The refrigeration unit, radically different from anything their own culture had produced, had been electrically powered.
Refrigeration is a profitable way to use electric power.
Within the limits of the time that goods may be carried in cold storage profitably, long storage has no more bad effects on eggs and poultry than refrigeration for short periods.
This form of refrigeration was at first used in place of the ordinary method (with natural ice), to keep goods for short periods.
From what we have seen, and shall further see, it is clear that, in spite of all the recent controversy about climate among our geologists, there has undeniably been a progressive refrigeration of the globe.
But the land, relieved of its burden, rose once more, the exposed surface absorbed further quantities of carbon, and a fresh period of refrigeration opened.
When we pass the limits of the Tertiary Era, and enter the Quaternary, the refrigeration steadily proceeds, and, from temperate, the aspect of much of Europe and North America becomes arctic.
Before we consider the biological effect of this great of refrigeration of the globe, we must endeavour to understand the occurrence itself.
The mammals shrank into a meagre and insignificant population, a scattered tribe of small insect-eating animals, awaiting a fresh refrigeration of the globe.
Even then the advantages of artificial refrigeration were not fully realized, and it was not until late in the last century that real progress was made.
Since then the development of artificial refrigerationhas been truly remarkable.
It is highly probable that refrigerationof dwellings will be more and more extensively developed.
However, air has only a very low capacity for heat, and in order to obtain an appreciable amount of refrigeration very large volumes of air must be handled.
Who can tell us now when this process of refrigeration commenced?
Was this extraordinary refrigeration owing to some descending current?
Of other forms of refrigeration applied for this purpose we may mention the process of M.
Six of the Anchor Line mail steamers have been fitted up with refrigeration compartments, constructed on a patented principle specially for the conveyance of meat.
Of these applications, the most patent and the first to be made available was the one forecast by Davy from the very first--namely, the use of liquefied gases in the refrigeration of foods.
As has been said, it was by adopting this principle of self-intensive refrigeration that Professor Dewar was able to liquefy hydrogen.
One of these was Professor Linde, the well-known German experimenter with refrigeration processes; the other, Dr.
B] We may conceive, therefore, that great masses of subterranean lava may remain in a red-hot or incandescent state in the volcanic foci for immense periods, and the process of refrigeration may be extremely gradual.
Solutions of salts on refrigeration below 0° deposit ice or crystals (which then frequently contain water of crystallisation) of the salt dissolved, and on reaching a certain degree of concentration they solidify in their entire mass.
The refrigeration is also kept on for about half an hour, and with an apparatus of ordinary dimensions (containing about two litres of ammonia solution), five kilograms of ice are produced by the consumption of one kilogram of coal.
The evaporation of such a mixture proceeds with far greater rapidity under the receiver of an air-pump, and consequently the refrigerationis more intense.
Death is the perfect refrigeration of all heat in body; but death is only of the body, and not of the soul, for the soul is immortal.
He seems therefore very absurd, one while by refrigeration making animals of senseless things, and again, by the same changing the greatest part of the world's soul into senseless and inanimate things.
But this they make by the refrigeration and condensation of the body, changing, as it were, by induration the spirit, which of vegetative is made animal.
But again he esteems the soul the more subtile and fine spirit of Nature, therein contradicting himself; for how can a subtile thing be made of a gross one, and be rarefied by refrigeration and condensation?
The atomic-powered refrigeration units of the MR4 were working full blast--and still her internal and external temperatures were slowly and inexorably rising.
Her refrigeration units were gradually breaking down under their tremendous overload.
Another view of the laboratory, taken near the door leading to the refrigeration room, is shown in fig.
These pipes are brought down the inner wall of the room adjacent to the refrigeration room and part of the water circuit is passed through a brass coil immersed in a cooling-tank in the refrigeration room.
The room is cooled and the humidity regulated by a system of refrigeration installed in an adjoining room.
Lastly, the refrigeration became most decided, and the climate most nearly assimilated to that now enjoyed, when the lands in Europe and northern Asia had attained their full extension, and the mountain chains their actual height.
The date of the refrigeration thus inferred appears to coincide very nearly with the era of the dispersion of erratic blocks over Europe and North America, a phenomenon which will be ascribed in the sequel (ch.
The origin of these chains depends not on partial volcanic action, or a reiteration of ordinary earthquakes, but on the secular refrigeration of the entire planet.
But we have still to contemplate the additionalrefrigeration which might be effected by changes in the relative position of land and sea in the southern hemisphere.
On the other hand, denial of equally low rates with the same facilities for refrigeration to the single-can shipper, had undoubtedly fostered monopoly.
With the enormous extension of refrigerationto cover the long-distance movement of fruit and vegetables, a still more powerful encouragement came into play.
For instance the reasonableness of the charges forrefrigeration in the movement of citrus fruit is dependent in practice upon the methods employed in gathering and packing them for market.
This is one of the latest and most comprehensive reference books published on the subject of refrigeration and cold storage.
Gottscho] Where electricity is available, the problem ofrefrigeration is simple.
In all but the coldest weather, they require refrigeration to reduce deterioration and loss.
Trade in these forms may continue throughout the year in cool climates and in places where adequate refrigeration is available.
Refrigeration is necessary to transport such cheeses to the consumer, if properly ripened.
This may be done under refrigeration or upon cracked ice.
Adequate refrigeration is requisite both to chill the curd before molding and to preserve it after packaging.
Other unevennesses probably arose from the fact that, in different parts, the cooled crust during the process of refrigeration contracted also itself, and thus became fissured with cracks and rents.
The original gaseous condition of the rotating bodies of the universe gradually changed, by increasing refrigeration and condensation, into the fiery fluid or molten state of aggregation.
Refrigeration is at present its most natural and obvious use, and it is claimed that eleven gallons of the material when gradually expanded has the refrigerating power of one ton of ice.