In January, February, and March 1761, we had none of those Remitting Fevers at Paderborn.
Towards the End of December we had none of these Remitting Fevers, the Disorders turning more to the inflammatory Kind.
This Disorder belongs to the same Tribe of Diseases as the Remitting Fever.
In several, it had the Appearance of a remitting Fever, for the two or three first Days.
The Remitting Autumnal Fever, called by the Antients [Greek: syneches], was also one of the most frequent Disorders during the Campaign.
In the Middle of July, about Twelve Hundred Sick were sent to the Hospital at Munster; and about one-third Part were ill of this Remitting Fever.
This is quoted in illustration of the position, that 'the death of Christ is an honorable ground for remitting punishment,' because 'his sufferings answer the same ends as the punishment of the sinner.
Even when the death of Christ is contemplated exclusively as a self-sacrifice, without remembering the guilt which compassed it, we are at a loss to understand how it could be "an honorable ground for remitting punishment.
True, this is disclaimed in words; and the Eternal Father is called merciful, for remitting the sinner's doom and transferring the burden of his guilt to a victim divine and pure.
In the mean time I pressed the Minister of Marine on the subject of ships, but I found that it was far from the intention of the Court to furnish the means for remitting any considerable sum immediately.
In 1780 it appeared in the form of an epidemic in Philadelphia, where it was first noticed and described by Rush under the name of bilious remitting fever, commonly called break-bone fever on account of the violent pains attending it.
In the remitting forms of fever it may be administered in five-grain doses at intervals of four to six hours.
Note: Remitting fevers subside or abate at intervals; intermitting fevers intermit or entirely cease at intervals; continued or continual fevers neither remit nor intermit.
How often have I blessed the coming day, When toil remitting lent its turn to play.
Gall sickness, a remitting bilious fever in the Netherlands.
But in order to teach and encourage the labouring colonists to take advantage of the power of remitting to England, my husband saw that it was necessary that some one devoted to the work should proceed to the colonies.
I therefore determined, that on my return to England, I would endeavour to organise some plan which should render labourers remitting their little tributes of affection to their friends nearly as easy as posting a letter.
Persons remitting will please get the Postmaster to register their letters, in which case the remittance may be at our risk.
Any person whatever in this country, wishing any of the works in this Catalogue, onremitting the price of the ones they wish, in a letter, directed to T.
Copies of either edition of any of the foregoing works will be sent to any person, to any part of the United States, free of postage, on their remitting the price of the ones they may wish, to the publisher, in a letter.
And indeed, they absolve from those that we do not remember; for which reason absolution, which is the voice of the Gospel remitting sins and consoling consciences, does not require judicial examination.
Moreover, the declaration of Longobard concerning remitting a part of the punishments has been taken from the canonical punishments; a part of these the pastors remitted.
The expense of remitting gold from one country to another is made up of insurance, freight, and loss of interest.
If the Exchange Banks are remitting funds back to London, this shows itself, therefore, in a poor demand for Council Bills; and conversely when they are remitting funds to India, there is a strong demand for Council Bills.
St. Augustine is not speaking here of the sacerdotal power of remitting sins in the name of God.
Goulburn suggests taking off the whole of the beer tax, and remitting the hop duty for this year, as well as remodelling it.
Buying andremitting commercial long bills is, however, no pastime for an inexperienced man.
Quiet conditions may result in long periods when investments of this kind are left undisturbed, but even then, the constant remitting and renewing of drafts originates a good deal of exchange market activity.
The necessity of remitting abroad the interest and dividends on the huge sums of foreign capital invested here, and the money which foreigners domiciled in this country are continually sending home.
The exchange rate, in the meantime, might do almost anything, and the remitting banker might at the end of thirty or forty-five days find himself with a balance abroad on which he could sell his checks only at very low rates.
So great is the foreign investment of capital in this country that the necessity of remitting the interest and dividends alone means another continuous demand for very large amounts of foreign exchange.
The necessity of remitting abroad freight and insurance money earned here by foreign companies.
London, will be coming due, and the silk importer will be under the necessity of remitting funds to meet it.
Johnson, as trustee for the Episcopal Church, which has acquired other valuable school properties in the Southland; Professor Emery remitting fifty thousand dollars of the purchase price in consideration of a promise to perpetuate his name.
While he was absent, my father traveled in Sweden and Denmark, remitting regularly to his family as much as his means would permit, yet earning for them but a precarious living.
The rape was then conjectured to have been only a contrivance, in order to afford a pretence for indirectly remitting a crime, of which it would have appeared scandalous to make openly any mention.
The whole church hath the power of remitting this punishment again: therefore, the whole church hath the power of judging that it ought to be remitted.
It was not until 1885 that a ministry under Themptander succeeded in procuring the enactment of a compromise measure increasing the obligation of military service but remitting thirty per cent of the land taxes.
Cardinal Alberoni began, by remitting to him in Paris a million of French livres, in order (to use the cardinal's expression) to set fire to the train.
The grand vizier, instead ofremitting this allowance to him as usual, sent him an order, in the form of a friendly advice, to quit the grand seignior's dominions.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remitting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.