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Example sentences for "aduenture"

Lexicographically close words:
aduancing; aduantage; aduaunce; aduaunced; aduentu; aduentured; aduenturers; aduentures; aduersarie; aduersaries
  1. In which was laden at the aduenture of the foresaid Ambassador and marchants at seueral accounts, goods and merchandizes, viz.

  2. Other gentlemen to their ability ioyned vnto him, resoluing to aduenture their substance and liues in the same cause.

  3. Sidenote: They aduenture by the streights in a weake Pinnesse.

  4. Afterwards, the same Goldfiners promised great matters thereof if there were any store to be found, and offered themselues to aduenture for the searching of those parts from whence the same was brought.

  5. And therefore hee desired them to deliuer their plaine and honest opinion, whether the Pinnesse were sufficient for him so to aduenture in or no.

  6. And to this great aduenture and notable exploit many well minded and forward yong Gentlemen of our countrey willingly haue offered themselues.

  7. And hereupon the Masters mate of the Anne Francis called Iohn Gray, manfully and honestly offering himselfe vnto his Captaine in this aduenture and seruice, gaue cause to others of his Mariners to follow the attempt.

  8. Afterwards, the two Hungarians began to put their enterprise in order and agreed betweene themselues, Alberto to bee the firste that should aduenture vppon the Lady.

  9. And rather would I dy than aduenture mine honor hitherto conserued wyth great seuerity and diligence.

  10. But blameworthy surely I am, thus generally to speake: for some I know, although not many, for whose poore honesties I dare aduenture mine owne.

  11. In the end, not able any longer to restrayne hir choler, ne vanquish the appetite of reuenge, purposed at all aduenture to prouide for the death of her auncient Enimy, and that by meanes of him whom she had now tangled in her Nettes.

  12. You may see hir" (sayd she) "if to morrowe at Noone you haue the heart to aduenture to goe vnto hir house.

  13. But if I should lose my reputation and honor, why should not I aduenture the same for hym, that hath not spared hys own for me?

  14. Diddest thou dare to aduenture vppon me, hauyng thy conscyence wounded wyth sutch an abhominable and deadly Treason?

  15. A letter of Sir Francis Walsingham to Master Thomas Aldworth merchant, and at that time Maior of the Citie of Bristoll, concerning their aduenture in the Westerne discouerie.

  16. And to take our aduenture yeerely when they goe into Persia.

  17. And when we shall sende any aduenture into England then our Chancellour to giue them a yeeres warning, that their ships may be prouided thereafter, that by taking in of our wares, they leaue not their owne behind them.

  18. To whom Andreuccio rehersed the whole aduenture as it chaunceth.

  19. And can you finde in your hart to conceiue, that your Alerane would play the traitour with her, for whose seruice he feareth not to aduenture a thousand liues if God had geuen him so many?

  20. This pitifull aduenture was out of hande published through all the Citie, with so great sorrow and murmure of the people, as it seemed the enemies had sacked the towne.

  21. And for so much as it is a matter of necessitie, and that early or late, I must aduenture to paye my vowed debte, it is best both for my commoditie and also for my honour, to goe in her companie.

  22. I am almost afraid to stand alone Here in the Churchyard, yet I will aduenture Pa.

  23. And beside this, diuerse noble men wrote that they would helpe him with men, armor, monie, and all things necessarie for the warre, and further to aduenture their owne bodies in his quarell.

  24. If the aduenture had beene for to haue recouered our right, imagine you that we would haue passed the sea so slenderlie as we did, looking for your aid?

  25. Stanza 239: The King killeth two Gentlemen that aduenture to rescue the Duke.

  26. He was most desirous to haue traueiled with vs into Holland: but misdoubting the displeasure and euil will of the king, and fearing least his goods might haue bin confiscated, he durst not aduenture vpon the voiage.

  27. Horatius Cocles is bothe a witnesse and a light to the same, by whose aduenture the mightie and stronge Citie Rome was saued: For at what time as the Hetruscians entred on the citie, and [Fol.

  28. For in what men soeuer these vices be, which we haue rehearsed, surely those dare boldly aduenture any thing.

  29. We sée by common experience, that proude ambitious men dare aduenture any thing.

  30. The King of England appointed certaine forces to guard the passages against the Earle of Aniou: with directions to hold themselues within their strength, and not to aduenture into the field.

  31. Here the Duke, because he would not either aduenture or trust his Souldiers, went foorth in person to discouer the Countrey, with 15.

  32. And when he was ready to take the field, his mother entreated him, first moderately, then with words of passion and with teares, that he would not aduenture his person to the battaile.

  33. Alas poore Shepheard searching of they would, I haue by hard aduenture found mine owne Clo.

  34. Oh for such meanes, Though perill to my modestie, not death on't I would aduenture Pis.

  35. What pleasure Sir, we finde in life, to locke it From Action, and Aduenture Gui.

  36. And heere I draw a Sword, Whose worthy temper I intend to staine With the best blood that I can meete withall, In the aduenture of this perillous day.

  37. Well: keepe good quarter, & good care to night, The day shall not be vp so soone as I, To try the faire aduenture of to morrow.

  38. No I warrant you, I will not aduenture my discretion so weakly: Will you laugh me asleepe, for I am very heauy Ant.

  39. Why then a Ladder quaintly made of Cords To cast vp, with a paire of anchoring hookes, Would serue to scale another Hero's towre, So bold Leander would aduenture it Duk.

  40. Yet of your Royall presence, Ile aduenture The borrow of a Weeke.

  41. The Prisoners Which he in this aduenture hath surpriz'd, To his owne vse he keepes, and sends me word I shall haue none but Mordake Earle of Fife West.

  42. Oh cursed wretch, That knew'st this was the Prince, and wouldst aduenture To mingle faith with him.

  43. I will auouch't in presence of the King: I dare aduenture to be sent to th' Towre.

  44. Base bee the mind, that for so sweet a fayre, Would not aduenture more then Perseus did, When as he freed the faire Andromeda.

  45. But sithens they sawe that there was none other remedie but to abide the aduenture and fortune, they sayd that they put all to the sayd lord to doe what he thought good, and that hee would see what were best for them.

  46. Knights and Squires were wont to aduenture themselues.

  47. But bicause they were before banished the continent land, they crowned him king on their aduenture in Argile, in the fatall chaire of marble, the yeere of our Lord, foure hundred and two and twentie, as they themselues doo write.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aduenture" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.