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Example sentences for "custards"

Lexicographically close words:
cusses; cussid; cussin; cussing; custard; custode; custodes; custodia; custodial; custodiam
  1. In true custards there must be a sufficient number of eggs to thicken the desired amount of milk, for nothing else produces thickening.

  2. The baking of puddings is so similar to the baking of cakes and custards that the same directions apply.

  3. Although custards are considered to decrease in quality as fewer eggs are used and starch in some form is added for thickening, many excellent custard desserts are made in this way.

  4. No different utensils from those used in the making of custards and cakes need be provided for the making of puddings except, perhaps, a steamer.

  5. The sweetening and flavoring used in custards should be in sufficient quantity to suit the tastes of those who are to eat the dessert.

  6. The dish may be garnished with preserved barberries or strips of bright-coloured jelly, and a dish of custards should be served with it, or a jug of cream.

  7. Put the milk into a lined saucepan, with the sugar and whichever of the above flavourings may be preferred (the lemon-rind flavours custards most deliciously), and let the milk steep by the side of the fire until it is well flavoured.

  8. Somersetshire dumplings with the remains of custards poured round them; marmalade tartlets.

  9. While every effort should be made to cook mixtures containing eggs, such as custards or mayonnaise, so as to prevent curds from forming, occasionally they will form in spite of all that can be done.

  10. Such dishes are also used for the baking of custards or the molding of jelly and blanc mange.

  11. Or do we have to catch the custards in 'em as they come out?

  12. Now, Jimmieboy, we'll have two cup custards in two minutes," said the Imp.

  13. When ready to serve pile high on the coffee custards and garnish with maraschino cherries.

  14. The water in the baking pan prevents the custards from cooking too fast.

  15. She may spae as much as she pleases', answered the man, 'but we haven't had custards in this house for a year and a day.

  16. So the wife had off to her custards as fast as she could, for she knew that her husband would stand no nonsense; but as she stood there over the fire she stole out into the yard, and gave Boots a tap.

  17. If they can't wait till the custards are baked, they may go without--that's all.

  18. So when he got back to the palace, he wasn't long before he said: 'Such hot joints and such custards I never saw the like of in the king's palace.

  19. But when they came into the room, there stood a whole bowl of custards on the table.

  20. She plac'd the custards on the floor, And sigh'd .

  21. My little self and custards three Are going to my grandmummie.

  22. My dear, take custards three, And carry to your grandmummie.

  23. The wolf king saw her pass along, He ey'd her custards heard her song, And cried "That child and custards three This evening shall my supper be!

  24. With custards sent, nor loiter slow, Nor gather blue bells as you go; Get not to bed with grandmummie, Lest she a ravenous wolf should be!

  25. Potato Custards Stir two cups of cold mashed potatoes, with four tablespoonfuls of milk, over the fire until they are warm and light; take from the fire and add three eggs beaten light with four tablespoonfuls of sugar.

  26. Custards must be cooked over moderate heat; if a custard curdles, put it in a pan of cold water and beat until smooth.

  27. Custards may be cooked to advantage in a double boiler.

  28. And you may sup upon cake and custards--unless you give the custards for the little pig out there--he will want something.

  29. They knew nothing practically of the dairy but that it was an inexhaustible source of the sweetest milk and butter, and indirectly of the richest custards and syllabubs.

  30. In meal planning, a housekeeper should see to it that the proper quantity of milk either as a beverage or constituent of such dishes as cream soup, vegetables, and custards is used by each member of the family.

  31. How do Steamed Custards and Soft Custards differ in method of cooking?

  32. Cup custards and simple puddings may be used as desserts.

  33. The principles used in the preparation of custards (see Lesson LI) should be applied in combining eggs with hot liquids.

  34. The method of mixing these custards is the same, but the methods of cooking and the tests for sufficient cooking differ.

  35. I took the custards from Miss Elinory to please her; but Mis' Mosbey's is better.

  36. He asked me what you'd been a-doing all day, and I told him I thought maybe you had a few custards in your mind for him to-night when he gets back from Flat Rock.

  37. Keep remembering back to those cup custards you made yesterday, what Tom Mayberry ate three of for supper and then tried to sneak one outen the milk-house to eat before he went to bed.

  38. The cup custards are going to be part of the Sewing Circle refreshments," his mother answered him.

  39. It was unfortunate that we had custards this morning," I remarked.

  40. We had cup-custards at the close of our breakfast that morning,--very vulgar, but very delicious.

  41. The colored custards must be set in water, a small piece of buttered paper over each, and the water allowed to boil gently round them till they are firm.

  42. Foremost among fashionable floating garnishes for soup are the colored custards known as pâte royale; they are perfectly easy to make, yet very effective served in clear bouillon.

  43. As many dishes of curdled custards and sauces are caused by this fact, the right way in this case is very important.

  44. Put it into cups, and bake the custards in an oven with water.

  45. Never can the descendants of the poor, half-starved, frozen exiles of Plymouth Rock hope to achieve such custards and puddings as these Ethiops pour out.

  46. The pudding is delicious; the custards are something better than manna--the mince pies a conglomeration of ambrosial sweets.

  47. Vol-au-Vent of Straw- Vase of Custards in berries and Cream.

  48. The dish may be garnished with preserved barberries, or strips of bright-coloured jelly; and a dish of custards should be served with it, or a jug of cream.

  49. There was nothing left to be done, except the custards and the coffee, and there would be plenty of help in the morning for them.

  50. She stirred the custards with so much vigour that she spilled the stuff on to the hot plate of the cooking stove, raising awful odours, and rousing the wrath of Galena, who had come over early and assumed the leadership of the food department.

  51. Finally, about eleven o'clock, the village clerk brought the two promised custards and reported that the brothers had just finished breakfast and were closeted with Arina Petrovna in her bedroom.

  52. He'll fetch you a couple of custards under his coat.

  53. A little later in the morning, and the silence is broken by the clattering carts of the dispensers of that fluid without which custards would be impossible.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "custards" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.