The gentleman who might have been supposed to be entertaining the two nuns was perhaps conscious of the difficulties of his function, it being in its way as arduous to converse with the very meek as with the very mighty.
She went in and found herself confronted with the two nuns and their pupil, who was coming forward, between them, with a hand in the arm of each.
She draws very--very carefully," the elder of the nuns remarked, speaking in French.
She tells of the services held there, when the nunsknelt within a screen in the nave and the townsfolk and visitors and priests outside it.
All nuns were Christ's brides, but an earthly father in the neighbourhood, with broad acres and loose purse strings, was not to be despised.
In the height of the twelfth century the misdeeds of Amesbury provoke episcopal, royal, and papal interference and nuns from the new order of Fontevrault are brought in to reform the house[1487].
There is an amusing complaint in the Register of Crabhouse; early in the fourteenth century Aleyn Brid and his wife persuaded the nuns to buy their lands for a sum down and a corrody for their joint and separate lands.
The books known to have been in the possession of nuns throw, as will be seen, but a dim light upon the educational attainments of their owners.
As its name denotes, the nuns of this convent never see the face of any human being but of the inmates of it.
These cells looked into the garden, and opposite each door in the corridor was placed a large stand of ashes, at which the nuns cooked their morning chocolate and warmed themselves.
However that may be, Henry the Second would have no more nuns here.
Other accounts say that these nuns were removed to Minster, in Sheppey.
I shall have to do as the nuns do when they shut their convent gate on the world, shut it entirely and forever.
Perhaps the very greatest thing you can do for the cause is to show other girls that they don't have to be like nuns in order to help.
Seated opposite to the two nunswere a man and woman who excited a good deal of attention.
The cider, of which the Loiseaus and the two nuns partook from motives of economy, was good.
These convents were attended not only by the nuns but by outside pupils also; and, at the request of the convents, Mr. Cole has visited them twice a year, lecturing and giving advice upon designs for lace.
As the nuns in the different lace-making convents had not been able to attend in Cork to hear Mr. Cole's lectures, they asked that he should visit them and repeat them at the convents.
Camelite nuns out of their cells, and sends his sister prince of nuns trying on the latest fashions in hats and monks having their hair curled.
The General Hospital, an immense cluster of buildings further up the river, was founded in 1693, and is in charge of the nuns of St. Augustine.
Nuns and priests are familiar objects upon the streets, and not always a welcome sight to the Protestant eye; nevertheless, the good works in which they engage are numerous and not to be undervalued.
Tis an essence distilled by the Benedictine nuns of the Perpetual Adoration and peculiarly effective in accesses of spiritual disturbance.
Several nuns were already behind the grate, chatting with a group of fashionable ladies and their gallants; but Fulvia was not among them.
In the fashionable convents the nuns celebrated the festivals of their patron saints with musical and dramatic entertainments to which secular visitors were invited.
The house had formed a part of the convent of the Perpetual Adoration, which had been sold by the nuns when they moved to the new buildings the late Duke had given them.
These circumstances gave to Fulvia's plans the shelter of indifference; for in the delightful effort of surpassing the other nuns even Mary of the Crucifix lost interest in her friend's affairs.
Indeed, the only result would be to deprive me of what little liberty I am allowed; for the three nuns I speak of are now the most closely watched in the convent.
She had laid aside even the light gauze veil worn by the nuns in gala habit, and no vestige of her calling showed itself in dress or bearing.
The nuns who were not to take part in the play had been seated directly under the stage, divided from the rest of the company by a low screen of foliage.
The nuns indeed were not to take part in the ball; but a number of them were to appear in an allegorical entertainment with which the evening was to open.
There be ten thousand such nuns in Amritzar alone.
Isabel would almost have confessed to any one of the black-robed priests upon the street; Basil could easily have gone down upon his knees to the white-hooded, pale-faced nuns gliding among the crowd.
The transept, or Arundell chapel, was once used as a burial-place for the nuns of the adjoining nunnery; it has a hagioscopic communication with the chancel.
About eighty years ago the building was assigned to sixteen nuns who fled from the siege of Antwerp by the French during the revolutionary wars; and their successors, now over twenty in number, continue to occupy the buildings.
