In 1858 he was elected a Representative from Ohio to the Thirty-Sixth Congress, and has been a member of every succeeding Congress, including the Fortieth.
In 1862 he was chosen a State Senator, and served as such until he was elected a Representative from Missouri to the Thirty-Ninth Congress.
Long, a representative from Georgia to the Forty-first Congress, spoke in a manner reflecting the attitude of many of the Negro Congressmen who were to follow him.
Mr. Walls received a certificate of election as a representative from Florida to the 42nd Congress, but his seat was successfully contested by Silas Niblack.
Not able, or even desirous, to appear on the New-York delegation, Mr. Greeley sat in the convention as a representative from Oregon.
Henry Winter Davis took his seat as representative from one of the districts of the city of Baltimore.
Hawkins (Representative from Florida) is in Connecticut.
Sargent, a native of Massachusetts, had served six years in the House at two different periods (beginning in 1861) as a representative from California.
John Holmes, a Representative from Massachusetts, afterwards Senator from Maine, in the famous debate on the admission of Missouri.
On that occasion, Fisher Ames, a Representative from Massachusetts, famous for classic eloquence, moved a call upon the War Department for the number of men furnished by each State to the Revolutionary armies.
Mrs. William Kent, wife of a Representative from California, was introduced by Miss Addams as one who was not a member of the House but was eligible.
The charge was distinctly made by Mr. George Kremer, a Representative from Pennsylvania, and as positively denied by Mr. Clay.
A scuffle ensued, but they were quickly parted by Mr. Dorsey, a Representative from Maryland.
Lovejoy, Owen, Representative from Illinois, speech on death of, XI.
Covode, John, Representative from Pennsylvania, speech on death of, XIX.
Representative from Massachusetts, speech on death of, VIII.
The challenge was borne by Mr. Wise, a Representative from Virginia.
Thirteen years after the Clay and Randolph duel, a member of Congress from Maine perished in an encounter at Bladensburg with a representative from Kentucky.
Bartlett began his political career as Representative from Kingston, in the Legislature of New Hampshire, while an English colony.
Our next extract will be from the speech of Mr Adams, a Whig representative from, we regret to say, Massachusetts, which is in every respect the pattern state of the Union.
Mr Douglas, a Democratic representative from Illinois, another insolvent western state, wants to know why Great Britain should not be bullied as well as Mexico.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "representative from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.