The mind thus becomes "a silent, transforming, sanative energy" of great potency and power.
By some volitional, mental effort and process of thought, this sanative colatus, or healing power which God has given to our physiological organism, may be greatly quickened and intensified in its action upon the body.
When Braid discovered that hypnosis could be induced without passes, the mesmerists felt that their theory of a sanative effluence was dangerously attacked.
I believe it is by a sanative virtue and a natural efficiency, which extend not to all diseases.
In explanation of the remedial power of these Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said that their action upon the system is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sanative influence.
According to the United States Dispensatory, medicines are those substances That make sanative impressions on the body.
Joy, Beauty, Life, which aptly indicate its purpose and effects, for we confidently claim that its use will infallibly confer these three great blessings, it being the one safe and sanative method of regaining and preserving health.
Says the "United States Dispensatory," "Medicines are those articles which makesanative impressions on the body.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash for the white flow, and was doing fine.
Add one teaspoonful (in severe cases two teaspoonfuls) of the Sanative Wash to one pint of warm water, mix thoroughly and it is ready for use.
He bathed its wound, and applying to it some sanative herbs, was about to bind it with the long fibres of the cusa-grass, when the light which flowed in upon his task was suddenly obscured.
We have paid considerable attention to the treatment of disease in this class of animals, and have generally found that must of their maladies will yield very readily to our sanative agents.
We look upon them as simple acts of the constitution--sanative in their nature.
They have witnessed the results attending the practice of cattle doctors generally, and they have seen the results of our sanative system of medication, and a great majority in Massachusetts have decided in favor of the latter.
We apprehend it will then be hard work to convince the intelligent and thinking part of the community that poisons and the lancet are sanative agents.
Hence we must aid the vital power to maintain her empire and resist the encroachments on her sanative operations by the use of antiseptics and stimulants.
What we wish the reader to understand is this: that a medicine used for any particular symptom in one form of disease, if it be a sanative agent, is equally good for the same symptom in every form.
And you don't think two years' prison, two years' slavery, was sanative enough without the denial of his just compensation?
Since I had seen him, society had emulated the State in the practice of a truly sanative attitude toward him.
Lastly, with relation to the angel, who is said to have troubled the water at a certain season; those who contend for a miracle, attribute the sanative quality of the pool to him.
Simply because I know a person who possesses the sanative power I speak of.
I am glad to state that through the use of your Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash, etc.
About a year ago I was advised by a friend to try your Sanative Wash and Vegetable Compound, which I did.
It would take too much space to tell you all of its merits but I must not forget to speak of the Sanative Wash for it simply acts like magic.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash be also used with a syringe for local treatment.
I took in all twelve bottles of Vegetable Compound, one box of Liver Pills, also used the Sanative Wash and was cured, and have no return of my troubles.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash as a local application and the Vegetable Compound for its constitutional effects.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash should be used once or twice each day, in order to hasten recovery all that is possible.
The Blood Purifier, the Vegetable Compound, and the Sanative Wash, have done as great work in preventing serious disease as in curing it.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash should be used, also, for its cleansing and strengthening properties, on the local parts.
After using your Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash I am now enjoying better health than I ever did, and attribute the same to your wonderful remedies.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills and using the Sanative Wash and I am glad to say I am completely cured and have not had any sickness since.
Although neither priest nor physician might credit the sanative properties of rags and relics, they gladly called them in, for if the case then went wrong, how could mortal man be expected to succeed when the supernatural remedy had failed?
Anciently there was great reputed sanative virtue in a seventh son; and he was looked upon as a heaven-born Doctor, and those his medical abilities were reverenced for that reason only by the common people.
The ancients probably esteemed gymnastics too much, as the moderns do too little, for medical or sanative purposes.
The common militia meet too infrequently and drill too little to gain much sanative benefit.
I took many things without benefit, till an acquaintance recommended me to use the Sanative Tea.
Solander having composed his sanative tea, has rendered it the most general specific in its effects of any medicinal aliment.
IN justice to your Sanative Tea, I approve of its utility in nervous hysterical disorders and lowness of spirits, having seen its good effect in cases under my own inspection.