Five sailormen out of ten have been tattooed with mermaids, and I was one of 'em.
I suppose I 'ad been sitting down waiting for him for about ten minutes, when a couple o' sailormen came into the bar and began to make themselves a nuisance.
Watch the old fellow playing the fiddle, and I'll lay my eyes that in a half minute or so you'll have some of the sailormen dancing.
In every bar where sailormen met one another, and met, too, the brothers and fathers of sailormen, the Lords of the Admiralty were weighed and condemned.
One may muzzle the Press, but no muzzle yet devised can close the mouths of sailormen and their friends in dockyard towns.
She is taking out six carelesssailormen whose lives are, perhaps, after all, of some value to them.
There are also men who inspire confidence in those they lead, and sailormen capable of carrying out a bargain.
There was, those untaught sailormen knew, no labour he was not ready to bear his part in, and no command was flung at them for a show of authority.
The Old One, leaning on the poop, smiled and Harry Malcolm, coming to join him, smiled too; for they knew well the hearts of sailormen and did nothing without a purpose.
There were sailormen thronging between-decks in numbers to appall the young prisoner who came down among them nearly naked from his swim.
I didn’t know quite what to do, and I suppose I should have taken them out and put them back into the sea, the way most sailormen are done by when they’re dead.
He’s gone to Davy Jones’ locker, where all goodsailormen go.
She had always been at the 'Isle o' Man,' and sailormen had petted her because she was a nice little thing and would rap out a bit of slang without knowing in the least what it meant.
That night I went with them, leaving the new Fourth in charge, and I learned whysailormen know so little of foreign places.
Those who know best often say that sailormen know less about foreign countries than many people who have never travelled.
A half dozen brushes with the enemy had found her well up in the fighting line, and she was said by sailormen to have a charmed existence, never having been hit.
They rivaled the finest accomplishments of British sailormen in the days when privateers went forth to destroy French commerce.
It was pointed out how British sailormen so frequently had risked their lives to rescue Germans in distress, and demand was made for reprisals.
The sailormenbothered their heads very little about taxation without representation but whetted their anger with grudges more robust.
But the seas are still running pretty high, and if the yacht's people were able to make a landing with either of the power launches before dawn, they are better sailormen than I've been giving them credit for being.
And to emphasize the oddities, the sailormen he was directing seemed to be all foreigners; another sea change sharply opposed to Van Dyck's former notions about manning his yacht.
Van Dyck and Billy Grisdale were on the bridge, and one of the foreign-looking sailormen had the wheel.
Let me have a couple of the Portuguese sailormen and I'll take the long-boat and go around to our abandoned camp for the dunnage we left behind.
Sailormen give way to it most; they see so little o' wimmen that they naturally 'ave a high opinion of 'em.
Ye shall hold your lives in trust for those who need your succor: A flash of fire by night, a loom of smoke by day, A rag to an oar shall be to you the symbol Of your faith, of your creed, of the law which sailormen obey.
We never saw it writ for sailormen or for masters; But 'tis laid with the keel of the ship.
Surely you sailormen do see strange things," now said the widow, "and the strangest thing about them is that they are true.
Sailormen always drive that way, because that is the way they sail ships.
Now, the trouble was, I didn't know no more about a boat and the managin' of it than any one of you sailormen knows about clear starchin'.
Do all you sailormen belong down there at the bay?
Dick blurted out this fable: the souls of dead drowned sailormen kept nightly tryst on Castle Down.
Farewells were exchanged with the nurses, the sailormen and the Greek ladies gathered round the village pump.
But out there in the blue, the gallant sailormen gave three hearty cheers as the old ship disappeared.
Between the sailormen and the Colonials, too, there was a strong bond of friendship.
Soon, as he had directed, his old beardedsailormen would take his flag-covered casket out to sea in the night, and the guns would thunder: A British admiral sails by .
Sailormen have all died an' nawthin' left naow but skulking kids an' broken-down sojers!
He chatted for a little while and went aft--leaving Donald with yet another incident of the strange manner in which sailormen from the ends of the earth get acquainted with each other.
His name is a curse in the mouths of sailormenand his ships are notorious as 'work-houses' and 'starvation packets.
The donkey is the greatest curse of sailormen these days and the owner reaps the benefit.
But there are certain resorts which sailormen and others support in all remote places of any size, and the authorities somehow seem not to observe them too closely--well, there's no need to go into the matter further.
Many a time has he seen members of the wardroom mess send out for some of the food the sailormen were eating at that moment, the officers preferring it to the food of their own mess.
The news had travelled that a party of sailormen were on the tramp, and at one station the cook was exceeding wrath because his master had not given him notice that we should be there for supper.
Solent, which was fortunate in being owned and piloted by one of the best amateur helmsmen and sailormen in the south of England--the late Mr. C.
There is a comparison which sailormen make between the English and American merchant services.
The reason for this is obvious; for it would be poor business policy to sign them for any longer time, since seamen's wages are low in England, and England is always crowded with sailormen on the beach.
Women to whom any sign of religious emotion was alien knelt openly and prayed, while men who had suffered similarly before gazed fixedly at the distant object, knowing how fickle is Fortune to sailormen in distress.
Few except sailormen can realise the dangers and anxieties of navigation in times of war.
Then a thing happened that I've known to 'appen to sailormen afore.
There's more sailormen robbed than all the rest put together.
This is nicer than being aboard ship with a crew o' nasty, troublesome sailormen to look arter, Captin Small," he ses.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sailormen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.