Lactate of calcium may be used instead of lactate of barium, in which case a solution of oxalic acid must be employed as the precipitant.
Dr Pleyer, of Jena, on the supposition that sleep may be induced by the introduction of the fatigue products of the body, advocates the administration of a solution of lactate of soda.
Ferrous lactate is a greenish-white salt; and when pure, forms small acicular or prismatic crystals, which have a sweetish ferruginous taste, and are soluble in about 48 parts of cold and in 12 parts of boiling water.
In the form of calcic lactate it occurs in nux vomica.
Let lactate acid be diluted with three parts of water; saturate whilst boiling with sodium bicarbonate; then evaporate, and run into flakes.
Lactate of protoxide of iron and powdered marshmallow root, equal parts; clarified honey, q.
Another plan is to convert the acid into lactate of zinc, by the addition of commercial zinc-white, and to redissolve the new salt in water, and then decompose the solution with a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen.
Dissolve lactate of barium in water, precipitate the barium with dilute sulphuric acid, carefully avoiding excess, and gently evaporate to the consistence of a syrup, or until it acquires the density 1.
The lactate of iron may be substituted for the tartrate.
If lactic acid is definitely present, prepare zinc lactateby boiling part of the solution of the ether extract with excess of zinc carbonate, filtering and evaporating to crystallise.
This secretion has been variously ascribed to free hydrochloric, acetic, phosphoric, and lactic acids; also to an acid phosphate or lactate of magnesia.
So that if we introduce into Rheumatic blood a free alkali, a lactate of potash or of soda will be formed; this may then be enabled to oxidize into a carbonate, and the natural process be completed.
And so in the same way it seems that the natural lactate of soda is formed into a carbonate, the carbonic acid being afterwards freed from the base, to be excreted by the lungs.
Sulphate of lead falls, and the supernatant lactate of zinc being evaporated affords crystals, at first brown, but which become colourless on being dissolved and re-crystallized twice or thrice.
As thus procured, it requires to be purified by saturation with carbonate of lead (pure white lead), and precipitating the solution of this lactate with sulphate of zinc, not added in excess.
I take sulphuretted hydrogen and lactate of lead in mine every time!
Granting only that the tubes are made in that simple and intelligible manner (and anybody can see for himself that they are), the sulphuretted hydrogen and the lactate of lead follow (down the osophagus) as a logical sequence.
It has been asserted, on theoretical grounds, that lactic acid and the lactate of sodium are directly hypnotic, but its experimental use has never given satisfactory results.
Lactate of iron is a novelty in ink-making, and the above formula may possibly suit those who have a taste for writing with mucilaginous matters instead of limpid solutions.
Calcium lactate is perhaps the best salt to administer, in doses of 0.
It may be given either in the form of lime water, calcium lactateor calcium glycerophosphate.
We have met with butyric fermentations of lactate of lime which did not yield the minutest trace of hydrogen, or anything besides carbonic acid.
This was not, as might be supposed, a sudden stoppage due to some unknown cause; the fermentation was actually completed, for when we examined the fermented liquid on the 28th we could not find the smallest quantity of lactate of lime.
On June 28th, fermentation was quite finished; there was no longer any trace of gas, nor any lactatein solution.
Footnote: In this case the liquid was composed as follows: A saturated solution of lactate of lime, at a temperature of 25 degrees C.
For I was most intimately persuaded, that if I could make good my proposition before you and our College, illustrious by its numerous body of learned individuals, I had less to fear from others.
Nor are the views that are entertained of the offices and pulse of the heart, perhaps, less bound up with great and most inextricable difficulties.
The same thing also occasionally occurs with great rapidity in performing amputations and removing tumors in the human subject.
If only suspected, more care than usual should be taken in preparing the patient for operation, and lactate of calcium in 15 to 30 grain doses twice a day might be given for two or three days beforehand.
The preliminary use of adrenalin and cocaine, the administration of lactate of calcium, and the other methods recommended for the prevention of bleeding (see p.
Hæmophilia should be inquired after, and if there is any suspicion of it lactate of calcium is administered for three days beforehand, in doses of 15 to 30 grains twice a day.
A mixture of calciumlactate and calcium acid lactate with calcium acid phosphate.
Moving vibrios make their appearance and multiply, the lactate of lime disappears, the fluidity returns to the mass, and the lactate finds itself replaced by butyrate of lime.
In these conditions the lactic fermentation was often seen to develop itself--that is to say, the sugar became lactic acid, which combined with the lime of the carbonate to form lactate of lime.
The arguments of Liebig derived great strength from the belief which was shared by all chemists that the cells of yeast perish during fermentation and form lactate of ammonia.
Some lactate of lime was formed, and at the same time one could notice the deposition of the little lactic ferment.