And where in other places we were much troubled with yce, as in the entrance of the same, so after we had sayled fiftie or sixtie leagues therein we had no let of yce or other thing at all, as in other places we found.
I therefore departing, because I could not otherwise chuse, sayled for the space of twenty dayes to the Eastwards without sight of any land: then turning my course towards the Souteast, in 5.
For the foresaid Bay or Sea, the further we sayled therein, the wider we found it, with great likelihood of endlesse continuance.
Nicolo remaining nowe in Bres, determined in the spring to go forth and discouer land: wherefore arming out three small barkes in the moneth of Iuly, he sayled to the Northwards, and arriued in Engroneland.
The first was that he heard a Fisherman of Tartaria say in hunting the Morce, that he sayled very farre towards the Southeast, finding no end of the Sea: whereby he hoped a thorow passage to be that way.
Cabot feeling the cold, turned towards the West, refreshing himselfe at Baccalaos: and afterwards he sayled along the coast vnto 38.
Thus from the warres Lord Howard came, And backe he sayled ore the maine, With mickle joy and triumphing Into Thames mouth he came againe.
With pikes and gunnes, and bowemen bold, This noble Howard is gone to the sea; With a valyant heart and a pleasant cheare, Out at Thames mouth sayled he.
But when shee came to the waters side, Shee sayled to the chinne: Except the Lord of heaven be my speed, Now must I learne to swimme.
This day the winde was contrarie and against them, which was the occasions that they sayledbut little.
They passed in sight of the lande, and from thence they sayled forwards and sawe other land, vntill they came vnto Lisborne, hauing (after they had crossed the equinoctiall) sayled a thousand foure hundred and fiftie leagues.
This point being thus agreed vpon, wee sayled toward the Riuer, and vsed such diligence, that with the fauor of the windes wee arriued there the morrow after about the breake of day, which was on Thursday the 29.
M64) Wee continued our course so farre to the Southwest, that wee brought ourselues into the latitude of fourtie foure degrees and an half, hauing sayled fiftie or sixtie leagues to the Southwest of Cape Briton.
For after they had sayled the third part of their way, they were surprised with calmes which did so much hinder them, that in three weekes they sailed not aboue fiue and twentie leagues.
On the 4 we sayled by the Virgines, which are many broken Ilands, lying at the East ende of S.
The Easterne part thereof is called by the late writers The land of Norumbega, which beginneth at the bay of Gama, which separateth it from the Isle of Canada whither Iaques Carthiers sayled the yeere 1535.
The 19 we fell with Dominica, and the same euening we sayled betweene it, and Guadalupe: the 21 the Fly-boat also fell with Dominica.
The 5 and 6 the Admirall sayled along the North side of S.
With pikes, and gunnes, and bowemen bold, 65 This noble Howard is gone to the sea; With a valyant heart and a pleasant cheare, Out at Thames mouth sayled he.
When they had sayled fifty myle, Now fifty mile upon the sea, 190 Hee sent his man to ask the Douglas, When they shold that shooting see.
And days he scant hadsayled three, Upon the journey he tooke in hand, 70 But there he mett with a noble shipp, And stoutely made itt stay and stand.
Thus from the warres Lord Howard came, 145 And backe he sayled ore the maine; With mickle joy and triumph[i']ng Into Thames mouth he came againe.
When they hadsayled other fifty mile, Other fifty mile upon the sea, They landed low by Berwicke side, A deputed laird landed Lord Percye.
Yet many nowe have ben there; And that contrey is so large of rome, Muche lenger then all Crestendome, Without fable or gyle; For dyvers maryners had it tryed, And sayled streyght by the coste syde Above V.
Lusseboene [Lisbon] sayled oute of Portyugale thorough the commaundement of the Kynge Emanuel.
He sayled lykewise in this tracte so farre towarde the weste, that he had the Ilande of Cuba [on] his lefte hande in maner in the same degree of langitude.
For by fortune ylandes ouer the great see with great charge and daunger so haue we at the laste founde oon lordshyp where we sayled well.
