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Example sentences for "saieng"

Lexicographically close words:
saids; saidst; saidt; saie; saied; saies; saieth; saiga; saik; sail
  1. Wherewith the king started suddenlie vp, and [Sidenote: The saieng of king Cnute.

  2. Then he said the seauen psalmes, and receiued the sacrament, and in saieng the psalmes of the passion ended his daies heere in this world, at Bois saint Vincent, the last of August, in the yeare a thousand foure hundred twentie and two.

  3. And so forth till the imperatif, saieng in the preterit imparfet: I was ydel, chomoie, Page 1015 I dyd worke.

  4. The subjunctif is lyke the optatif, saieng come or quant before the verbe.

  5. Then spake the duke of Lancaster, saieng to him; “What haue you further to saie to the points before laid against you?

  6. Sidenote: Absence of the king from the parlement for the space of 40 daies.

  7. Sidenote: The king of Portingale & the duke of Lancaster ioining their armies togither inuade Castile.

  8. Sidenote: The saieng of the lord Bardolfe.

  9. This saieng was confirmed by the generall voices of all other the barons, bicause it was a speciall article concluded amongst other in that parlement.

  10. And whereas in the church of Rome one custome in saieng masse or the [Sidenote: Church seruice.

  11. Neither did king Penda forbid the preaching of the gospell within his prouince of Mercia, but rather hated and despised those whome he knew to haue professed themselues [Sidenote: The saieng of king Penda.

  12. This gentlewoman left a notable example behind hir of despising fleshlie plesure, for bearing hir husband one child, and sore handled before she could be deliuered, [Sidenote: The notable saieng of Elfleda.

  13. Amongest other he had this saieng oftentimes in his mouth, that the greater that men were, the more humble they ought to beare themselues: for the Lord putteth proud and mightie men from their seates, and exalteth the humble and méeke.

  14. There remaine manie sundrie saiengs & dooings of him, manifestlie bearing witnesse that there could not [Sidenote: The saieng of king Ethelbert.

  15. Sidenote: A worthy saieng of a wise prince.

  16. Praie we therefore to the Lord to be our comfort and our defendour, saieng these words, Domine sis clypeus defensionis nostrae.

  17. And whereas in the church of Rome one custome in saieng masse [Sidenote: Church seruice.

  18. As Silius dooth of the first, where he telleth of the vsuall maner of the Carthaginenses, saieng after this maner; Vrna reducebat miserandos annua casus, &c.

  19. But how well their dooing herein agreeth with the saieng of Peter, & examples of the primitiue church, it may easilie appeere.

  20. Wherefore euen of this man, we may see it verified, that [Sidenote: Roger Bakon his saieng of the preachers of his time who were the best lawyers and the worst Diuines.

  21. Wherby the common saieng is likewise in these daies verified in our mansion houses, which earst was said onelie of the timber for ships, that no oke can grow so crooked but it falleth out to some vse, & that necessarie in the nauie.

  22. Sidenote: The saieng of the earle of Surrie.

  23. He was woont to haue this saieng in his mouth, that better it was that the subiects should haue store of monie and riches, than the prince to kéepe it close in his treasurie, where it serued to no vse.

  24. For oftentimes it chanceth, that latter thoughts are better aduised than the first, as the old saieng is, [Greek: Deuterai phrontides sophoterai.

  25. Sidenote: The saieng of king Henrie the sixt, of Henrie of Richmond after king Henrie the seuenth.

  26. Which saieng causeth me to consider in what case this realme my natiue countrie now standeth, and in what estate and assurance (before this time) it hath continued: what gouernour we now haue, and what ruler we might haue.

  27. And euen there he left, saieng that he had alreadie medled too much with the world, and would from that daie meddle with his booke and his beads, and no further.

  28. Richard gaue him not one farthing, saieng that he which would be vntrue to so good a maister, would be false to all other: howbeit some saie that he had a small office or a farme to stop his mouth withall.

  29. The Persies with this answer and fraudulent excuse were not a little fumed, [Sidenote: The saieng of the L.

  30. When king Richard heard that word, he tooke the keruing knife in his hand, and strake the esquier on the head, saieng The diuell take Henrie of Lancaster and thée togither.

  31. It was decreed also, that the residue should cease so long a time from saieng seruice, as they had said it before vnlawfullie, against the archbishops commandement.

  32. They began therefore to cease from saieng diuine seruice, and from ringing their bels in the second wéeke of Lent & so kept silence from the twelfe day of March, vntill the first daie of August.

  33. Wherefore he that looseth his life in so iust a quarell (according to the saieng of our sauiour) shall find it.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "saieng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.