The remainder of the pupæ were placed on ice immediately after transformation, and remained over three months in the refrigerator (from July 1st till October 10th).
Me wants to know," said Bonnie, picking up an apple that had rolled out of the refrigerator and fallen on the floor.
We remarked, in the course of the frugal meal, that Jones was a "froad" for recommending such a confounded refrigerator to a man to get warm by.
Anyway, now we have got him, we will bring him up, though it seems as though he would resemble a truss bridge or a refrigerator car, as much as a dog, when he gets his growth.
The first thing they did was to fire off a shotgun, and roll a keg of shingle-nails down the cellar stairs, and yell to the guests in the refrigerator to look out for God's sake, as the house was struck by lightning.
Uncle Armstrong is getting pretty well along in years, but he got down to the cellar about ten stairs ahead of young Farmer, and asked to be allowed to get into the refrigerator first.
And now we will cut the cake and put it on plates in the refrigeratorto keep fresh, and then we will all go and dress for the party, because it is three o'clock.
But to-day you may just tend the fire and bring us things from the refrigerator as we need them, to save time.
By the time this was done and ready to put away in the refrigerator to get very cold, Jack was shouting for somebody to come and see if the cream was frozen.
Mother Blair and Mildred laid the table, Brownie got the fruit out of the refrigerator and arranged it and put on the finger-bowls, and then they went into the kitchen to see what should be done next.
Illustration: She looked Carefully in the Oven Through a Tiny Crack] Just before the door-bell rang, Mildred went to the refrigerator to look at her custards and found them nice and cold.
As soon as cool enough put in refrigerator or in coolest place possible, as milk spoils very quickly unless kept cold.
How to make a fireless cooker, small refrigerator and window box for winter use.
And I'll get the things from our refrigerator at the spring," added Jo Ann, and started off stiff-legged down the path.
When Jo Ann reached the spring, she set the bucket down on a rock and stood gazing at the overturned box which they had so proudly called their refrigerator the night before.
We won't dare put them in our refrigerator box down at the spring.
This extender can be prepared 12 to 24 hours before use if it is stored at refrigerator temperature.
The milk flows down the outside of the metal refrigerator (fig.
The conical vessel into which the milk is represented as flowing from the refrigerator in fig.
Therefore, after the dough has been mixed, it is well to set it in a refrigerator or some other cool place and let it stand for several hours before attempting to roll it.
As it is usually difficult to tell how much time this requires on a warm day, even with a refrigerator or other cold place, it is much safer to overestimate the time required than to underestimate it.
Allow the mixture to stand for about 1/2 hour in a refrigerator or some other cold place and just before serving pour off this liquid.
Finally, form it into a flat, oblong piece and set it into the refrigerator to harden.
If the fat is hard and cold, as is usually the case when it is first taken from the refrigerator or other cold place, it will be difficult to cream.
A refrigerator is too damp and for this reason should not be used; but any other cool place that is sufficiently dry will be satisfactory.
It had a couple of baggage cars and a couple of freight cars and a refrigeratorcar and one passenger car at the end.
They even searched the refrigerator car, but I didn't think they'd be there, because they were fresh enough without going on ice.
To Keep Refrigerator Sweet--A lump of charcoal should be placed in the refrigerator to keep it sweet.
Sheet Metal and Galvanized Iron are used for rain leaders, refrigerator pipes, etc.
The walls of a well-built refrigerator consist of a number of layers of non-conducting materials (see Figure 25).
If the milk used is certified, place in a clean refrigerator until used for feeding.
Then place the bag or basket in the refrigerator to drain.
There should be a free use of soda in washing out the refrigerator to keep it free from taint.
With the air-tight covering which either of these things gives, the truffles can be kept in the refrigerator for an indefinite time.
The refrigerator must be kept scrupulously clean and dry to insure wholesome food, and its waste-pipe kept freely open.
If the carafes are stopped with cotton and placed in the refrigerator for several hours, the water will be refreshingly cool, and cracked ice, which many do not use, in the belief that it arrests digestion, will not be required.
The refrigerator requires special attention; see that the drain pipe and interior of ice-box are kept thoroughly clean.
Milk absorbs odors very quickly, therefore should never be left in a refrigerator with stale cheese, ham, vegetables, etc.
Of course, the initial cost of a good electric refrigerator may easily be more than double that of the ordinary icebox, but the cost of operation is very small and food losses are materially cut down.
Then the novelty of it wears a little thin and you begin to realize that frequently Monday morning finds the refrigerator swept bare.
He walked toward the kitchen, with Sandy at his heels, and opened the refrigerator door.
When Dad’s only at home for a day or two he—†But Sandy had already opened the refrigerator and the expression on his face made it unnecessary for Ken to look inside.
Locating Drip Pan under a Refrigerator In replacing the drip pan of an ice box or refrigerator it is often necessary to bend over in locating it under the drip pipe.
A device of this kind may be attached to the back of the refrigerator as shown in the sketch.
Dee was ready with a tea towel and Dum put them away, while I put butter and milk in the refrigerator and wiped off the table.
There are some beautiful tomatoes in the refrigerator and some lettuce and we can have peaches and cream for dessert.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "refrigerator" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.