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Example sentences for "roust"

Lexicographically close words:
roused; rouser; rouses; rousing; rousse; roustabout; roustabouts; rousted; rout; route
  1. Somethin’ that’ll roust folks up and give ’em to see their town like a wagon to be pulled and not one to be rode in.

  2. It seems as if, if there was something to roust folks, they’d do something.

  3. And we wanted to get up some exercises to make election day a real true day, and to roust folks up to being not so very far from the way things was meant to be.

  4. Ham Sandwich, run up and roust him out; he's in No.

  5. Roust out the old man--tell him the Amaranth's coming.

  6. If the jedge is a gwyne to hold cote, I got to roust 'em out, I reckon.

  7. Well, then, you'd better step into his bedroom, and roust him up.

  8. We kin roust him up, lettin' Harkness an' the mulattar lie.

  9. Hump yourself, now; I'm a-going up around the corner here to roust out my engineer.

  10. Wall, Miss Timson and Rosy both told me how the ringin' of the bells seemed to roust him up and skair him (as it were) and git him all excited and crazy.

  11. But Miss Pool would roust him up agin, and he would shout and sing with the frienziedest and most zealousest of 'em.

  12. And he wanted to roust 'em up and save their souls and bodies alive and give them back to these wimmen agin, raised from the dead.

  13. Josiah was in dretful good sperits, and said that no monument or obelisk we had seen on our tower could ever roust up his admiration like the Jonesville M.

  14. I guess," sez he, "that the dinner bell would be apt to roust you out the second or third day.

  15. What to do I didn't know, for it wuz late and I spozed the woman of the house had gone to bed and I didn't want to roust her up.

  16. Though if you should foller up some of them narrow water streets by daylight, you would see and smell things that would roust you up from your dream.

  17. But I knew that under her baby looks and baby ways wuz a woman's heart; a woman's emotions and impulses would roust up when the time come and the sun of love shone down on her.

  18. And my pardner when I tried to roust up his interest and admiration by quotin' the remark so often made: "See Naples and die.

  19. If any of these here bums tries to roust you out of that seat I will put a tin ear onto them.

  20. Yit ef he start atter me dis blessid night, I lay I roust de whole plantation.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roust" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.