His daughters, Dorothy and Gertrude, entered the Convent of Benedictine nuns at Brussels, in the year 1600, and the former wrote an account of the last days of Father Cornelius, which part of his life she appears to have spent with him.
The abbess came of princely race: The nuns might not gainsay: And sadly passed the timid band, To execute the high command They dared not disobey.
So was it found when morning beamed: In solemn suppliant strain The nuns implored all saints in heaven, That rest might to the corpse be given, Which they entombed again.
The nuns of the Hotel-Dieu and the Ursulines returned to their respective convents, and in that of the latter Mme.
I sate down for a few moments' rest, and ate something the good nuns provided, and then borrowing a cloak to serve as a protection against the drizzling rain which had again set in, I sallied forth.
Claude, and at her words the obedient nuns recovered their usual air of quiet and flocked after her, as did many of the others; but Angelique and I remained.
In the chapel the nunswere singing: "Soutenez, grande Reine, Notre pauvre pays: Il est votre domaine.
In December 1530 he writes to one of thenuns at Heppach to announce that he has persuaded two girls, the children of this marriage, to embrace the religious life.
In imitation too of the Boy-Bishops of Bayeux, Salisbury, and other churches, the nuns of the Holy Trinity had their Girl-Abbesses.
But thenuns remonstrated against the innovation, and had recourse to the Bishop of Bayeux, alledging the injustice of their being called upon to submit themselves to regulations, to which they had not originally subscribed.
The latter establishment, within less than one hundred and fifty years, obtained the exclusive patronage, upon the consideration of their making the nuns an annual payment of twenty sols, and ninety-six bushels of barley.
Sometimes too the abbess attended with a party of her nuns at the performance of any mystery or similar scenical representation.
Clements followed in the year 1215, given to the nuns by an Alderman of the Cambridge Guild Merchants.
It stood in the quarter where monastic schools were always placed, next the gate, in the old building which had served the nuns as their almonry.
She came of an old and reputable family which had furnished mayors and bailiffs to Cambridge and had endowed the nuns with land at Trumpington.
The buildings and properties of the house are said to be dilapidated and wasted "owing to the improvidence, extravagance, and incontinence of the nuns resulting from their proximity to the University.
Two nuns only remain; one of them is professed elsewhere, the other is infamis.
They cost a good deal, but are not unprofitable; the nuns take in 'paying guests,' daughters of tradesmen and others.
What is certain is this, that Nigel, the second Bishop of Ely, in the opening years of Stephen's reign, gave to the nuns their earliest charter.
To the friendly interest of the same Bishop it seems probable that the nuns owed their first considerable benefaction.
In 1342 she founded the Abbey of Denny in Cambridgeshire for nuns of the Order of S.
The fact that after seven centuries and a half the successors of the nuns of S.
The nuns bade her a delighted farewell; and all the way home she made amends for her long neglect of him by thinking of her husband constantly.
Even Betty, with the remembrance of certain wild orgies at school, when quiet Joan Darcy had amazed nuns and girls alike by a sudden transfiguration, had never gaged to the full her friend's possibilities.
Dear old times at school, when there weren't any men about to spoil things, and thenuns let go and had a good time like anybody!
A marble tabernacle, decorated in mezzo-relievo and originally made for the nunsof the convent of the Murate.
The shrine of our illustration was originally made for the nuns of the convent of the Murate.
He gave the nuns a special proof of his good-will in the visit which he deigned to make them in the common hall.
The nuns came back to the present with an excited cackling.
Children screamed after them, dogs barked, Constance and her four nuns were very vivacious, and Tony's gloom deepened with every mile.
Behind these were three black-hooded nuns covertly interested in the woman in the pink evening gown.
The noble nuns of my abbey teach and direct the daughters of this house.
At these words, a sort of murmur of sweet surprise and happy satisfaction passed round the hall; the looks of all the nuns were fixed upon my daughter, with an expression of tender sympathy.
There are some nuns there, dressed all in white, to take care of the babies.
As fast as they got wide awake, the nuns would take them up and put them on the floor, at a place where there was a carpet for them to creep upon and play.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nuns" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.