Ability to pass the test after only two years of school instruction is almost certain proof that the child has reached a mental level of at least 6Â years.
The impotence of school instruction to neutralize individual differences in native endowment will be evident to any one who follows the school career of backward children.
The Arts Faculty was the successor of the old cathedral-school instruction in the Seven Liberal Arts, and was found in practically all the universities.
While Bacon was not a teacher and did not write specifically on school instruction, his writings nevertheless deeply influenced many of those who followed his thinking.
The precentor, in a similar manner, claimed and often secured supervision of all elementary, and especially all song-school instruction.
What effect did the development of song-school instruction have on the instruction in the cathedral schools?
Thirdly: let it be known that the immediate, positive results of Sabbath-school instruction, are incalculable!
Search into the history of those poor wretches who people our "Union Houses," and you will find that but few of them enjoyed the benefits of Sabbath-school instruction.
The Question of School Instruction in Sex-Hygiene.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "school instruction" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.