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Example sentences for "samyn"

Lexicographically close words:
samplers; samples; sampling; samt; samurai; sana; sanative; sanatoria; sanatorium; sanatoriums
  1. Item, Of the samyn mater [gh]it spekis he mare furtherly.

  2. How Kingis and Princis are of the samyn nature with symple men.

  3. Gif ane Allemain fyndis a Frenchman berand the samyn armes that he beris in felde, quhethir gif he may appele him of battaill.

  4. As thus a Man has tane to bere in his Armes a low of gules in a champ of siluer, ane othir of that ilke toune has tane the samyn efter that he has it wynteris and [gh]eris.

  5. And all namys and surnamys of men was foundyn ffor the samyn cause.

  6. Item, that samyn day at the tounne end of Strivelin to the seke folk in the grantgore ijs.

  7. Duryng this quhile, furth of the sey dyd spryng The fresch Aurora with the brycht dawyng.

  8. The deyfication of Eneas is eftyr, in the last c.

  9. And the addres to pas throu the wod see, 25 Myd tyme quhen stormys and wyndis blaw maist hie; Art thou sa cruel?

  10. Aruns onon the motioun of the ayr Sammyn with the quhislyng of the takill squar Persavit hes, and eik the dynt atanys; The dedly hed throu gyrd his body and banys.

  11. The samyn messinger brocht alssua letteris frome the Quene our Soverane, mair scharp and threatning than the former; for hir conclusioun was, "Vous senteras la poincture a jamais.

  12. Youre Lordschippis gud will is ever maid manifest to me in all your Articles, that wald not hear, see, or knaw my displeasur, for the quhilkis I am bound to rander your Lordschip thankis, and shall do the samyn assuredly.

  13. The samyn God mot[893] have youre Majestie in his eternall saifgard.

  14. Then thai withdrew thaim halely; 45 Bot that wes nocht full cowartly; For samyn in-till a sop held thai; And the King him abandonyt ay To defend behind his mengyhe.

  15. Bot in the samyn tyme at thai War in schipping, as yhe hard me say, 590 The Erle off the Levenax was, I can nocht tell yhow throw quhat cas.

  16. Some approved it, and willed the samyn have bene sett furth be a law.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "samyn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.