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Example sentences for "addressed them"

  • I addressed them, bearing testimony of the restoration of the priesthood and gospel by Joseph Smith; was followed by Presidents Smith and Taylor.

  • We addressed them in several interesting discourses, and had good time; many seemed to receive the Word with joy, and some were baptized and added to the Church.

  • I addressed them as a stranger who had come to partake of their hospitality for the night.

  • Piso, standing out on the steps of the palace, addressed them as follows: 'Fellow soldiers, it is now five days since I was made a Caesar.

  • There, as the fawning crowd came flocking in, he addressed them in their own tongue.

  • As soon as he had recovered from the dazzling shock of his sudden elevation, he addressed them in simple soldier fashion, and received a shower of congratulations from every quarter.

  • And thereupon he addressed them, saying, 'Go ye and search for the horse in all the cardinal points.

  • Thus he addressed them as he rose to his feet, with evident self-satisfaction, and believing in his heart that a man was as much to be praised for what he attempted as for what he achieved.

  • Turning to the priests, he addressed them thus: "As you are good and holy men, may I pray that you will respect my position as ruler of this kingdom.

  • And when they had partaken of the General's good cheer, he addressed them as follows: "Gentlemen!

  • She had a singular pleasure in hearing the service of God; and on this account was thoughtlessly prodigal towards clerks of melodious voice; addressed them kindly, gave to them liberally, and promised still more abundantly.

  • But Jupiter with cheerful countenance thus addressed them: "I am pleased to see your concern, my princes, and am gratified to perceive that I am the ruler of a loyal people, and that my son enjoys your favor.

  • When they were all assembled he addressed them.

  • Filled with repentance and compassion, he addressed them, saying, 'Ye highly blessed ones, do ye declare that which is more cleansing still for men engaged in fierce deeds.

  • Having freed them, he addressed them duly.

  • As they were brought in, John looked at them and his brow darkened, as he addressed them sternly.

  • In the evening after dinner Lieutenant Stairs and Surgeon Parke were called to my tent, and I addressed them as to their duties during my absence.

  • I addressed them, stating that the Queen's Government had last year promised that they would this year be visited by Commissioners to invite them to make a treaty.

  • Eventually, both the Crees and the Saulteaux met us, with their Chiefs, when I addressed them.

  • The king, standing on the balcony, addressed them thus: "Faithful and devoted people, listen to me.

  • But the monarch, turning to his warriors, addressed them thus: "Victory!

  • He called his sons around him and addressed them thus: "Listen to me, my sons: in a certain country lives a celebrated witch known as old Yaga.

  • Upon one of the officers coming to the spot, I addressed them as I sat on my horse.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "addressed them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    addressed himself; addressed myself; addressed them; addressing himself; branched candlestick; but she said nothing; country parson; crossed himself; double white; faltering voice; form line; found more; house was; human flesh; just ready; one had; questioned whether; sail boom; that portion; the day; then proceeds; thou livest; truly said; under water