There let him lament and bewail unto God his own frailty, negligence, and sloth inresisting and withstanding of temptation; his readiness and proneness to fall into it.
For the resisting of such motions is, as I before told you, without any doubt a diminishing of fleshly wealth, and is a very true kind (and one of the most profitable kinds) of tribulation.
The bastard Geraldines and Keatings were supported by him, even when openly resistingthe Queen's troops.
He was politely resisting the importunity of an elderly gentleman in a grey uniform and a red brassard, bent on luring him to a free ride upon the Underground Railway.
They were governed by forces which they did not entirely comprehend, and which few of them would have been capable of resisting if they had.
That was the reason why he was so bold, abused the Tyrolese so violently, and would not cease resisting them.
But again Z̆erotin succeeded in resisting the clerical encroachments in Moravia; and his opposition so impressed the Archduke Maximilian that he used his influence with Matthias to obtain concessions to the Protestants.
And indeed there is no resisting the delectable humour of it: but then the thing is utterly inimitable; Shakespeare being no less unapproachable in this vein than in such delineations as Shylock and Lear and Cleopatra.
Its natural and just prerogatives will assert themselves in spite of us; and their triumph is assured the moment we go to resisting them.
Giant trunks and branches, resisting decay, littered the floor of the lane and formed a barrier impenetrable to those inhabitants of the jungle confined to a life on the ground.
If he could but obtain a firm hold to brace his body there might be the possibility of resisting his assailant which was rapidly backing further and further from the bank.
My own obstinacy inresisting the advice of Mr. Burges, and the fear of injury to my own reputation, and to that of the cause I had undertaken, were again before my eyes.
Nothing, nobody, is capable of resisting Thee if Thou shalt decide to save Israel.
The stream was swift, but the fish never travelled very far, moving sluggishly about and resisting all his efforts to bring it to the surface.
The gallant captain was most awfully disgusted at being beaten by "a couple of boys," and went off immediately--resisting all invitations to stop and dine at mess.
Accordingly we must say that if a man listens to backbiting without resisting it, he seems to consent to the backbiter, so that he becomes a participator in his sin.
In the incontinent man concupiscence of the flesh overcomes the spirit, not necessarily, but through a certain negligence of the spirit in not resisting strongly.
In like manner by resisting concupiscence we moderate it according to the demands of virtue.
Now a natural power is, in one sense, the power of resisting corruptions, and in another sense is a principle of action, as stated in Metaph.
This saying of the wise man does not direct that one should deliver a man from death in opposition to the order of justice: wherefore neither should a man deliver himself from death by resisting against justice.
Among the officers who were with us here was Major Matsumura, who distinguished himself at Taku-shan after its capture by our army by resisting and repulsing the enemy’s counter-attack.
The customs of the Church and the practices of the recruiters being at once attacked, they made common cause in resisting the impetus of Reform by which their existence was threatened.
The low brown cliffs of hard clay seem to have no more resisting power to the capacious appetite of the waves than if they were of gingerbread.
A support is wanted against the vacillations of ministers, and this important support is only to be expected from progress in the enlightenment and resisting power of public opinion.
That evening, while he was bowling with all the earnestness that in him lay, Josephine Stevens, resisting the importunities of young Hollis for some music, sat by her father.
Contact with them tends insensibly to draw away from him some portion of the divine electric element with which his nature is charged; and his only mode of resisting them is to utter and to act out his "no" manfully and resolutely.
No porcelain capable of resisting a scratch with a hard point had yet been made in England; and for a long time the "white ware" made in Staffordshire was not white, but of a dirty cream colour.
And in resisting this formidable evil, one needs not only to be sustained by the action of a mind employed, but also by contact with one's fellows in the business of life.
But the discipline will be always found most valuable which is acquired by resisting small present gratifications to secure a prospective greater and higher one.
Economy also means the power of resisting present gratification for the purpose of securing a future good, and in this light it represents the ascendancy of reason over the animal instincts.
The Independence of the Ante-Nicene Church shown in her Mode of Positive Teaching and in her Mode of Resisting Error.
The resistingforce in Puebla was much smaller, not more than two thousand strong, but the defence under General Zaragoza was brilliant against a vigorous attack.
Santa Anna distinguished himself by resisting the troops sent by Spain, somewhat late, after the manana methods of both countries, to resent the secession of their dependent colony.
Bazaine himself marched against the resisting city, and it was obliged to capitulate.
After the Conquest, for years the Spaniards were disturbed by remaining savage tribes who, resisting civilization, had retreated to the woods and mountains; but these tribes have been long exterminated.
These heroines talk of strength of mind; but they forget that strength of mind is to be shown in resisting their passions, not in yielding to them.
Cromwell, though greatly disliking the policy of the Presbyterians, yet gave little support at first to the army in resisting parliament.
He refused to minister in the "conjuring garments of popery," and in 1566 was deprived and imprisoned for resisting the use of the surplice by his choir.
But it is plain that, once convinced of the necessity for the king's execution, he was the chief instrument in overcoming all scruples among his judges, and in resisting the protests and appeals of the Scots.
Springing to my feet, I dashed through the hall, and resistingevery effort to detain me, rushed down the steps and gained the lawn.