Admiralty of the fleete, lately committed vnto him, & that he should deliuer the ship which he sayled in, to Sir Nic.
When they had sayled fifty myle, now fifty mile vpon the sea, hee had fforgotten a message that hee shold doe in lough Leuen trulye: 176 hee asked 'how ffar it was to that shooting, that William Douglas promised me.
When they had sayled other fifty mile, Other fifty mile upon the sea; They landed low by Berwicke side, A deputed 'laird' landed Lord Percye.
This night toward sunne set it waxed calme, and we sayled little or nothing.
The 21 we sayled still in sight of Dalmatia, and a little before noone, we had a sight of a rocke in the midst of the sea, called in the Italian il Pomo, it appeareth a farre off to be in shape like a sugarloafe.
One houre within night we sayled by the towne standing on the South cape of Cephalonia, whereby we might perceiue their lights.
The seuenth we sayled all along the sayd Iland with little winde and vnstable, and the eight day towards night we drew to the East end of the Iland.
The fift, we sayled by the Bowline, and out of the toppe we had sight of the Iland of Candia, and towardes noone we might see it plaine, and towards night the winde waxed calme.
The 9 and 10 we sayledalong with a prosperous winde and saw no land.
The 23 we sayled all the day long by the bowline alongst the coast of Ragusa, and towardes night we were within 7.
We sayled betweene the Gozi, and Candia, and they are distant from Candia 5 or 6 miles.
The 16 day at eight of the clocke we set forward, and sayled vntill we came athwart Alburrough, and there stayed that night.
Wee sayled vp and downe the sea all Thursday, and vntill Friday in the morning being the fourteeneth day of February, and the waues of the sea continually came raking ouer our deckes.
And by the situation of the Riuer, and the height which I tooke, I finde that that which the Masters and Pilots of the Marquesse tooke is false, and that they were deceiued by 2 degrees, and I haue sayled beyond them aboue 4 degrees.
The next day being the sixteenth of Nouember wee set forward, but sayled very little, for the North and Northwest winds were against vs.
Sidenote: Sir Francis Drake sayled on the backe side of America, to 43 degrees of Northerly latitude.
In these places he continued for the space of two moneths, and sayled round about the Islands, and landed in Graciosa and Fayal, as in the description of those Islands I haue alreadie declared.
Those that they had saued they set on land: and then they sayled away.
The 15 day in the morning being Sunday, wee had sight of Cape Finister, and the same night we lost the company of our Admiral, wherefore we sayled along the coast of Portugall, hoping that our Admiral had bene before vs.
The sixt day we came in at the Needles and so came to an anker vnder the Isle of Wight at a place called Meadhole, and from thence sayled to Southampton where we made an ende of this voyage.
Hauing sayled somewhat into the shoare wee tooke our selues to be shotte somewhat past the riuer de Sestos, so that we kept about to fetch it.
In the morning we sayled with the winde at Southwest, and lay West and by North, but it prooued calme all that night, and the currant Southeast.
Having ended his (Ribault's) exhortations, we took our leaves of each of them, and sayled toward our shippes.
From thence they sayled Southwest vntil midnight: about three leagues from thence till the 25.
From thence vntil noone they sayled South nine leagues, then the latitude obserued was 42.
From thence till the 23, foure a clocke in the morning, they sayled Southsouthwest three leagues and a halfe: then could they get no ground in two and fiftie fathoms deepe.
And just before the Sloop sayled Captain Kidd presented the Narrator with a bagg of Sugar, and then tooke leave and sayled for Boston.
Culliford and Chivers sayled to Madagascoe, Port St. Marys, a large Island about three or four Hundred Leagues in Length inhabited by a numerous people being Negroes.
So, after supper, to sleepe, andsayled all night, and came to Erith before break of day.
They sayled from midnight, and come to Greenwich about 5 o'clock in the morning.
For first I sayled to Normandye, And there I stoutlye wan in fight 30 The emperours daughter of Almaine, From manye a vallyant worthye knight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sayled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.