Desdemona was not really so emaciated as her friends thought her; but she was much thinner than she had ever been before; and above all, had not a trace left of that sleekness which sheltered life gives.
Her complete loss of that smooth sleekness which life with humans gives deceived the vet more than a little.
More daintily she moved her limbs, and laid foot to foot and felt the sleekness of her sides; and tender she was of her body as of that which should one day be so sorely loved.
And meseemed that the sleekness and fairness of her body was worsened since yesterday, and she was pale and haggard, and her eyes were wandering and afraid.
But still she walked the floor, and whiles looked out of window, and whiles she looked on her limbs, and felt the sleekness of her sides, and she said: O my body!
The look of sleekness and refined elegance had disappeared --his face, his hands, his attitude were contorted by a revolting expression of something between horror and agonizing physical pain.
The first regained his expression of sleeknessand his refined elegance.
The sense of sleekness does not appear to be required in Homer: but it may be a derivative from that of whiteness.
Besides, when they had stripped me naked, though my dress was so shabby my skin had all the sleekness of a gentleman.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sleekness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: chic; elegance; evenness; gloss; greasiness; neatness; regularity; sharpness; uniformity