The ships depart about the 20 of Ianuarie passing by the like nauigation and windes as in the first monson, and this is called of the Portugals and Indians Entremonson.
The shippes depart in the moneth of October from Goa, for Ormus, passing with Easterly windes along the coast of Persia.
The reason why this chanell is not more sure to goe thither, is, because the windes that raigne or blowe betweene Zeilan and Manar, make the chanell so shalow with water, that almost there is not any passage.
The first of December we past a towne of the Venetians, standing on the entery to the Palude or marshes of Venice: which towne is called Caorle, and by contrary windes we were driuen thither to take port.
The times or seasonable windes called Monsons, wherein the ships depart from place to place in the East Indies.
We have had much northerly windes since their departure, soe I dowbt not but they will have a spedie passage, which God grant them with a prosperouse voyage.
And with prosperous windes the 18 of May we were vpon the Banke of Newfoundland.
This point being thus agreed vpon, wee sayled toward the Riuer, and vsed such diligence, that with the fauor of the windes wee arriued there the morrow after about the breake of day, which was on Thursday the 29.
Now by these presents I will giue your Maiestie to vnderstand, how by the violence of the windes we were forced with two ships, the Norman and the Dolphin (in such euill case as they were) to land in Britaine.
Some of the Inhabitants comming aboord to vs this day, tolde vs that always about that time of the yeere such windes West Southwest blew on that coast.
If the windes rage, doth not the Sea wax mad, Threatning the welkin with his big-swolne face?
But the windes were so diuers, one while driuing them this way, that they were now in a newe maze, thinking that God had forsaken them, and left them to a greater danger.
The whole radiation or branchings shadowing the stock and the root, the leaves, the branches and fruit, too much exposed to the windes and scorching Sunne.
Whether in this order and one Tree in some measure breaking the cold, and pinching gusts of windes from the other, trees will not better maintain their inward circles, and either escape or moderate their excentricities, may also be considered.
Greeuing that hee should vse such crueltie, To turne him naked to his foe, windes furie.
This houre hath blasted such a hope As the Earth never teemd with nor the spring Gave up in smileing blosomes to the breath Of those sweet windes that whisper from the West A tale of triumph to the yeere.
Although Judge Windes refused to depose McCullough as administrator, he ordered him to make a definite report, setting forth the condition of the property, with a list of all disbursements.
Judge Windes ruled that it was not sufficiently identified and rejected it as evidence.
The same day by reason of contrary windes we put backe againe to Prodeno, because we could not fetch Sapientia.
From thence we departed to Tilbery hope, and there remained with contrarie windes vntill the 6.
The Windesgrow high, So doe your Stomacks, Lords: How irkesome is this Musick to my heart?
Thy lips that kist the Queene, shall sweepe the ground: And thou that smil'dst at good Duke Humfries death, Against the senselesse windes shall grin in vaine, Who in contempt shall hisse at thee againe.
Alacke the night comes on, and the high windes Do sorely ruffle, for many Miles about There's scarce a Bush Reg.
But as we often see against some storme, A silence in the Heauens, the Racke stand still, The bold windes speechlesse, and the Orbe below As hush as death: Anon the dreadfull Thunder Doth rend the Region.
The swiftest Harts, haue posted you by land; And Windes of all the Corners kiss'd your Sailes, To make your vessell nimble Phil.
Calme windes blow you faire, Rock her thou gentle ayre, O the morne is noone, The euening comes too soone, To part my Loue and me.
The windes were husht, no leafe so small At all was scene to stirre: Whilst tuning to the waters fall, The small Birds sang to her.
And even then, when wee draw near the fair Havens, some contrary Windes put us out into the Deep again.
He will not suffer us to burne their bones, To urne their ashes, nor to take th' offence Of mortall loathsomenes from the blest eye Of holy Phoebus, but infects the windes With stench of our slaine Lords.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "windes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.