The accusation is an absurdity which verges on silliness, and its silliness removes its sting.
That which I defend is the superiority of nature to us: that which I fight against is the conceited silliness of certain persons.
A society built on the sands of silliness must give way to the universal university, and the strong, healthful, helpful, honest companionship and comradeship of men and women prevail.
She did not play cards and indulge in the manifold silliness of so-called good society, and neither do they.
Those concerning the teaching he got inspired him with little gratitude; the school was still barbaric, then, he said; ancient medieval text-books were used there of whose sillinessand cumbrousness we can hardly conceive.
Marie's hand and eyes were hovering critically over the dish of cakes; youth and delicious silliness had visited her, if but for an hour, and a curious kind of champagne happiness fizzed through her.
At first her pallid and raven beauty and her clever silliness had been sheer stimulation, but when you grew used to her.
He could see naught but silliness in that kind of thing.
Those two women had put on for a moment the charming, chattering sillinessof schoolgirls.
Young men were to appear in his pages with their weakness and selfishness; young girls with their silliness and affectation.
Whatever merit it may have is buried under a mass of dulness almost impossible to penetrate, and a sillinesspervades the characters and the conversations which makes even the lighter portions unreadable.
And if Jimmy's way was to surround her with pretentious silliness instead of beautiful simplicity, then she must rise above her surroundings.
Lied from first to last, deliberately and consummately, over each separate thing and over all the pretentious silliness and waste of it.
Joscelyn: Sillinessin stories is more or less excusable, since they are not even supposed to be believed.
For my part I can never tell the difference between silliness and sense.
I did not stir, as I was sure she would soon come back, putting her down in my own mind as very far removed from silliness or innocence either.
Reserve becomes silliness when we know that our affection is returned by the woman we love, but as yet I was not quite sure.
But the kingdom of death put them all to scorn, they dwindled into their true vulgar silliness in face of it.
After all, it would be mere silliness to say that the moon and the earth and Saturn and Jupiter and Venus have just as much right to be the centre of the universe, each of them separately, as the sun.
It is because of the extraordinarysilliness of the style and sentiments.
But the silliness of the story itself is a fair sample of Montreux' wits, and these wits manage to make anything they deal with duller by their way of telling it.
It is worth remembering the silliness of the quarrell, and is a kind of emblem of the general complexion of this whole kingdom at present.
Hence the silliness of the practice can only be equalled by the silliness of those who adopt it.
It is worth remembering the silliness of the quarrel, and is a kind of emblem of the general complexion of this whole kingdom at present.
All I observed there is the silliness of the King, playing with his dog all the while, and not minding the business; and what he said was mighty weak: but my Lord Keeper I observed to be a mighty able man.
Many years must pass before vanity could be replaced in him by manly ambition; a vein of silliness is traceable through his career almost to the end.
You seem to have been pretty well aware of his silliness (I should rather call it simplicity).
We all put our best foot foremost, and if we have a reason to give that looks sensible we speak it out like men, and never say anything about the silliness we are hugging to our hearts.
Jokes of an incredible silliness and shallowness drifted about us.
These things are part of the external Reason to which internalsilliness has inevitably to accommodate itself.
Silly Novels by Lady Novelists are a genus with many species, determined by the particular quality of silliness that predominates in them—the frothy, the prosy, the pious, or the pedantic.
And the most mischievous form of feminine silliness is the literary form, because it tends to confirm the popular prejudice against the more solid education of women.
But, in truth, this particular form of silliness and folly is at a discount in every woman's college, simply because the interests and occupations which crowd the student's day leave little room for its expansion.
There is less ofsilliness and folly," he says, "where man is not a novelty.
When I looked at the deep snow, and only a narrow path cleared to the club house, I apprehended some silliness on the part of my host.
If you wish to hear what I have to say you'll stop that silliness and act like a full-grown woman with a modicum of discretion.
Women have a great deal to answer for as regards men, and every girl should do her best to be on the right side and to help a man to be at his best, by showing that she thinks silliness and vulgar chaff objectionable.