of this cruel sorwe, 1445 I wol my-selven slee if that ye drecche.
For love of god, make of this thing an ende, Or slee us bothe at ones, er that ye wende.
Having successfully disposed of Jameson, Dennison next came in contact with another equally good man, in the person of William Slee of Dacre, and proved again victorious.
In the sixth round, the hero of the day was fortunate enough to be odd man; and then at the last faced George Dennison, (who had previously carried off William Slee of Dacre, with a clean hype.
In the second day's entry, William Slee of Dacre did the same in the first round.
Therfore I aske deeth and my juwyse; sentence But slee my felaw in the same wyse, slay For bothe we have served to be slayn.
After deeþ clepe nomore y nylle, But slee my self~ now y wille.
Shall I write old Slee to meet you at the house on Friday?
Robina and I had an egg with our tea; Mr. Slee arrived as we had finished, and I took him straight into the kitchen.
Mr. Slee says everything will be in apple-pie order to-morrow.
Mr. Slee departed, promising that work should be commenced at seven o'clock on Monday morning.
Your eyen two wol slee me sodenly, I may the beaute of hem not sustene, So woundeth hit through-out my herte kene.
And but your word wol helen hastily My hertes wounde, whyl that hit is grene, Your eyen two wol slee me sodenly, I may the beaute of hem not sustene.
Your yen two wolslee me sodenly, I may the beaute of hem not sustene, So woundeth hit through-out my herte kene.
And but your word wol helen hastily My hertes wounde, whyl that hit is grene, 5 Your yen two wol slee me sodenly, I may the beaute of hem not sustene.
Your yen two wolslee me sodenly, I may the beaute of hem not sustene, So woundeth hit through-out my herte kene.
This is to seyne, I wol be youres ever; Though ye me slee by Crueltee, your fo, Algate my spirit shal never dissever 115 Fro your servyse, for any peyne or wo.
For if a king the peril understood 150 What is to slee the people, thanne, I gesse, The deedly werres and the hevinesse Wher-of the pees distourbed is ful ofte, Shulde at som tyme cesse and wexe softe.
So successours to Peter be they nought Whom [that] Christ made cheef pastour; A swerd no shep[h]erde usen ought But he wold slee as a bochour.
We reste our-self, and suffren every lond To slee eche other as thing undefended; So stant the werre, and pees is nat amended.
O rightful god, that first the trouthe fond, How may thou suffre such oppressioun, 270 That Falshood shulde have jurisdiccioun In Trouthes right, to slee him giltelees?
Iacob robbed Laban his vncle: Moses robbed the Egiptians: And Abraha is aboute to slee and burne his awne sonne: And all are holye workes/ because they were wrought in fayth at goddes commaundement.
Ruben answered his father saynge: Sleemy two sonnes/ yf I bringe him not to the agayne.
To reste bringe out of this cruel sorwe, 1445 I wol my-selven slee if that ye drecche.
A logician wolde briefly argue / who so euer violently wyll slee an other / may lawfully of the other be slayne in his defence.
Rome had conspyred to gyther in lyke maner euery one after another vnwar[e]s to slee hym / and all to put theyr bodies and liues in hasard tyll tyme shulde chaunce that one myght acheue theyr entent.
As in the example now spoken of / what an harde enterprise it is for one man to entre into a kynges armye / and to come to the kynges pauilion in the face of his souldi- ers to aduenture to slee hym.
Sim Slee and Barker's broke out o' th' owd shop, and the police are coming down here.
Simeon Slee turned and fled, the majority of the crowd after him, and the others slowly filtered away till the yard was empty.
Then came the disappearance of Daisy Banks, and it wanted but little on the part of Sim Slee to half madden the weaker spirits against the man who was starving their wives and children, and had robbed Joe Banks of his daughter.
Not long after, the vicar was seated with his head resting upon his hand, strengthening himself as he termed it, and fighting hard to quell the misery in his breast, when Mrs Slee came to the door.
As he disappeared, Sim Slee slowly sat up, took out his handkerchief and wiped his bleeding mouth.
Mrs Slee will go home, and we'll send the girl to bed as usual.
I durst aduenture the losse of my right hande, If shee dyd not slee hir other husbande: And see if she prepare not againe to fight.
I knew it would need all three to win bonny Rachel Pringle out of the hand of the Slee Tod and his son Raif, the Roaring One.
I knew that when it came to the point, she cared not a doit either for Roaring Raif or for Slee Todd Pringle, her cunning father.
Slee else whom she will, by Gog, she shall notslee me.
He criticized Slee for selecting a house that was so hard to find, and when they turned at last into Delaware Avenue, Buffalo's finest street, and stopped before a handsome house, he was troubled concerning the richness of the locality.
Jervis Langdon had a plan of his own for his daughter, but Clemens had received no inkling of it, and had full faith in the letter which Slee had written, saying that a choice and inexpensive boarding-house had been secured.
When, about nine o'clock that night, the party reached Buffalo, they found Mr. Slee waiting at the station.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slee" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.