Not until both had fairly died away in the distance and the silence was broken only by certain indications of restiveness from the stall, did the prisoner move.
At this point a growing restiveness on the part of the audience found resentful expression.
As the day wore on, they fell to talking, and the boy again found himself speaking of his fettered restiveness in the confinement of his life; of the wanderlust which stirred him, and of which he had been taught to feel ashamed.
Having aroused a soul's restiveness in the boy, he felt a direct responsibility for it and him, to which he added a deep personal regard.
In this Essay I have treated of nothing more than the inherent restiveness and indocility of man, which accompany him at least through all the earlier sections and divisions of his life.
This restiveness and impracticability are principally incident to us in the period of youth.
Yonder in a corner sat with fidgeting restiveness a young man whose eyes, despite his obvious youth, were mature in guile and pouched with that pasty ugliness with which unwholesome night life trade-marks its own.
It was, however, of another phase of the matter that his present restiveness was born.
That prefatory address was brief, for the infection of restiveness was spreading and loosely held interests were gravitating to mischief.